Made it through Sunday in spite of the day long craving, a little surprised at how tenacious the urge was. Ready to start a new week, good day all.
No announcement yet.
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Made it through Sunday in spite of the day long craving, a little surprised at how tenacious the urge was. Ready to start a new week, good day all.2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Good on you Allswell. The lies the urges tell us are amazing aren't they!!
Oh and in all my moaning and whinging I meant to say Witchygirl - like I said on the first day - One of the MOST important part of all this is to keep coming back - it WILL work - honestly - ok big girl pants time and we are all in the same boat so sending hugs:l
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Morning Flyers--Allswell, way to work through that with equal and stronger tenacity!
Ready to fly through the next AF week in February!
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Thanks everyone, for all the support, I am making today day 1 again, I am going out tonight to visit a friend, no drinking as i will be driving & as I have no money in my wallet, ther will be no wine tomorrow night, Thursday will be the test, as I get paid but i am going to come up with a plan, maybe go out for a cheep & cheerfull dinner with a friend.
"I already know that tomorrow will be great as I will be sober tonight!!!"
Progress, not perfection!!!
A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Oh Molly what a shame you're feeling like that, I've been in a bit of a downward spiral myself recently not sure what it's been about but today I feel much better. I was reading the info on PAWS over the weekend and think it might be that, was also thinking of going to my doctors but today I'm feeling a bit better so I'll maybe leave it. At least I don't have anyone in the house to rage at except myselfI guess we all have our ups and downs with or without the booze but it's much easier to see your way through it AF that's for sure.
See yas tomorrow
Dewdrop :hEnjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Thanks Dewie, feel a lot better today tho - s'pose it's just the 'slings and arrows' of life huh! Definitely better sober! Witchy - good on ya girl, stick with us and we'll nag you into submission
Peace, it is a great feeling to really truly admit to ourselves where we are really at with this battle - and accept the fact that once an alkie, always an alkie - just fact, not to feel depressed or gloomy about. It is a release from dialogue - will I, won't I?
Anyway am just in from a very bloody boring day at work, feet up and a nice cup of tea - life's good!
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
you know, this place & all you guys are the best, Molly I will happilly let my self be nagged into sobriety.
Its an interesting journey, & sometimes i find that I learn the most when I do slipup,
anyway this is just a quick check in, I am off to visit people.
will catch ya later
Tuesday 08/02/11: AL 0. Witchy 1
Progress, not perfection!!!
A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
I'm still flying....but I have the flu. Headaches, stuffy nose and sore chest.......ugggggg. Last think I want is a glass of wine. It is even hard to sit at the computer and read, so I am heading back to the couch and my blankie. Later Flyers!Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Hi my fellow flyers, hope everyone is doing well. I feel great this morning, love being sober. Hay Blonde, i hope you are enjoying The Secret, last night i read The Power, the sequel/companion to The Secret. It was awesome. Anyway this is a quick checkin as i an doing this on my phone. Stay strong. xx*Witchy*
Progress, not perfection!!!
A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!
Flying Through February AF. . . who's in?!
Hi from me too guys,
Well tomorrow is Friday and it's just about the weekend and I am so happy because I am getting my little grandaughter tomorrow night and Saturday. She's a little smasher and I think we will have to do some baking and girlie things. I need to buy some new toys for the bath so we might go and do that Saturday morning.
Hope you are all good and we are really flying through this month and spring just seems around the corner - if only the weather would catch on
Dewdrop :hEnjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....