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My Plan

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    My Plan

    Hi everyone again

    Glad to see you all here. As one or two of you know I've been struggling a lot recently. Things are all going wrong, coming to a head and I've been to my second appointment with my counsellor this year. For anyone who doesn't know this is the person who helped me when I got some decent sobriety in last summer, and I've started seeing her again with the hope of repeating that success. We've a good idea what went wrong and I'm hoping to learn from my mistakes.

    Today we've agreed a plan that involves changing parts of my life. Some of that plan means I won't be hanging on the internet so much, of course I'll pop into MWO but it won't be as many times each day as it is!

    Other parts of the plan involve using mantras for reassurance, and building up my resolve. I might use Baclofen occasionally for stress but I'm leaving that behind at the moment. The other thing I'm doing is recognising that all my problems are caused by my drinking, but that's ok because as long as I don't drink I'll be fine. Things will work out, it won't be perfect but it's got to be better than this treadmill that has become so boring.

    I'm going to be trying to change the way I do things with each day, and stay sober ODAT. I'll also be watching my diet and starting to exercise regularly again.

    My Plan

    Hi UK - it is good that you are talking to someone with whom you have had success in the past and your plan sounds a good one. Will you be keeping in touch with the counsellor, or just seeing her now and then? I mean, have you got someone that you can call if you feel a problem coming on? It all sounds really positive and I wish you well with it. Pm me anytime if you need to. Hang in there - you know you can do this.

    hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      My Plan


      Thanks for your support. I've commited to 6 fornightly sessions - at my request since I found weekly a bit too much previously. I might up this if I see the need. During out sessions we are talking about the feelings I have, how I deal with life as well as myself. I know anger is a trigger issue with me, I can get very defensive - aggressively so. This leaves me wanting to say F'em, I'm going to get drunk.

      I may start using L-glut where necessary. I found that helped last time too.


        My Plan

        I have every faith in you finding your way out, I've always followed you posts from when you started posting again. They have always been full of good advice, your own experiences and straight forward observations. You are not afraid to question treatments or behaviour.

        So don't be a stranger.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          My Plan

          Good luck UK! I know you can do it!


            My Plan

            UK, you wear your big girl pants well. I applaude your fierce determination and your open heart and mind. I'm sure you'll achieve your goals. Wishing you the very best!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              My Plan

              Just lending my support too UK!!

              I am sure you can do anything you set your mind to xxx
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                My Plan

                Hi there, I just joined the forum, will be following your progress, good luck this time around
                Taking it ODAT


                  My Plan

                  Uk I also applaude your determination. Just make sure you post every now and again. Dont leave us cause we need you!
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    My Plan

                    Uk good luck with your plan, 2 years later i still go my councillor which i find knowledgeable & invaluable,Really hope it works out for you.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      My Plan

                      Hey UK,

                      I follow your posts, and really admire your refusal to give up. I think we all gain skills that give us a better chance to achieve sobriety, and your plan sounds solid. You have been successful in the past, you know what to do, who to ask for help. I hear intelligence and strength in your are practical and looking at all the issues. I know you can be successful, your way. I too limit my time on this site to once a day and that is it. But if you need us, we are here. Thanks for sharing your plan, you are very helpful to all of us.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        My Plan

                        I have faith in you UK. I hope to have as much AF time as you someday. That's great you have found someone who you can work with. Best wishes always.


                          My Plan

                          Thanks everyone.

                          Today I'm feeling quite good, a feel much lighter. I think that is because I have come to an understanding that I simply can't drink again. Why?because I know if I do I'll just go into "don't care" mode and probably go very much down hill, probably into a coffin. Just accepting that feels like a huge weight off my shoulders, it's quite simple really. I'm also giving myself a very easy time, just been back to bed for an hour. I need to be fresh and prepared, it will also teach me patience. Yep I've 101 things to do but they can wait. No point rushing.

                          Hey I can have my life back soon, I haven't been out anywhere for quite a while now and I will be able to again. Probably in a couple of weeks. In case anyone asks I don't socialise when I drink, haven't for years because I can't see the point! I am quite used to going out sober and also only go to quite specific places where the emphasis is on dressing up, and dancing to good music. I could go to one of these this weekend, but I know I'm not ready. The next weekend will be fine(the nights I go to aren't held very often) though.

                          So plenty of nice things are going to happen now, and if they don't that's ok as long as I'm sober.


                            My Plan

                            Just wishing success with your plan. Always good to read your posts.


                              My Plan

                              Good for you UK!
                              You have my utmost admiration for you for keep on trying what works for you.
                              Wishing you much success on your journey to sobriety.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

