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February 1 is the day!!!

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    February 1 is the day!!!

    Hello Flower! Good job on day 2!!!

    Yes, I have heard from lots of people that Melatonin is good. In the past I just felt tired for the first few days -- I'm assuming it's my body trying to "normalize" itself again after my abusing it -- and by day 5 or so I would get a great sleep and that's it. I have great sleeps from thereon out.

    Hang in there you will be so much happier without the AL distorting your life!


      February 1 is the day!!!

      Hi Flowerine,
      A lot of us experienced inability to sleep well the first few nights. I guess the body gets used to the depressant nature of alcohol. Then you are adjusting to a new chemical balance without it. Tired, cranky, some of us had night sweats as well- all part of the detox process.

      Hang in there, it WILL pass!
      AF Since January 02, 2011

      Everything's nice when you're covered with ice, then you open your eyes and it's one big lie.
      ? Walter Lure, Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers


        February 1 is the day!!!

        mauritiusdodo;1052081 wrote: Hi flowerine, I think the most poignant thing you have said for me is 'I wish I could be normal' That thought has occured to me on so many occasions I have lost count, I look at people who don't drink and wish that was me, if someone refuses a drink or chooses an af one I am green with envy because I know they are 'normal' and I am not - I am an alcoholic, thing is we CAN choose to change now, today, and we can all help each other :welcome: to the forum and good luck with your AF journey
        Hi mauritiusdodo!!!!

        I know what you mean and feel...I have the same feeling when i see people who don't want to drink or can have just 1 glass of wine!!!!! But some years ago i was the same.. i was able to drink couple of glasses wine and next day not to's long time ago..But i understood that i can't be "normal" in such way..I can become "normal" only without any al...
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          February 1 is the day!!!

          Flowerine, for me, I take omega fish oil pills, and vitamin d, and that seemed to somehow help my sleeping. Don't forget the role exercise can play in helping you sleep. Certainly you are going to take some time to get your body used to living without the poison. Even while doing so, exercise can help.
          No caffeine after lunch - including in pop, chocolate etc, may help too.

          Hang in there,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            February 1 is the day!!!

            Thanks for the tips guys I have not had a drink in six days!!! :wd: That is the longest sober period in a long time I am not taking any meds just vitamins.
            Actually, today I went to my company's holiday party. Free drinks--anything that you can imagine was there--unlimited and free!!! I don't know how but I didn't even had one sip!!! Everyone was surprised to see me drinking juice all night, everyone including myself I was afraid to go but I am glad I did. Instead of boose, I was focusing on tomato and mozzarella,truffle pizza and fruit tarts)) I was in a great mood and had fun.
            I am not going to be hangover tomorrow!!!


              February 1 is the day!!!

              Well done Flowerine, you are doing brilliantly!
              Taking it ODAT


                February 1 is the day!!!

                Day #8 AF. Mission complete.


                  February 1 is the day!!!

                  Hi flower, congrats on 8 days sober :goodjob: are you continuing AF?
                  Taking it ODAT


                    February 1 is the day!!!

                    Good on ya! That first week is the hardest and you made it. Keep it up!
                    AF Since January 02, 2011

                    Everything's nice when you're covered with ice, then you open your eyes and it's one big lie.
                    ? Walter Lure, Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers


                      February 1 is the day!!!

                      Day #9 AF! :wd: I am planning on going AF for as long as I can. At least for 30 days. I don't mean to sound overconfident but not drinking this first week was not as hard as I predicted. A few thoughts about a drink here and there but the advice I found in the toolbox definitely helps to get rid of those thoughts.


                        February 1 is the day!!!

                        Sound as overconfident as you like!! it keeps the rest of us motivated reading success stories, well done!
                        Taking it ODAT


                          February 1 is the day!!!

                          Thanks Mauritius for replying to my posts, it means a lot to know someone cares :thanks: I feel the need to log on every night read the new threads of others and to update the situation here, kind of like a journal. Today is day #10 AF!!! But I almost ruined it, the desire to drink today almost took over. Thank god and l-glutamine. That was the first night in 10 days that I needed some help with the cravings. Hope tomorrow will be easier.


                            February 1 is the day!!!

                            Day #11 AF! Who said it gets easier? I think it's the opposite for me. Yesterday and today were the toughest days so far. Good thing that my boyfriend was home so he supported me. I am afraid that tomorrow I might not be as strong


                              February 1 is the day!!!

                              I don't think anyone thinks it is easy hun, I found day four incredibly hard, you are doing so great and it is fantastic your bf is there for you, keep strong you can do this :l
                              Taking it ODAT


                                February 1 is the day!!!

                                Hi Flowerine,
                                Sorry to hear you are in a rough patch. It was easier for you in beginning. Everyone is different. You may be going through what I went trough earlier in my detox. My brain would scream at me to "have a damn drink" to take away the anguish & anxiety. I kept surfing the urge (taking some GABA when I felt this way too) and thinking I never want to feel like this again. The awfulness will pass. Fight the urges. Stay strong.
                                AF Since January 02, 2011

                                Everything's nice when you're covered with ice, then you open your eyes and it's one big lie.
                                ? Walter Lure, Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers

