I have at a minimum a bottle of wine a night (I can't and won't drink during the M-F 8-5 work day), but I would prefer 1.5 to 2 bottles a night. I taste wine in my mouth night and day. I think about it night and day. Because I am so healthy, my doctor isn't "that" concerned with my minimum of 4 drinks a night, but he would prefer less. I don't keep hard liquor in the house because I don't have the willpower. I would go through a small bottle of crown in a night. Two, tops.
I'll pick a show to watch on the Tivo, and my husband will look at me blankly and tell me we watched it last night. Even on one bottle of wine I don't remember. Small pieces may come back, but most of it is gone. Why the fuck can't I remember on one bottle of wine! Am I losing my mind? Have I killed that many braincells already?
If I don't drink one night, I can't sleep. I sweat and I shake. I'm hot so I throw the covers off, and then I'm cold. Are withdrawals that soon.
I guess I am an alcoholic.