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Why do i do this to myself?

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    Why do i do this to myself?

    I'm drunk, thinking about walking to the late night shop to get a bottle. I know it won't do me any good & i'll wake up feeling like shit BUT for right now this minute I'll think it's the best option open to me. It's amazing how much booze takes over our lives, back soon

    Why do i do this to myself?

    Well right here right now you're still here so what can I say to help you stay put? I saw you were in chat-would you like to go back into chat with me?

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      Why do i do this to myself?

      Hello ToBe True,
      It's happened to most of us.
      I realised many times that drink was ruining me and my life and swore to stop, but kept falling back into the pit. It took me many years to find the right balance; mostly mentally, but physically too, and I'm still tweaking it, but it will come if you don't give up the fight to get your life back. You need to promise yourself that you'll stop, for a while at least, and then actually do it. This break should give you the sober time to re-evaluate things.
      I wish that I hadn't let it get such a grip on me, but it did and I'm finding my time filled with much more interesting and exciting things to do, for me at least.
      Pick a day to stop for thirty days. There are many here who will join in and keep you company. I know it's hard, but there comes a time when we need to say 'enough is enough' and mean it.
      Good luck to you.


        Why do i do this to myself?

        ToBeTrue - I hope you're okay.


          Why do i do this to myself?


          I sent True a message earlier response as of yet. Please True we care about you :-(. I am where you are but I need you to be here. We can fight this battle and win the war. PLEASE respond to us. We care about you!
          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

