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    One week ago

    Good one Softy! I hear you, the relief is overwhelming it is like a drug in itself to have control over your actions. I am on day 5 today. I bought petrol the other day without shaking and being unable to use a card I am taking my son shopping today and will make purchases and walk around without having to stop and sit because it is all overwhelming. I have control now and will not let this feeling go.

    Kaza good work with getting to day 4 you are chasing me mate stay on the journey together and we will be just fine.

    :welcome: Patrice this is the place to start the people are awesome, friendly and so supportive, if you want to know anything its here.

    cheers all i am off to have the best weekend - AF - because it will be the first in so long. :l to you all


      One week ago

      Yay!! Softy!!

      Well done you, here's to a fab un-hung weekend with a great Monday feeling as oppose to the usual crappy fuzzy head. My God it does feel good. Day 4 is a bummer, it caught me out many a time! But yep, each one after is just brill !

      I adore MWO for how much it inspires us all to slay this beast. I am going to dig out and dust down Mr Carr, I was too drunk to read it last summer.

      Heres to the AF weekend

      I can not alter the direction of the wind,

      But I can change the direction of my sail.

      AF since 01/05/2014

      100 days 07/08/2014


        One week ago

        Hi MyHappyPlace

        Congratulations, I am now on Day 5. I can really identify with the hands shaking - if people commented I used to say it was the meds I was on - I used to have to have a few drinks before going out to stop the shakes, if that was not possible I only went shopping with hubby and had him sign his card, although he never commented (beautiful man). Now I too can kiss goodbye to that aspect of things. Had a bit of a fright about an hour ago, started to feel nausea and shaking, had me worried, then I realised I had been up for hours flying around doing things and hadn't had anything to eat, so sat down and had a yoghurt, feel really good again now. It's been a long time since I was up early and flying around doing things I might add, usually in bed until late just because of the night before, so this is very exciting for me. Have a great day and keep up the good work, let's talk again soon.
        Kaza x
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          One week ago

          hey kaza

          Hey Kaza

          Didnt see this first, have sent you a post under your original thread. I am going to stick to newbies nest for a while as I am losing track of where I am - early alzheimers??? anyway mate look out for me there and under your thread too. Chasing day 6, ditto for me today too, running around and forgot brekky and got a bit short with mr h so we pulled ourselves together came home and ate! Yay!

          Cooking this afternoon, without a wine glass attached to my hand will be interesting, but sooo much better than not remembering what you ate dont you reckon? anyway have a great day/night - where the hell are you? We might have to buddy each other I think, will investigate... ps lost a message i sent thru to you earlier so if it turns up - i am not strange just technically challenged!


            One week ago

            Week 3 day 21

            Apolgoies for the weekly self congratulation but today is three weeks to the day (to the very hour as I type) since I last drank alcohol. For someone like me developing a real problem this is a major achievement. I had reached the stage of hiding bottles of vodka and scotch around the house to supplement the "normal" drinking that I would do in front of the wife. Christmas was a write off and depression fuelled drink and drink fuelled depression and so on and so forth. This was only going one way and that was a bad place indeed. Thanks to the support and kindness of the people on here I have accepted my problem and sought help. :thanks: :h:h:h
            Last drink 6th September 2013


              One week ago

              You deserve the self congratulations! Go ahead and congratulate away!


                One week ago

                Celebration time....

                It is Mrs Softy's birthday today and we have just finished a lovely chinese takeaway. She has a bottle of champagne in the fridge, next to it is a bottle of Diet Pepsi for me! This is such a new experience, makes it feel like a new life and a new exciting way to celebrate. Logging off now as it is time to get her drunk then take advantage!!!:bday7::sendinglove::::devil::devil:
                Last drink 6th September 2013


                  One week ago

                  Congrats to you Softy and a big Happy Birthday to Mrs. Softy! Good for you!!!!!!
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    One week ago

                    Good Stuff Softy, and all else having a great hangover free weekend

                    Damo in Dublin
                    Still trying !!!
                    AF 25th June2014


                      One week ago

                      Now how did I miss this. 3 weeks, Softy.:goodjob:

                      Happy Birthday Mrs Softy,

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        One week ago


                        You are doing great, and enjoy the birthday!
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          One week ago

                          Great job Softy
                          AF 5/jan/2011


                            One week ago

                            Well done you!! What flavour ice cream you got do you wanna share?
                            Taking it ODAT

