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aw well I slipped up. Start again

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    aw well I slipped up. Start again

    So I slipped up and publicly declared my loneliness on FB lol, but who cares? It's the truth. It was my birthday yesterday and I went out the night before with some friends, This is where I got drunk.
    So on my birthday when about 100 people are wsihing me a happy birthday I am sulking with a hangover.
    I have friends but no one significant enough to make sure I am doing something on my birthday. (it's a public holiday here every year, the entire nation are partying. It's pretty hard to take if you are not)
    anyway so that was the last time. I had a second goal end of january so i will never give up on my dream.
    Love to all of you xx Nikky :upset:

    aw well I slipped up. Start again

    Hi Nikky, Happy belated Birthday!!! Hope you are feeling better. Please let us know how you are doing.
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      aw well I slipped up. Start again

      Hi Janka.
      Thank you.
      I am celebrating properly today by being motivated and hopeful.
      I just went on a date with a nice guy I met on Tuesday night so that's a good start. I would have met him also if I was sober so that's a good thing.
      I am not being hard on myself at all. I know it's just a small part of me that is terrified of change and wants me to fail or stay the same. But that part is being overcome by the stronger wiser part of me that wants to get ahead in life.
      i really appreciate your support
      lots and lots of love to you xx:l


        aw well I slipped up. Start again

        Happy Birthday Hun, try and see your slip up as a learning curve and move on - best of luck with your new goal, keep posting we all know how you feel and are here for you :l
        Taking it ODAT


          aw well I slipped up. Start again

          Happy birthday hunni!!!!!!!!!!!
          You're doing the right thing by brushing it off and starting again! Glad to see after one slip you're back on the wagoon.
          I'm sorry you feel lonely. I think many of us on this site feel lonely from time to time. We're here for you! and good luck with the new man. Just remember, it takes time to change habits. It can't always be done at a click of a button.


            aw well I slipped up. Start again

            Happy Belated Birthday Nik....sounds like you're on the right track. :))))
            Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale

