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My new life...

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    My new life...

    Ok I seem to be repeating myself on a few threads so I have decided to start one up where I can waffle on to my hearts content (hope this is ok/the right place to post?) feel free to visit and give me your opinions/support or just a kick up the you know what if I appear to be giving up!

    A bit of background on me :

    I am a 41 mother of two - my DD is 17 and studying to become a Stage Manager and my DS is 17 months and is a very high spirited little dude and keeps me on my toes! I have been married for almost 5 years to my soul mate who is 8 years my junior and is a lovely supportive man who is standing by me on my quest to be AF.

    I have drunk heavily for over 20 years now and more frequently in the past year, I have wasted so much time and money on AL and I feel my looks and personality are now suffering along with my marriage and so I have come (finally) to the decision to quit - cold turkey - not the half arsed attemps at moderating which have failed miserable on numerous occasions but NO MORE alcohol!!!

    I have tentatively given myself a date where I CAN drink if I choose to by then (and I am hoping I won't want to ruin my sobriety by then) which is my holiday in September (9th) because I feel if I give myself an inch I will take a mile (I have lost count of the times I have set myself a goal of a week or a month and failed)

    I hope that I will be able to stick to my guns this time as I am sooooo sick of my life as it is, anyway I shall be coming here often to have a rant or just write down some meaningful(less) rubbish so bye for now...
    Taking it ODAT

    My new life...

    Oh and I forgot to say I am on day 3 today
    Taking it ODAT


      My new life...

      hay Mauritiusdodo
      this is exactly the place to do this, its what is is all about, welll done on 3 days, keep up the good work.
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        My new life...

        Writing your rants and rubbish, so to speak, will give you a written record of everything you went through going in and might be invaluable to review later when you may feel that oh so unwelcome temptation. The negatives of drinking can very easily be forgotten and re-reading your writings will bring it all back home again. Keep on adding the days!
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


          My new life...

          Thanks and welcome to my home folks Sheri am liking your train of thought and will adopt that for myself, I am so happy that I am CHOOSING not to drink at the moment, I feel like I have a new lease of life already (although I am prepared for my demons to come knocking at any moment and aware I musn't get complacent already!)

          Had a lovely walk in the park with my small son earlier and we fed the ducks and watched some squirrels collecting acorns - the simple things in life are what I want to regain pleasure in and I am trying to see things from his point of view - finding poking a piece of moss and picking up sticks very interesting today LOL

          Right off to do something constructive - butternut squash soup for tomorrows lunch needs making and need to wash the kitchen floor - a womans work is never done LOL
          Taking it ODAT


            My new life...

            It's interesting to give yourself an okay date if you want to start drinking again. My idea is to see what life is like without, A GREAT ADVENTURE, weekends without alcohol. And my expectation is that I'll be happier and not so motivated to say yes to a drink, or several.


              My new life...

              Welcome. There are so many similarities between us, I am 40, 2 children 3 & 13 months and I am married to a wonderful man who is 8 years younger. This journey honestly gets easier. I have been AF for 60+ days now (cold turkey) and have absolutely no desire to drink. I too am going on holiday in September (told you loads of similarities) and really looking forward to doing it completely sober – I never thought I would say that. I used to drink a bottle of wine a night and pass out on the couch every night (told myself I was just falling asleep because I was up to the little one during the night – coincidentally I haven’t fallen asleep on the couch since!).

              By the way I noticed your mood says tired – I was so tired for the first 4 weeks, I think it’s just your system repairing itself.

              The support on this site is amazing; I couldn’t have done it without them. In fact thanks to them my kids have their Mum back – so just to remind anyone reading I love you all for everything that you’ve done for me. Good luck, you can do this.
              AF since 23/11/2010


                My new life...

                You are doing a great job! Keep it up.
                AL Free since Jan. 28 2011


                  My new life...

