I have been trying for years now to quit this drinking behavoir, unsuccessfully! It is as common of an occurence as brushing my teeth, it is what I do..... Everynight....year after year! Mostly drink till numb, however the line is thin.....I have reached the point of easily slipping over into the what happened last night mode?? I know my body is saturated, and it only takes a few drinks at this point. I want to be free of this addictive behavoir and hoping there will be some words of wisdom here. I have started taking the supplements and I have baclofen.....but I havent started that yet, need to research it a little more first. Funny I 'm chicken to take the Baclofen but I keep pouring the poison down my throat each night.
Here I go...I 'm ready for a change. I hope to stay close to this site and keep posting, I have been reading for awhile and am hopeful for some of the same success others have had!!