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    My name is Robert. For the past few years my drinking has slowly been increasing. Now I am getting drunk several times a week. I am really worried about this; I never thought I would get to this place.



    Hi Robert,

    :welcome: Welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and support from likeminded people.

    I'm new myself, getting drunk most nights everyweek, you'll see the details posted somewehere on here, i've already cut back drastically (3 bottles of wine everyday till last thursday) last night I had none at all!!!! The people on this site are sooooo supportive.

    Instead of waking up thinking about drink I find myself waking up signing on to my PC to see how everyone is. So I hope you will find the same.

    Good luck & take care Paula xx



      Welcome Robert,

      I know I never wanted to be the way I am! For a long time I considered it a character flaw that I could not always control my drinking. I am finally accepting that it is the way I am wired and moving on from there.
      You have come to a great place with people who understand.


      : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein



        Hi Robert, Glad you found this site. I joined on 30th Sept and have been alcohol free ever since, thats 52 days now. It's funny how your drinking gradually increases over the years and you don't even realise it. With me realisation came when I woke up one Saturday morning and saw two empty wine bottles on the table and half the third bottle of wine in the fridge, that was thrown down the sink and I haven't touched a drop since. Reading that makes it sound easy, but I can assure you it's not.

        Deciding to stop is just the first step. You could compare it to buying your ticket for the journey. Okay so now you have your ticket, the next step is to board the train, the journey may be long so make sure you have prepared yourself for it. Get yourself in the right frame of mind, download the MY WAY OUT book, arm yourself, if not with the medication, at least use the supplements, use all sorts of things to distract your mind when you start to think about having JUST ONE DRINK . I use jigsaw puzzles, painting, word puzzles, reading and I spend a lot of time on the computer.

        I wish you luck in all you do, it won't be easy but then anything worthwhile takes a certain amount of effort, but believe me the rewards are fantastic. Also keep reading and posting on this site, for many of us this is our lifeline.

        All the best,
        Louise xx :welcome: :thumbs:
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life




          I think the first step is the hardest....and you've taken that. Great job!! :wd:
          Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:



            Robert: you are not alone! Realizing there's a problem is a huge step! Read what others are going through and it may help you gain strength. There's a whole world of us out here and we are all helping each other. Good luck!



              Thanks for the kind welcome! I have already purchased the book, an have been taking kudzu supplements. They seem to work some.

