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Black out???

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    Black out???

    This may be a very silly question, but I am going to ask it anyways. When people refer to a black out what do they mean. I always thought it meant blacking out or passing out at the end of the evening or day. I have just recently heard it refered to as not remember a certain period of time because of drinking. Or maybe blacking out refers to both. Thanks
    Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale

    Black out???

    My understanding is that it refers to a total memory loss of a time period during which you most certainly were conscious and functioning but drunk. Usually much to your dismay.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Black out???

      This is a good question as I was wondering the same. If it means memory loss when I know I was conscious, then I have definitely experienced them.


        Black out???

        Greenie summed it up perfectly. It's not pretty when your reminded of something that you done or said while you were in blackout, it's not a good sign.


          Black out???

          Thanks guys, I had it all wrong. Sort of like singing the wrong lyrics to a song for forty years.
          Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


            Black out???

            Yes it means not being aware of your actions. Ever had sort of flash backs?or only partial recollection of a series of events whilst under the influence?

            That's what I call partial blackout, full blackout is say when your friend tells you you were at their place and you really do not remember being there. Some people drink-drive in blackout and that's the scariest thing, something you can never be sure you won't do as long as you keep drinking - apart from those few successful moderators.


              Black out???

              black out is the most awful thing which i experience regularly (most times) when i drink. it can be anything from not remembering bits of a night, conversations etc. to completely not remembering. sometimes i have been sure i stayed at home then find out ive been out to pubs, talking and functioning (obviously drunk but still functioning) and have no memory of it whatsoever. even when im told i cant piece even the tiniest amout together. its only in recent years i have had this, i presume it is a result of long term alcohol abuse to the brain
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Black out???

                I've had it ever since I started drinking!I think it's in proportion to the amount drank, and the time over which it is consumed. If I drink slower, but over longer hours I'm less likely to experience blackout. Whereas if I consume the same or slightly less in one great big binge I then have a higher tendency for blackout.


                  Black out???

                  Judestir, I went for many years not understanding that black out didn't mean passed out, because I just made an assumption about it (and I avoided reading anything that talked seriously about examining my own drinking.)

                  I learned what they were, finally, when it started happening to me. Kinda scary, really, because up to three or four years ago, I don't think I ever had those gaps in my memory, but then they slowly increased. Weird thing, the only way I'd really know it had happened was when, later, someone made reference to something said or done during at time I know I'd been physically present. (At first, I'd think, oh, I must have been in the bathroom when that was discussed. Or, I guess I just wasn't paying attention.) The truth became unavoidable when someone could quote exactly what I'd said, or they thought it was hilarious (or weird) that I was now pretending not to know what I'd said.

                  That's when I realized. Even if they don't realize how drunk I'm getting, this is a serious problem. I'm 'missing' periods of my life, without even realizing it (I shudder to think how much more isn't there in my memory.

                  I think UKblonde is right. The blackouts do have something to do with the speed at which I got drunk. If my BAL went up fast, I'd forget, even if I was relatively functional. Slow sipping of many beers over a much longer period didn't seem to have the same result (though I'd usually feel much more hung over the next day. Never understood that, either.)

                  I feel relieved that I'm not having to worry about saying and forgetting things which others will catch me up on. Of course, feeling well instead of sick is all good, too!
                  Resisting all Magical day at a time


                    Black out???

                    Thanks for the information everyone. I am learning so much about drinking and the affects alcohol has on our bodies. I am a sipper (a whole bottle sipper, but a sipper none the less) If I have had a black out, I don't remember it and know one has brought it to my attention. There are times when I would get up in the morning and not remember the end to a movie I was watching. Hmmmm maybe this is the start. My memory is not very good, but I was just blaming it on a permenapausal haze. I am a bit of a control freak, so I can imagine how not remembering the evening before and my actions would be horrific. Very scary stuff. More food for thought. Thanks for sharing.
                    Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                      Black out???

                      a good reason not to drink....especially in a work related situation. My job requires me to have dinners, cocktail parties, etc. with clients I work with. I can't tell you how awful it is when a co worker comes into my office the next day and says "remember when so and so said such and such" and I have NO memory of it but pretend that I do.....Or if i have an important conversation with someone and don't remember the details. It is a terrible feeling.
                      I just won't anymore


                        Black out???

                        I used to think they referred to passing out too, till I started getting them. Now you've mentioned it, when I really drank hard and fast they were really bad.

                        I have lost count of all the movies I have wasted my life on as I can never remember the endings or the promises and commitments I made with no recollection the following day. Its quite scary to have such huge chunks erased.

                        I too am a control why did I let myself get so out of control when I drank?? Still trying to work that out.
                        I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                        But I can change the direction of my sail.

                        AF since 01/05/2014

                        100 days 07/08/2014


                          Black out???

                          one of my last blackouts was with my now ex, who came to my house to hang out, only to find me blasted. i remember his arrival, i remember the beer in my hand -the second one after a full pint of vodka- but i don't remember going upstairs, coming on to him, being rejected, passing out sitting up...

                          i do remember various times over the next several weeks being reminded by him about that incident. i do remember that it made an indelible stain on his impression of me. i still have the embarassment over the incident, though i don't remember it. god i'm glad that's not to be repeated.

                          blackouts, as i understand them, happen when our brain can't make memories. they're a form of brain damage that happens not cause you've been drinking too much over the months or years. they happen when you drink too much on a given occasion. it's like pressing an LP, only to find that some sections have no grooves, nothing has been recorded.

                          blackouts do feel friggin horrible. toward the end of my drinking they became more frequent. it was getting spooky. i was damaging my brain on a regular basis. and feeling embarassed way too much.

                          the good news is, i'm not doing that anymore (thirty eight days af!). i won't scare away another great potential mate with my abhorrent behavior, with my lack of presence. i won't be a broken record press. i'll be the me i want to be, and i'll remember it.


                            Black out???

                            I think you are confusing blacking out with passing out.
                            Blacking out is exactly what is being described by other.
                            Passing out is drinking until you finally have so much that you go to sleep.
                            Both can be very dangerous for a variety of reasons.
                            Sadly, I have had experience with both.


                              Black out???

                              Thank you for this thread, i too wasn't really sure of the meaning, I know 'passing out', I do that almost every evening I drink and have done for a long time :blush: but blackouts I have only experienced in maybe the last six months and I am very scared by them, I don't really go out since Ihave had my son (lack of babysitter) so drink at home but I have lost count of the number of times I can't remember the end of a film or going to bed and my DH or DD recounting something that happened or we discussed that I literally have NO memory of! OMG when you think about it seriously it is horrendous and yet another reason to kick this habit for good!
                              Taking it ODAT

