Can't seem to make it AF yet, but have greatly reduced my intake. I have decided to keep my regime and add to it everday, EACH and EVERY day. So Day 1 was just getting up and dressed and taking the Topamax. Day 2, eating, supplements, Topamax. My plan is to follow the MWO and do the supplements, CDs (re-read the book), 20 minutes of exercise and keep my eye on getting those AF days strung together.
Day 3: Last night had about 1 bottle of white wine. I had forgotten how the Topamax takes the high out. Woke up feeling damn clear for the first time in weeks. I've got to keep positive. Noticed how the negative thoughts creep in at the oddest moments. ("You're a lousy person. You're a lousy mother." Ad nauseum.) Today: Breakfast, supplements, .25 mg Topamax (will take .25 at 3:00 pm and 3 more Kudzu). Will add the CD this afternoon. Now, a bit of unpacking and clearing up around here. Clean house, clean mind.
Wishing all a serene place today. Give yourselves a hug for me.