Mauri: I have enjoyed reading about your journey and I'm so sorry you've had so many challenges of late. You are doing so many good things for yourself, not only not drinking, but so many interesting life changes seem to be under the surface for you waiting to burst out and now you will be able to let them. I wish you luck and courage in the face of broken teeth and coffee mugs of wine!
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My new life...
Mauri: I have enjoyed reading about your journey and I'm so sorry you've had so many challenges of late. You are doing so many good things for yourself, not only not drinking, but so many interesting life changes seem to be under the surface for you waiting to burst out and now you will be able to let them. I wish you luck and courage in the face of broken teeth and coffee mugs of wine!
My new life...
wow, i sure am feeling the need for a hobby to get excited about. i'm here day two of the snowstorm. i don't WANT to clean the pantry! i'm barely shaking the annoyance and major ego blow of being totally blown off by my ex, who i should've forgotten about by now. time on my hands is not helping, but i'm not drinking about it, at least.
i have a goat cause i used to have a small farm, but now that i'm on my own, i don't welcome the chores. i didn't even milk her this year. it's just too much, so i'm down to three goats, soon two. and when they go, i'll be free of any other creatures to take care of besides my son and me. phew.
happy stitching!
My new life...
Hello all -- Mauri, I think A hobby is a great idea to fill time and keep yourself busy.
My problem is I've never been a craftsy person. I guess I could start! When I went to AA a few times last year, I noticed a lot of women knitting, crocheting, and sewing and crafting. During the meetings! So, I guess it's just picking up somehting to distract yourself that's key! The most avid crochet-er there was sober 27 it obviously worked for her!
My new life...
Hi all, I am returning hanging my head in shame as I have to confess to having gone on a bender since I last posted, I have had a drink (or five) every day and I am not proud of myself, I don't know what happened, complacency maybe? Anyway I am picking myself up and starting again, I feel so rubbish todayTaking it ODAT
My new life...
Day one under my belt again, so determined this time, I am pulling out all the stops and just going to do this!!! Had such a rubbish nights sleep last night due to no AL and how ridiculous is that? Today I have my menhndi course interview and need to take my son to the docs - think he has a chest infection, other than that I am going to crochet, read, draw and do my ironing - busy busy busy!!!Taking it ODAT
My new life...
Have a good day, today is a new one and yesterday is past. So you messed up, so you try again, if it takes time so be it. Every day spent sober is better than one more day spent drunk.
I too have turned into a posting demon as I am struggling this week with my husband being away, and this would be the time I would go on an almighty binge and loose a week.
We are all hanging in there, and boy does this site help. i have discovered painting, at the mo, it aint moving, its being painted! Luckily the dog can run fast :H
Hang in there, and please keep postingI can not alter the direction of the wind,
But I can change the direction of my sail.
AF since 01/05/2014
100 days 07/08/2014
My new life...
hey mauri... think im doing freestyle crochet..... doing all the right moves but the result is somewhat random. another good hobby to keep your hands busy is wood carving or whittling. ive been going to wood turning classes and made some cute mushrooms and bowls but i dont have a lathe at home so ive got my sharp penknife and chisels out and am freestyling with bits of wood. this is one you definately dont want to try with a glass of wine. sharp knives and drunk people dont mix. its good to hear how youre getting on and coping with the urges.Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
My new life...
Painting the house! I used to paint pictures, always v.vdrunk (abstract of course!) have yet to try one sober.
Maybe we should start a MWO craft fair LOL, All we need is a cake stand :H Mmm cake! since being AF I cant stop eating cake or biscuites!!I can not alter the direction of the wind,
But I can change the direction of my sail.
AF since 01/05/2014
100 days 07/08/2014
My new life...
Ooh a craft fair sounds like a great plan!! But we can't have a beer tent:H I don't really eat cake, crisps are my snack of choice!
Spud I would not trust me with anything sharp I am accident prone - even knitting needles would be too dangerous for me :H
Had a wobble earlier when I got stressed with DS being a naughty little dude but then I reminded myself I DO NOT NEED A DRINK TO GET THROUGH THE DAY!!!!
I got a place on the course so am really happy, have enrolled and ordered my uniform (black mandarin collar tunic and trousers) so all ready to start on the 8th March am v excited, still got 4 weeks of the short course to go so should get lots of practice in before starting the certificate course.
