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Am I...

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    Am I...

    Sorry, 'Dancin" Dancing On, I get it :-)
    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


      Am I...

      Hello BF,

      I was in your place a while ago, and in answer to your question I think you already know the answer. But in my opinion that doesn't matter. What matters is what you do with it.

      Good luck with the moderation tonight - I hope it goes well. But a suggestion is to prepare yourself for Monday. Your nervous system may protest against not getting its fix, so please read the withdrawal threads. Hopefully you won't have too many problems other than anxiety and insomnia. In my experience by day 4, given your consumption pattern, should be through the woods.

      And remember, you can't spell Texas without HEB.
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        Am I...


        Thank you for sharing your story with are not alone. Until 30 days ago, I also drank at least 1 bottle of red wine a night (that would be a "light" drinking night for me) or close to 2 bottles. I switched to box wine so I couldn't see how much I was actually drinking in a given night. I also had clean doctor check ups, but I lied about the amount of wine I was drinking. It wasn't until my very last physical that my general blood test revealed a "slightly swollen" liver. Sadly, I couldn't give up my daily wine consumption to have to have it retested per my doctor's request (she said to come back in a week to have a retest and not drink or take pain killers for a week). Well, I didn't take pain killers, but not drinking was out of the question. That was last May! I did come to terms with the fact that I do have a problem with AL, and gave it up 30 days ago. After 2 weeks of being AF, I did my blood test again and came through with flying colors. But the first test with the swollen liver was scarey! You are wise to do something about your drinking now...even if your health appears to be good to the doc, it will show up sooner or later. Your organs can only take so much.

        I wish you all the best in your first day AF can do it! Reward yourself with something nice in place of AL. That really helped me the first few days I was AF...little treats here and there for not drinking. Then the gift of a good nights sleep and all of the other positive phsyical and mental benefits showered upon me and I haven't turned back ever since. Try'll see!

        Good Luck!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


