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Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

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    Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

    Morning Molly! Cross Post! I agree with what you said -- there may be a little slipping and sliding in the beginning, but if you hang in there it's so worth it to find that sobriety in the end!


      Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

      Molly - great post! Let's keep this thing going!

      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

        Come hell or high water I'll be back on 2/28 for a post!
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


          Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

          I'm back and pulling a month AF in...come hell or highwater.


            Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

            Hell or highwater it is so lads

            Oh and Jolie, bloody well done on the 30 days, it's a great feeling - sort of past the white knuckling and into proper sober life!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

              Ohhh my Molly your daughter is flying home to lots of snow. I dont' know what is happening at the airport, but there was talk of shutting it down last night, if the snow they predicted fell. Schools in our district are closed this morning, which is very out of the ordinary for around here. So hopefully they will have it all cleared up by the time her plane arrives, or she might just find herself in Tim Buck Two.

              Day one has come and gone. How is everyone doing??? My husband is out of town and that is a big trigger for me. I did fine last night but it was weird going to bed with no one in the house and without a buzzzzzzzz. Guess what, there are no boogie men!! Tonight I am having a couple of girlfriends over to watch chick flicks. Popcorn and diet drinks.......hmmmm I guess those two things don't go together that well, but it is better than popcorn and sugar drinks.

              Have a great AF day number 2 you Fabulous Flyers We can do this!!
              Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                Jenny so happy to have someone to share my journey to being AF! Can't wait for 33 days...


                  Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                  Happy Tuesday Fliers! Reading all of your posts since I was on yesterday morning brings smiles to my face (that and the fact that one of my kitties is sitting on my lap "making bread" on my plush bathrobe and purring like a, she is a sweetie). I embrace all of your positive energy, it is so inspiring! Today is 25 days AF for me! I am almost at 30 and am feeling really good in my skin about it. Even though it is yet another snow storm for us here, I am enjoying a hangover free, peaceful morning watching the winter wonderland out there.

                  I was thinking forward to March...I know it is way too soon, but I thought Marching through March would be cool...but let's get through February first!

                  Mollyka, great post about coming back here if you stray...I like to think of it has my safety net (MWO). I have not fallen off since my committment to go AF 25 days ago, but I come here in times of weekness to revel in the support and stories of others and to see that I am not alone. I guess I am most grateful for that on MWO, that there are so many of you out there with the same struggles as me, and even though when I am out living my "life", I know that I have you all here to relate to and that is very reassuring!

                  Peace all, have a wonderful day!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                    Day 2- Dealing with an ice storm here- this crazy weather just never ends! My kids are off from school again- and they've used up all their snow days... ! Molly-thanks for your encouraging words-
                    It's always YOUR choice!


                      Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                      Day 4 for me. Not so great weather here too Fluff. Have an indoor picnic and tent making afternoon with your kids.
                      Molly where in Canada? Seems to me I read TO at some point? And thanks for the no reject rule--get back on the horse is good advice.
                      Good day to all!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                        Good Morning, well afternoon now. Everyone looks to be doing well! We have icy conditions here too, only a handful of people at work today, unfortunately I am one of them LOL. Got in a fight with hubby last night, over money which always happens around tax time because we have so much of it, and I just wanted to scream! But I didn't want to drink! And today at my job cause its just a cluster F**K cause alot of people are out and some doctors are out and some can't make up their mind and I just want to scream again, and drink, but nope cause the AL makes me more depressed so get outta here AL, hit the road jack! And don't you come back no more no more no more no more. . .LOL have a good one y'all!
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                          Happy flying everyone! I haven't got much to say but wanted to check in and say hello :h:l


                            Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                            I'm sticking in this with all of you! It's great to feel so far from alone, when drinking makes me feel so alone. I feel so good to have found a place like this. And to have made this decision most of all for my health, but also for my 2 year old and 5 month old. I just pray that I can do it this time. Everytime I struggle with the thoughts, I just keep telling myself that all I have to do is get through today and this month and see how I feel. My great grandfather was the town drunk lying in the streets. I must do everything in my power to show my children that they are not just another casuality in a long line of drunks. God help me! Day 4. Keep em coming.


                              Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                              Hey all

                              Jenny - I hope your day got better. I had the day from hell and the migraine to show for it. It's all on the af daily thread - i can't even report it here as it just makes me so peeved.

                              Hello to everyone else - happy 2nd Feb - is it groundhog day?
                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!

                                Lost frigging post again - when am I ever going to learn! Anyway in a nutshell what I'd already typed - yes RC it is Toronto, and yes Judes, she knew she was heading into fairly mighty stuff - they are young enough to consider it an adventure (I hope). Lboog - you are so welcome here - my husbands father was a raving alkie, and his father owned a pub and was such a drunk that they had to lock him in an upstairs room and he broke through the floor to get to the drink on numerous occasions - hubs is a totally 'normal' drinker so it doesn't have to pass on down. Me on the other hand had the pillars of society as parents, grandparents and ggrandparents - and look at me:upset:.
                                Hi all else here, we are going to breeze through this one girls!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