Right off to have a sparkling water with my Chicken Jalfrezi for tea, will pop back later to see how everyone is getting on ...Taking it ODAT
My new life...
hi Mauri,
just wanted to say have really enjoyed following your posts & your honesty . I keep trying to stop & keep failing but the amazing thing about this site is that it seems to be ok with that & understands it may take a loads of attempts to get to where we want to be . I keep trying but seem to fall at the hurdle of 3-4 days . I dont know why but I am beginning to get to the point where I really want to combat this demon inside of me & when you read peoples journeys , they are truly inspirational.
I have 3 girls & my eldest is 16 , i kid myself that she doesnt realise how much I drink & then I try to advise her to stay off the alcohol herself or at least be really careful how much she drinks at parties etc...what kind of example is that that I m setting her ?My hubby is brilliant & understands I have a problem & tries hard not to pressure me ....I think he realises its a no win situation. If he tells me not to drink I get angry & want to drink more & if he says nothing , I probably drink anyway.. Whats even worse is that his sister died of alcoholic cirrhosis a few years ago( yet still I carry on _ what kind of an idiot am I ? ) Sorry this has got a bit maudlin .
On the positive side I have contacted options , a local addiction place to try to get some counselling , so here s hoping this time i get somewhere . So sorry to moan , just sort of came out while I was typing !! thank you all for being there & good luck.
My new life...
Hello Everyone.....Mauri I have been reading your posts today and I am so thankful also for your openess and honesty. It has really helped me over the past couple of days. I'm glad to know I'm not alone...... Bubblex...boy do we have alot in common! I don't think I've made it past the 3-4 day mark myself. It's soooo frustrating and I don't understand why I don't seem to be able to do this..and like you, I get mad when my husband tells me not to drink and it makes me want to drink....what a vicious cycle! Well, tomorrow will be day 3 for me and I'm hoping to jump over that hurdle. I think once I do that, I'll feel alot better.Gidget 1016
"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out":h
My new life...
hi from a first timer
Hi Everyone - I discovered this web page recently and i have been reading through it the last few days. I love your thread Mauri - its so honest and out there. Part way through the PDF of My Way Out and had my first day off AL yesterday. What started as a fun friend for the weekend with a sometime drink through the week has turned into a 2 bottle plus a night addiction yet I am a fully functioning mother of 3 working and doing the whole school and sport run around thing and I cant stand who I am anymore. The other morning my eldest son asked me why I was so nasty at night time and so nice in the mornings, I was looking at him blankly because I dont remember most nights what I say or even going to bed. So I told my husband yesterday I want this and he just nodded and said anything you need. So I am sitting here - supposed to be working but as I work from home its a time out for me session - typing away and crying because I dont want to let my family and friends see me as this person anymore. Plus have huge headache which is getting worse with the tears. So - first confession over! I am going to order supplements from the MYO site and have no real idea yet what is best thought the starter packs? so any help appreciated :new:
My new life...
Bubblex, gidget and myhappyplace thank you so much for your posts I can identify with everything you have said - happy yours brought tears to my eyes :upset: I too am a fully functioning Mum (of two) - my DD who is 17 knows how much I drink and has said on numerous occasions lately in a jokey way 'well you probably don't remember that mum since you were drunk' or 'oh yes but thats when you were asleep mum' I feel so ashamed that she sees me like that and I have started to get argumentative with DH when drunk too which is obviously not good, I need to sort myself out so that my darling baby son never has the awful realisation that his mum is an alcoholic :upset:
Bubblex my husband is the same, so supportive as he now knows I have a problem yet is torn between voicing his opinions or keeping quiet for fear of recriminations - sometimes I have to admit having more to drink just out of spite - I know I am horrible :blush:
Gidget today is my day 3 too and I struggle to get past that, I think tbh it is just because I am dependant on the AL to get me through my life :blush:
Anyway, I am up at an obscenely early 4.00 am today as DS is really not well, I need to go and get the antibiotics doc prescribed yesterday despite him telling me to wait 3 days as he is just worse and I am sure has a chest infection - I know my son and he has been ill for a week now and getting worse! Guess what though, I am not even tired, I am soooooo glad I didn't drink last night or it would have been such a struggle to get up with him!
Happyplace I can't really advise on the packs, I just have the kudzu so far, upped my dose to 3 a day from one so shall see how that helps before buying anything else, I already take echinacea and vit 2 so don't want to be rattling LOL. I think TBH I think that I need to get to grips with what is in my head in order to crack this, I know pills work for some people but if I don't address the reasons i drink then i will never suceedTaking it ODAT
My new life...
Hi Mauri. Do you want a day by day partner in crime?? Today is day 1 for me! I need to fight the demons in my head and learn to accept the past and deal with the future!! I just wonder if i/we would get through this better with an af friend? xx