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February 1 is the day!!!

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    February 1 is the day!!!

    Hello, everyone.:new:
    I have been reading this forum for about a month and today I registered. I need to stop drinking today. I am hurting from last night's feast and can't fall asleep. When I close my eyes it feels like my heart stops and I die. I am pretty much used to this emotional and physical pain because I experience it every other day for several years. When I am hangover I usually just drink a couple of beers, when I feel better the next day I am ready to drink again. Once I start I can't stop until passed out. I would say the norm is usually 5-6 martinis a night. It has been going on for a long time and it has to stop or I will not survive.
    I drink only in the evening into the night almost every day. I don't have to get up in the morning as I work and go to school in the evening. So, I drink until I pass out. I can drink anything, it all tastes good to me. The next day I usually spend beating myself up for drinking, thinking about death and swearing that I would never drink again. I hate the time of the day between 10pm and 1am. If there wouldn't be that period of time I would not be an alcoholic. It's like there is a switch in my brain that tells me that I need a drink. If I can't get it, I get mad and cry, shortly the cravings disappear and I forget all about it.
    I so wish that I could be normal.
    I don't want to pretend anymore in front of my friends and family that everything is fine with me. My boyfriend just proposed to me a week ago. I don't understand how he still wants to be with me after everything that he has seen. Even I don't want to be with me anymore. He would help me if he could, but he is not a drinker so he doesn't understand me. I want to have a family and kids with him. I just hope I will be given a chance to have kids after all these years of drinking. I tried sharing this terrible secrete of mine with my best friend. She didn't get it, she said that I exaggerate and over think the situation. So, that didn't help.
    I am glad I found this forum. Reading the posts of others helped ease the pain that has collected inside of my heart for years. Success stories make me believe that I can free myself of alcohol some day, be happy and enjoy life. I am way too young, smart and beautiful to give up on being happy and healthy. So, tomorrow is my Day One.

    February 1 is the day!!!

    Hello and welcome flowerine to mwo, You have just taken the first giant step in beating this monster, keep reading and posting your thoughts and feelings and you will see you are not alone, we all have/are being there,You can do this,give your self a chance and i will see you around the boards. :-0

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      February 1 is the day!!!

      :welcome: flowerine
      Congrats on your decision to do something with your AL use.


        February 1 is the day!!!

        Hi Flowerine,

        You'd be surprised how much the physical (and emotional) aches disappear once you give up drinking. Keep posting here and come here if you're tempted. You won't know yourself when you give up drinking.
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          February 1 is the day!!!

          Flowerine, Welcome from a fellow newbie.
          Like you, I'm very glad I found this forum. No need to pretend to anyone here.
          As you say, life is too precious to give up on being happy and healthy.
          Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


            February 1 is the day!!!

            Hey flowerine day 1 for me too, I just joined the forum yesterday but the stuff I have read so far makes me feel really hopeful that I can do this. I hope you can too :welcome:


              February 1 is the day!!!

              Hi Flowerine and welcome. You can win this battle against alcohol, you can move on with your life and have a happy marriage and a family. It is not easy, but you can do it. You mentioned that it starts today, and that is great. Get through today without drinking; for now, that is all you have to do.

              Get some sober days and weeks under your belt, so your head clears and you can really start to think about your drinking patterns. The urges will be strong this week, surf them like a wave. The urge will pass like a wave on a lake. Some will be bigger, others smaller, but they will pass.

              Stay strong, remember why you want to be sober.
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                February 1 is the day!!!

