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Where did my life go....

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    Where did my life go....

    Hi All,
    What a wonderful forum, full of great inspiration and understanding.
    A little about me...
    I used to be full of life. I loved travel and outdoor adventure. At every opportunity I was scuba diving, hiking, fishing, camping etc etc.

    I had always enjoyed a few beers, but after 20+ years, AL has taken over.

    At 40, all I do, is go to work then come home to drink alone. I'm very unfit and a recent liver function test was all bad. :blush:
    Like many here, I have had numerous attempts to control AL including some time at AA.

    This time round, I have a good solid plan with full supported of my doctor.
    Also ordered a copy of MWO.

    Currently on day 2 AF. Physically feel like shit, but mentally confident..
    Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!

    Where did my life go....

    G'day, Bugalugs,

    I just want to say 'Welcome'.

    A solid plan is good.

    Look forward to seeing you around.


      Where did my life go....

      :welcome: bugalugs and congrats on your day 2.

      You have reached the right place for motivation, support and encouragement.
      With the help of your doc and the support of this forum members you can do it. It is hard in the beginning, but it is so much worth.

      Welcome to the world of clarity and happiness.


        Where did my life go....

        G'day Bugalugs.

        Terrific that you have a plan, particularly if your liver is not so good.

        I sort of recently took up SCUBA to re-enforce not drinking at night. Just done a Nitrox course, and do advanced diver course in a week or so.

        If you're alone in the evenings, come join us on Underoos.... we're a weird mob.

        I also made myself a promise that I wouldn't post here if I was drinking or drunk. Have pretty much kept to that, and that kept me away from my usual half dozen Coopers or bottle of Margaret River. It was a good strategy for me.

        Hope to see you round.


          Where did my life go....

          Hi bugalugs and :welcome: to the forum, congrats on getting to day two, wishing you every success with your quest to be AF
          Taking it ODAT


            Where did my life go....

            :welcome: Bugalugs you sound in a positive mind frame and thats more than half the battle. Stay close and let us know how you are doing
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Where did my life go....

              welcome bugalugs,

              I am turning 40 this year and I am determined to make this year the start of many healthy years.
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                Where did my life go....

                Hey!! well done on making a plan! its great you have doctors support... my doctor never gave it to me, when i went he just told me he'd never suffered with an addication himself so the best thing to do is just stop drinking full stop..... not great help.
                Well done on your 2 days,hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!


                  Where did my life go....

                  Hi B and welcome. It sounds like you have really taken a look at your life, and that you really want to change. You can do it. It is hard work, especially at the start, but it is so worth while. It sounds like you are organized and ready. The urges to drink are going to come, especially how they are linked to your daily schedule and weekly schedule. Surf the urges like they are waves. They may be bigger or smaller, longer or shorter, but like a wave, they will pass.

                  It will take time to physically feel better, but you will. Eat healthy, and hydrate. Try to sleep lots if you can, and exercise.
                  Hang in there,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    Where did my life go....

                    Hi Bugalugs,

                    Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
                    Good to hear you have a solid plan & working with your doctor. Take a look in our for more good ideas.

                    Wishing you the very best & congrats on your 2 days AF. You will feel better very soon

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Where did my life go....

                      Welcome, bugalugs!
                      You're at an advantage, as your attitude is good, and you have a variety of activities you're interested in. Now is a great time to ease your way back into scuba diving, etc. Even after only one week AF, you'll be feeling so much better. :h


                        Where did my life go....

                        Thanks to you all, for such a warm welcome and support. It is very re-assuring.

                        As you noted, I have a firm plan which involved a fixed starting date. Unfortunately the temperature on day 1 & 2 was 43 degrees C (109 F) !
                        Must say, it's no fun, withdrawing in the heat, with no air conditioning. I could have killed for a cold beer.
                        However, I stuck it out and feel good about myself for doing so. (I had no idea the human body could drink so much water in one day).

                        A cool change has just arrived :yay: - might even get some sleep tonight.
                        Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                          Where did my life go....

                          Bundaburg ginger beer mate, way to go on a hot day!!


                            Where did my life go....


                            It sure feels good to have a plan. And to have your Doctors support is just icing on the cake. I look forward to reading your post, I am sure you will do great!
                            Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                              Where did my life go....

                              Today I took delivery of a shiny new fridge - complete with vegetable crisper's.
                              The crisper in the old fridge had been tossed out years ago to make room for more beer!

                              This is part of my plan to improve my diet and change some old habits. I used to enjoy healthy cooking, but have got so lazy over the years.
                              I then went through cupboards in my bachelor pad kitchen and threw out all the crap.

                              Looking forward to going to the market tomorrow. All tired out now.
                              Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!

