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A feeling of victory

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    A feeling of victory

    howdy all,
    just wanted to pop in and share a small story of my life.

    this morining i couldn't find my car key. the spare is not programmed so is useless except to open the car. it was still dark and i had to leave for work, first dropping my son off at his pre-school caregiver. i was in a tizzy. fortunately, i have a wonderful friend w an extra car, so i did make it to work only an hour or so late. (i was extra panicked, as i've missed a lot of work this year due to illness and an unhelpful ex; i really need to keep this job!)

    the good news is, although i was mad at myself for not having a spare that worked, i was not hating myself like i would be if i were in drink mode, hungover, maybe blaming my chaos on my stupid habit. the good news is also that after getting home early (they sent us home because another storm approaches), i found my key in the back seat, where it had fallen as i juggled parcels and my son getting out of the car last evening. HOORAY! crisis averted.

    for any of you very newbies who might be readign this, please take it as a token example of how -even in subtle but very significant ways- your life might improve -will improve- if you stop drinking. you'll sail more easily through challenges without heaping a ton of self-hatred on top of them. you wont' feel so much chagrin as you face people in your daily life, even if you did something dumb like lose your key. you won't wonder if people know it's all because you get blasted too much.

    onward and upward!

    A feeling of victory

    Great story, Rudy. I love hearing the positive (even if mundane) aspects of life. When you can take what very well could have been a bad situation and put a positive spin on it, it makes it even that much better. Thank you for sharing your feeling of victory.



      A feeling of victory

      Good story, Rudy. Those subtle pleasures of a sober life where you happily don't have to blame the alcohol last night for your dysfunction in the morning, and it becomes just a slightly stressful day.
      I read a story in a book recently where the author and another newly sober friend were discussing how their lives were different now. The guy said that for years he had noticed a spigot coming out of the wall in his garden and never knew where to turn it on - one of life's great mysteries. After getting sober one day he followed the pipes and found a tap in his basement, and suddenly was able to water the garden. Sounds so obvious that it's funny, but when he was drunk all the time he could never be bothered to investigate or follow anything to its conclusion.


        A feeling of victory

        Good story Rudy. I can relate too. Have had a really nasty cold for a week now - when I was drinking, I would have blamed myself for getting sick because I wasn't looking after myself and felt that I 'deserved' to feel like crap. And I am just getting a bit cabin fevery and grumpy but I know I would feel really low if I had been drinking beforehand - AND I avoided having to go through any withdrawals/hangovers while battling this at the same time!

        Sometimes it's these small things that really make us realise what we put ourselves through with drinking. I'm so glad those days are behind me.
        4 weeks AF yesterday.



          A feeling of victory

          Great story Rudy, I can relate to getting stressed a lot less already, I have felt much calmer today and more in control, well done and stick to your guns
          Taking it ODAT


            A feeling of victory

            thanks all for sharing in the good.
            bean! way to go! 4 weeks, gladiolus! i'm two days behind ya.
            dancingon, what's the book. i'm lookign for a new memoir...
            and cucks, what's pink's sober?

            addendum: i also love facing my son's father now; i never ever wonder if he can tell i've been drinking. my eyes and my conscience are CLEAR!
            xo rudy toodie


              A feeling of victory

              Lovely inspiring post rudy!
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

