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    well I thought I get through life modding, I have had quite a few AF day's but when I do drink I drink more than I used to,so I am back here trying to get past 2-3 day's, today is day one and I feel really bad, got to get thru the big shop without buying any drink, that's the first hurdle. But I have a gorgeous grandson now and I want to watch him grow up, so I really could do with some help here and a kick up the backside too, sorry to waffle and hug's Twitch xxx


    Hey Twitch :welcome: back
    Its good to see you, long time no talk, the 1st few days are difficult but just deal with it ODAT, as you know once you have a few days AF and feeling better you are mentally in a better place to cope with it. Make a plan for the shopping, i just never go down the booze isle anymore, i pretend it doesnt exist! Congrats on your grandson, how wonderful! Hes a great reason for staying sober but then again so is everything! There is no one single thing in the world that improves with AL.

    A great Stirly quote i was remined of the other day is "its easier to get through the witching hour than a day with a hangover". Stay close by Twitch, the support here is wonderful as always, jump on a daily thread and keep checking in. I wish you much strength :l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996



      Twitch, you know you can do it. I've failed miserably, but I too know I CAN. Get some support outside of this site. Speak with your doctor.



        You can do this!!!!!!



          You CAN do it twitch ,, I fell off the wagon after 4 days last night and really annoyed with myself but today is another chance to prove we CAN do this, good luck with the big shop, how about take a pic of your grandson with you and look at it if you try and go down the AL aisle?
          Taking it ODAT



            Aww Twitch, luvvie :l

            :welcome: back.

            I'm so pleased you've started posting again but not the circumstances. So let's get back to the basics.

            Here's the tool box link. I'm sure you've read it before but doesn't do any harm reading it again.


            Oooh a grandson how exciting. You know you can do this Mrs T and you know we'll behind you all the way.

            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009



              Twitch, many of us had to try the moderation path until we realize that even one drink sets up the allergy we have to alcohol. Remember how you feel right now, hold on to it, and start fresh. That first drink is never worth it. I never wake up the next day and feel happy I drank. We are here for you and you can do this. ODAT. Sending you strength.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus



                Hi Twitch, certainly we have all been where you are. You are not alone. Alcohol is an evil drug. I don't know how much/often/long you drink each week, but there is a good chance alcohol will rob you of a long life with your grandchild.

                One day at a time. Get through today without booze. Eat some healthy food, and try to rest. This is a tough battle, but one that can be won. You may want to write down all the reasons you have for being sober, and all harmful things that alcohol does to your mind, body, life, decisions etc. Take a long look at those lists.

                Hang in there,
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



                  Thank's everyone, made it through the shop, xxx Twitch



                    Twitch - we are all one drink away from day one. It's hard, no bones about it. As others have said, one day at a time. It gets easier friend, it just takes time. Best of luck to you. Stick around!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



                      Nice to meet you Twitch. You've made it over your first hurdle with flying colours. You can do this...stay stong and don't let the voices win!!! Take the power!!
                      Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale



                        Hi Twitch,

                        It's only a failure if you give up and don't learn.
                        It took me years to find the right balance and I'm still tweaking things.

                        I wish you well.



                          Hi again, twitch! Keep at it. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. You can do it!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                            On the grandchildren front I have 3 and taking my granddaughter back today her Mum picked her up and hugged her and said 'hey you smell like Gran' - now I changed my perfume a few months ago but the difference is I now don't smell of wine - yes it seeps out your pores and everyone can smell it on your breath and see it in your face. You don't want your grandchild growing up with a memory of a gran/grandad (not sure ?) being a smelly drunk I love the fact that my grandchildren's memories of their time with me are good, special time together, cooking/baking, stories etc.

                            More importantly I now really engage with my grandchildren, when I am with them they are the centre of everything we do, it's all about them not about me and my next drink, planning my day/evening with them around my drinking. I let them stay up late because we are playing games, dancing, laughing and enjoying ourselves and reading stories over and over again especailly at bedtime.

                            If you need any reason to get sober then this is it - I know you have to do it for yourself but sometimes an extra addition to your life changes things. I wiah you well in your journey.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....



                              Welcome back twitch

                              I'm with Dewdrop - do it for the grandkids!
                              That's precisely why I came here two years ago, shortly after the birth of my grandson. I wanted to be totally present for him, be strong, healthy & capable of taking care of him safely. I will always think of him as my personal savior :h

                              You can do it too!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