                a journey

                flowerine;1052018 wrote: Hello, everyone.:new:
                I have been reading this forum for about a month and today I registered. I need to stop drinking today. I am hurting from last night's feast and can't fall asleep. When I close my eyes it feels like my heart stops and I die. I am pretty much used to this emotional and physical pain because I experience it every other day for several years. When I am hangover I usually just drink a couple of beers, when I feel better the next day I am ready to drink again. Once I start I can't stop until passed out. I would say the norm is usually 5-6 martinis a night. It has been going on for a long time and it has to stop or I will not survive.
                I drink only in the evening into the night almost every day. I don't have to get up in the morning as I work and go to school in the evening. So, I drink until I pass out. I can drink anything, it all tastes good to me. The next day I usually spend beating myself up for drinking, thinking about death and swearing that I would never drink again. I hate the time of the day between 10pm and 1am. If there wouldn't be that period of time I would not be an alcoholic. It's like there is a switch in my brain that tells me that I need a drink. If I can't get it, I get mad and cry, shortly the cravings disappear and I forget all about it.
                I so wish that I could be normal.
                I don't want to pretend anymore in front of my friends and family that everything is fine with me. My boyfriend just proposed to me a week ago. I don't understand how he still wants to be with me after everything that he has seen. Even I don't want to be with me anymore. He would help me if he could, but he is not a drinker so he doesn't understand me. I want to have a family and kids with him. I just hope I will be given a chance to have kids after all these years of drinking. I tried sharing this terrible secrete of mine with my best friend. She didn't get it, she said that I exaggerate and over think the situation. So, that didn't help.
                I am glad I found this forum. Reading the posts of others helped ease the pain that has collected inside of my heart for years. Success stories make me believe that I can free myself of alcohol some day, be happy and enjoy life. I am way too young, smart and beautiful to give up on being happy and healthy. So, tomorrow is my Day One.
                :welcome:flower,you ve picked a great site,i wish you well and im looking forward to reading your progress :H it can get better gyco


                  February 1 is the day!!!

                  Hi flowerine, I think the most poignant thing you have said for me is 'I wish I could be normal' That thought has occured to me on so many occasions I have lost count, I look at people who don't drink and wish that was me, if someone refuses a drink or chooses an af one I am green with envy because I know they are 'normal' and I am not - I am an alcoholic, thing is we CAN choose to change now, today, and we can all help each other :welcome: to the forum and good luck with your AF journey
                  Taking it ODAT


                    February 1 is the day!!!

                    Welcom Flowerine

                    Lots of good people and good advice on here. A few other books that are helping me understand and abstain from drinking are The Easy Way to Stop Drinking, My Way Out, and Drinking (a love story). Arm yourself with lots of good infromation. I think knowing what you are up against (what to expect) is half the battle. So learn, learn , learn...... YOU CAN DO THIS!!
                    Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                      February 1 is the day!!!

                      There are some great tips in the link above.

                      Get a good book, a movie, some yummy food and AF drinks and some L-glutamine and tell yourself no every time you think about drinking and then go do something else. I rearrange every where in my house that I would sit and drink so that I was not reminded that I drank there and I promised myself I would never drink in the new spot.

                      The L-glutamine has gotten me through thirty days. It is a mood lifter and a craving suppressor. Take it with a multi vitamin as your body needs B6 to process l-glut.

                      You can do this one second at a time today, one minute at a time tomorrow, one hour at a time on day 3 and on and on till you reach one day at a time.

                      Hoping to see you post soon!
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        February 1 is the day!!!

                        Welcome Flowerine,
                        I know the "switch in the brain feeling". It can be de-programmed. Check out the Urge Surfing instructions in the Tool Box section too. Speaking from my own experience the "switch" may get annoyed with you for ignoring it's wishes and make you feel miserable. If you fight it for three days it will lose strength. After three weeks you should be in good to shape to keep it quieted. GABA and L-Glutamine helped me a lot.

                        You are not alone. Good Luck!
                        AF Since January 02, 2011

                        Everything's nice when you're covered with ice, then you open your eyes and it's one big lie.
                        ? Walter Lure, Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers


                          February 1 is the day!!!

                          Thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement. I made it through my second AF day !!! Surprisingly, it was not as terrible as I have expected. Reading the forum is a great help. Your stories, dear people, make me believe i can win this beast too.
                          I have trouble falling asleep though. Any advice? Can I get Melatonin over the counter or something else that will help? May be there is a thread about it? I looked but didn't find it.
                          I have decided to go AF for as long as I can, aiming for forever!!!


                            February 1 is the day!!!

                            :thanks: Thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement. I made it through my second AF day !!! Surprisingly, it was not as terrible as I have expected. Reading the forum is a great help. :h Your stories, dear people, make me believe i can win this beast too.
                            I have trouble falling asleep though. Any advice? Can I get Melatonin over the counter or something else that will help? May be there is a thread about it? I looked but didn't find it.
                            I have decided to go AF for as long as I can, aiming for forever!!!


                              February 1 is the day!!!

                              Flowerine, so glad you made it through day 2 as well! I am having sleep issues too, but it's so worth it. :goodjob:

