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    Hello again my friends,

    I'm not new here and do not post much as I feel a bit of a fraud after my 1st 2nd 3rd attemp at trying to be a/f!
    Again its my 6th day and like I said I do not post much as dont feel I have a lot to offer just yet, however I do lurk around almost everyday and appreciate the knowledge and great advice that is here. I can relate to so much on here but
    the reason for my post now is just to say how proud of me I am, as I was oh so tempted a little while ago to give in to my demons but thought long and hard about everything that I read on here and the hard work I would of wasted had I had given in to temptation.

    anyhow thats all, sorry I dont have a lot to say except how much better I am feeling (even though very emotional) and will feel tommorow ,


    Bungle you have done so well, and I appreciate how emotional you will feel at this stage, tomorrow is Day 7 and your first week - what an achievement, you need to give yourself huge pat on the back - do something special for yourself. We all lean on different things on this site, different friends, different attitudes, others skills and knowledge of how to navigate your way through this journey.

    Well done,

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....



      Dewdrop;1055315 wrote: Bungle you have done so well, and I appreciate how emotional you will feel at this stage, tomorrow is Day 7 and your first week - what an achievement, you need to give yourself huge pat on the back - do something special for yourself. We all lean on different things on this site, different friends, different attitudes, others skills and knowledge of how to navigate your way through this journey.

      Well done,

      Dewdrop :h
      Thank you Dewdrop..



        Great job Bungle! It is hard, but well worth all the work. What a wonderful road you are on. It certainly has changed my life not blurring my reality with wine anymore. I have my moments of "hey a nice glass sounds good" but I am not willing to give up all that I have worked for. Be kind to yourself and know you are doing the right thing - we are here for you friend!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



          Hi Bungle!

          Congrats on your 6 days! I agree with everyone else...give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it! Do something nice for yourself or buy something special to commemorate your first week of sobriety. It will remind you of your acheivement moving forward. Nice to have you here, thanks for sharing your story. Good are in good company here!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.




            Great job!!! I am proud of you.Keep it up It is the 6th day for me too, so I know you are trying hard. We can do this. Every day is a better day



              Well done bungle!! You should be proud that is a great acheivement!!
              Taking it ODAT



                Bungle - please don't EVER feel like a fraud - we've all had slip ups along the way - you just need to pick yourself up and keep going! You should be ver proud of yourself for not giving in - do you know how huge that is? Getting over that hurdle called "temptation" is one of the biggest things we can do to beat this demon. You are doing an awesome job!
                Congragulations on 6 days! Please keep posting and letting us know how you are doing - we are not here to judge as I'm probably sure you already know if you've been lurking for a while.

                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.



                  Hi Bungle & Flowerine!

                  Congrats to the both of you on your 6 AF days! :goodjob:

                  Keep yourselves focused on the present - put the past away because it's history now & you can't change it. Put all of your energy into today, stay focused on what you are doing today

                  Keep going, one foot in front of the other
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                    Thank you all again for your lovely kind words of encouragement , everyone of your posts always makes me smile.
                    Tempted again this evening however did not give in ...yay... day 7 and the feeling I have on a morning beats any grogginess that the dreaded hangover brings.
                    Flowerine we can do this together keep me updated too on your journey.

                    Massive thank you everyone .



                      Well done Bungle! A big Yay to 1 week! :goodjob:

                      It is such a great feeling to go to bed knowing you got through the day AF & even better to wake clear headed! Huge pat on the back for not giving in last night.

                      I have found these threads a monster help in staying focused and AF. Every journey has to start with day 1 and as the days go on the resolve and strength seems to get a bit easier.

                      Keep us posted
                      I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                      But I can change the direction of my sail.

                      AF since 01/05/2014

                      100 days 07/08/2014



                        Hi all,

                        Day 8 today big pat on the back although its still there nagging in my head at certain times, things are becoming easier. I am feeling so much healthier as the days are going by and as I have a few days off from my job I decided to take a long stroll today and clear my head even more. I have even started to enjoy some exercise, as at my lowest times even walking became an effort.And the hill that I normally can only make once (and almost need a paramedic by the time I reach the top) today I managed 3 times!!! I told myself to use the determination I used to have for finishing what ever bottle I was drinking at the time, use that determination in a more positive way... it worked. Soon I plan on running up that hill!



                          Congratulations bungle on your 8 Days of Freedom!!!

                          I hope that you'll reach constant Freedom!!

                          I completed 5 Days, so i have to go further...

                          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/



                            Audrey14;1056413 wrote: Congratulations bungle on your 8 Days of Freedom!!!

                            I hope that you'll reach constant Freedom!!

                            I completed 5 Days, so i have to go further...

                            You will get there Audrey, big congratulations on 5 days keep it up..:l