                  Mrs B where are you off on holiday? we are going to Menorca and I can't wait deffo lots of similarities,, I hope I can say I am still AF in 60 days well done you!

                  Been practicing my crochet this aft and am proud of the little square I have made LOL, it definitely keeps idle hands busy, off to practice my menhdi drawing now ready for my class which starts tomorrow - ooh I am a busy bee :H
                  Taking it ODAT


                    My new life...

                    way to go Maur !!!!

                    3 days is great !!! I am on day 26 and I never once thought I could be AF for this long. I truly believe that it s this site that has kept my fingers and lips off the wine.

                    keep positive. We all believe in you !!

                    Jim :goodjob:
                    I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                    AF since Oct 23,2013

                    I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                      My new life...

                      good luck to you! your posts are great, and i'm happy for your little guy that he gets a sober mom now! when my son saw me pour vodka (he's four) and said "i know what that is. it's wine." my heart broke. shortly thereafter i quit for good. i'm on day 26 and i feel like a million bucks w my decision to stay sober intact thus far.
                      sounds like you have some good hobbies going on. that'll help keep your hands busy. i'm going to check out that drawing thing you do.
                      stay strong, mom.
                      rudy, also 41


                        My new life...


                        Just from my experience I had 5 wonderful months of freedom last year and then we went on holiday to Ibiza where I thought I could moderate but within 2 days I was were I was before I finished and then I promised I would give up when I got back but of course that didn`t happen and now 8 months later I am AF for 3 days.
                        Those 8 months were hell my drinking got worse and this time I didn`t think I could give up and I don`t know how I have but job done so I have learnt a very valuable lesson that if its in us it will get us and I have no option but to never ever drink again as next time I may not be so lucky.
                        Congratulations on doing so well I love reading your posts so keep up the good work :goodjob:
                        Love Flo xx
                        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                          My new life...

                          Thanks for the lovely posts everyone, I am keeping busy tonight, have been doing my mehndi drawing ( just practice for the actual henna tattoing) and going to do a bit more crochet before bed I have had a couple of 'thinks' about wine today, once when I passed an off licence and once whilst watching Michel Roux when the diners were having fine wines but I haven't actually 'craved' a drink at all.

                          RudiB that is one reason I know I must quit now, my DD already knows I drink a lot and I am hoping it hasn't affected her attitude to alcohol (don't think it has) but I don't want my little man to even know what alcohol is for as long as possible!! You have done well to quit

                          Flo, sorry you had a relapse but glad you have sorted yourself out and got back on the straight and narrow

                          WBG congrats on getting to day 26 :goodjob: keep up the good work

                          Looking forward to waking up unhungovered for my first Mehndi class in the morning
                          Taking it ODAT


                            My new life...

                            Good morning all, got a lie in this morning - DS woke me at 6.45!!

                            Feel very positive today although I had a rubbish nights sleep, it is taking me ages to actually drop off without the assistance of AL and then I am tossing and turning and getting the sweats (sorry tmi) which is horrible, still, onward and upward, I know I have to get through all these negatives in order to get better!

                            Off to make some brekky now, some toast with some lovely pate DH got me in a hamper for xmas - its red partridge (how posh!) and totally delicious! My class starts at 10 so will need to set off at 9.15, driving there not a problem now I don't have to worry about getting pulled over and breathalysed for the remains of a late night binge, also don't have to take a ton of chewing gum and mints with me so as not to breathe AL fumes all over my new classmates!!

                            Have a fantastic morning everyone, shall report back later...
                            Taking it ODAT


                              My new life...

                              Day four today and keeping AF so far so good although I have had mixed feelings about AL this afternoon - cravings? Keep thinking how it would be ok just to have a couple although I know in my heart of hearts I can't/won't Off to make dinner now and have a V8 veggie juice to take my mind off it then having a soak in the bath and going to draw some mehndi designs for my homework from the class - I loved it and can't wait for next week - our homework is to find inspiration for designs from around our homes
                              Taking it ODAT

