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My son showed my how to do this so......

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    My son showed my how to do this so......

    I was lost in a world of old threads. I'm new to this sort of thing.

    Anyway, I admire all of you and relate to so much of what you are saying. I drink on the weekends with my boyfriend and it has become part of our routine. If we meet people to hang out with, it's always part of it. As I get older I enjoy drinking less and less. It feels like a powerful chemical to me that has weird affects on my brain, makes it impossible to be present in the moment, makes me depressed and emotional the next day, and stops the flow of normal time.

    I am afraid that when the weekend comes I will lose my resolve, and I'm a little afraid to talk to him about it. Reading through some of these posts has already helped.


    My son showed my how to do this so......

    Hi Neworleans

    Glad you found out how to use the forum, it can be confusing to start with

    How about changing what you do this weekend? Maybe plan to go for a walk in the day and cinema at night so you are away from alcohol? I am sure your boyfriend will understand if you talk to him Have you been together a while?
    Taking it ODAT


      My son showed my how to do this so......

      Thanks again for your response. We've been together a year and a half. We're older, 50 ish. And we often sit around talking and listening to music at least one night of the weekend as he works away all week, I don't see him then. So it's easy to drink. And hard for me not to.

      I don't know exactly why I hesitate to talk to him, he's very understanding. But a change of venue is a good idea. Walking is great, but it's sooooo freaking cold here!

      Thanks again for making me feel welcomed.


        My son showed my how to do this so......

        Wrap up warm and walk fast LOL it is freezing here at the moment too!
        Taking it ODAT


          My son showed my how to do this so......

          Hi there NewO, and welcome. Certainly the routine of a work week, the habits of drinking on the weekends, seem to work hand in hand with making the power relationship with alcohol complicated. From what you write, it sounds like you may not have a serious addiction problem, but you are feeling that it is time to change your relationship with alcohol - is this correct?

          Most likely you will need to talk with your boyfriend about how you want to feel better, and don't really feel like drinking much. It is tough to change routines and habits, especially when a chemical like alcohol is involved. We are here to help.

          Keep us posted,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            My son showed my how to do this so......

            thanks Hillside for your response. I have been posting now in the Newbie Nest, now that I've figured things out.

            Yes, I am not seriously addicted but have had enough bad experiences consistently over the past few years to know that this is a problem for me. I am eager to try this and see what happens. My main fear is not really how he'll react, but how I deal without it. I think I have used al in my relationships in my life to relax me, and as a result I am accustomed to not really being myself fully. And being myself will be scary. Or I think it will.

