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day 28, cant believe it

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    day 28, cant believe it

    Good Morning,

    Sunday,7.20 am, in Dublin, and I am off to the Pheonix Park for a 10 mile run with a friend . And I havent any AL in 28 days
    Life is great at the moment.
    Apologies for not being on here in a while, have been catching up on a lot of things. I know I am not out of the woods, and I still get cravings, but cravings are better than hangovers.
    :thanks: for listening, this site has been a HUGE help in the last few weeks.

    For anyone in the very early days AF, STICK WITH IT !! the rewards are on the way

    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014

    day 28, cant believe it

    Awesome, Damo! Congrats to you! And to Bean and I as well, who just hit one month!

    I can honestly say that I feel even stronger about not drinking now than I did at the beginning of the month. It's been a journey, not easy at times, but well worth it. I know that life improves as I put this thing behind me.

    Let's continue AF together! Peace!


      day 28, cant believe it

      Well done Sona, that is a great achievement and to feel as motivated now as you did at the beginning is brilliant.
      Damo boy!!! Been following you as a fellow Dub since you joined and I'm absolutely thrilled for you - bit jealous of the 10 mile run in the Park - reckon that will ALWAYS be beyond me - but sober, yep, we can both do it and WHAT a turnaround on a Sunday morning with spring looming in the air in our lovely city - not waking up hungover and apprehensive 'what did I say, what did I do' --it is a wonderful feeling isn't it - bottle it Damo - there will be tricky days of course but the longer we stay sober the more it becomes the norm. and there is just too much to give up for a frigging drink isn't there.:goodjob: both of you - and Bean as well!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        day 28, cant believe it

        Wow, well done. You are doing FANTASTIC. I wish i could run 10 mile.. maybe one day. Keep it up!


          day 28, cant believe it

          hi can someone help not on here for me im here for my partner, he wont accept he drinks to much but last night he drank 2 bottles of wine and half a bottle of sherry. this is the norm most nights. its getting worse week by week.
          iv noticed it more since i lost my sister on the 18th of dec because of drink she was 49. it opened me eyes to what drinking can do to you.
          we are due to get married in may and i just cant see this happening if i dont help him.
          thankyou for reading my message.


            day 28, cant believe it

            Hi Partner,
            I think there is a section on this site for problems with loved ones.
            I would also recommend Al Anon if there is a group in your area, again for family members with Alcohol problems.
            As I am sure you are aware, if your partner is drinking that much most nights, he has a serious problem. I really hope everything works out for you both, and hope that he gets help for his addictions. Have you told him about this site, it may open his eyes about him having this addiction.
            Good Luck.
            Damo x
            Still trying !!!
            AF 25th June2014


              day 28, cant believe it

              thanks all, and well done also Sona, it REALLY is a great support when I know some mebers are AF a similar time to me, like we are all pulling together. Long may it continue.
              I have two weekends away coming up and am ready for them. I am staying AF !!! so F**K you beer :-)
              Up the Dubs Molly, and thanks for your kind words and Michelle also.
              Still trying !!!
              AF 25th June2014


                day 28, cant believe it

                Damo - :goodjob: I too am celebrating 28 days AF today.

                We should compare notes - I too have had several cravings but I just don't want to fail this time. Besides - my initial goal was 30 and the more days I accumulate towards that goal, the harder it is to give in and become a "failure" in my mind. I want to keep going past the 30 - how about you? I know that 30 days isn't enough for me and if I allowed myself to have a glass of wine again, the vicious circle would just start all over again. Besides, I am loving all the great things that come with sobriety! higher self-esteem, waking up in the morning without the guilt/shame/headache/puffy eyes/ etc.

                I too want to chime in and say to anyone that is just starting out - IT CAN BE DONE! The first weeks will be tough but it definitely does get easier.

                Good luck to all and YAY to us Damo!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  day 28, cant believe it

                  Hi Damo,

                  You have done so well, keep up the good work

                  Love Floss x
                  Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

