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Day One Sat 29th Jan

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    Day One Sat 29th Jan

    Following my post in the"is there hope in mid life after AL" thread I decided that today's the day to finally get serious. Ok I bet this could be another false dawn, but ya gotta start somewhere and right here right now feels as good as any other. Big difference tonight is I finally admitted to the wife that I am an alki. She is going to help. I have told her about the site but can't show her my previous posts as she will divorce me! I might have to login under a new name so she can join in and support. Wish me well. ODAT (again)
    Last drink 6th September 2013

    Day One Sat 29th Jan

    Best thing I ever did was actually admitting to Mr JC that I was in deep trouble with AL and an alkie and although it's been frustrating for him at times he's been my biggest support.

    So today's the day and we'll be behind you and Mrs Softy all the way.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Day One Sat 29th Jan

      :thanks: I feel ashamed in a way because I was so bullish in Nov when I first posted here I have kept away recently due to embarrassment but what the Hell I need help and this is the place I know I will find it
      Last drink 6th September 2013


        Day One Sat 29th Jan

        Ach don't worry about it, that's over.

        I could put something really twee's the 1st day of the rest of your life but you may go running to the hills.

        So right back to basics.Read the

        Get a plan that you can. Nothing too overwhelming keep it doable.

        And read and read and then read again.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Day One Sat 29th Jan

          Softy, if I had a tail it'd be welded between my legs so many times I've been 'bullish' as you put it and subsequently fallen into a deep hole. JC is so right, keep it doable and having your partner in your court is fantastic. It can make us somewhat a nswerable when we feel we don't have the strength in ourselves.
          Come on, get into that toolbox and grasp any little nugget of info. that may help. It's often not the big picture that keeps us on the straight and narrow but just little knacks and tricks for the head that can carry through the tricky times to a wonderful point where we realise we are sober and happy and yes in the word's of a well known advert. 'we are worth it'!! Good job coming back and keep reading and posting:welcome::goodjob:
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Day One Sat 29th Jan

            Been reading this site for two hours now and it has helped me keep me from obsessing about my "problem" which isn't anything I can influence or control right now. Learn to accept it and let it go. I will not drink tonight but tomorrow the battle starts all over but with a healthier feeling I hope if I can get a decent sleep
            Last drink 6th September 2013


              Day One Sat 29th Jan

              Best to you, softy... that's great you have your wife's support. Scroll through the Just Starting Out threads and look for "What's Your Sobriety Plan?" It has a 5 star rating. It's a good read for making a plan - which you need to have.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Day One Sat 29th Jan

                Softy, good luck to you. The one thing I have learned during this experience is humility! Yes, I think we have all felt "bullish" at one time or another, and then been knocked straight back to where we started. The only thing I've found to do is just brush off and start again.

                Good luck to you and good job on admitting to your wife you have a problem. That's a huge step in the right direction.


                  Day One Sat 29th Jan

                  Softy, good luck too. Have just joined tonight. I am in my early 40's, am a mother of two young kids and after years of denial, I have to get my shit together for the sake of my children. I don't drink in the week when I am a SAHM but on a weekend when their father is home I get wasted.
                  Am so ashamed. Have always had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
                  It has to stop. My kids are too young to realise their mum is a lush but they will soon if I don't address my problem.


                    Day One Sat 29th Jan

                    Hello both Softy & Artlesschaos!

                    Welcome to MWO, this is a good place.
                    Please download & read the MWO book to help you gain an understaning of the program. And be sure to use the to find good ideas to help you make your plans.

                    The Newbies Nest in the Just Starting out section is a good place to plant yourselves for a while & get some support

                    Wishing you both the best.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Day One Sat 29th Jan

                      Good job Softy, we can do this journey together. I just completed day 2 AF. Keep up the good work.
                      AL Free since Jan. 28 2011


                        Day One Sat 29th Jan

                        Day 2 feeling strong after admitting to hiding vodka and secret drinking Wife was shocked but now even more motivated to help. This could bring us together when we were drifting apart What better reason could I have? Odat tho and walk before run have failed day three many times
                        Last drink 6th September 2013


                          Day One Sat 29th Jan

                          Day Three

                          Going well today for a day three! Scared of tomorrow though. I have a very stressful day tomorrow which will be emotionally very hard to cope with. Get through tomorrow and I am going to the football on Wednesday when I won't have the chance to drink. Today I am coping well. Get through tomorrow then it will be day six before I know I. Wish me strength tomorrow. Telling the Mrs was a great move. It is not just me self policing any longer
                          Last drink 6th September 2013


                            Day One Sat 29th Jan

                            Ach Softy,
                            Crikey you've managed a whole weekend, you can do a stressful day at work. Have some faith in yourself, hun. You can do this.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Day One Sat 29th Jan

                              Thanks JC

                              You wouldn't believe the embarrassing mess I have got myself into into work largely down to the booze making me an emotional basket case. Tomorrow I have to face the music but I haven't slept properly for a week so it will be a challenge. However if I am three days AF then I at least stand a fighting chance of coping. I have been taking sleeping pills last three nights and they are not working. That is how wound up I have let myself become. Time to win my dignity back - it's a friend I haven't seen for a while
                              Last drink 6th September 2013

