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Newbies - This is what it is all about

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    Newbies - This is what it is all about

    If you are new here or been here and are struggling - this post is one of the best posts I have read in a really long time. Please read it - please gain strength from it - Please ask for help. Alcohol does not have to control you and ruin your life - There is a way out. Below was written by a member known as 'Neva Eva" and I am proud of her!

    I reached indifference last Friday. (edit: Almost 4 months to the day after I started this bac journey. 11 months after I found OA's book. Less than a year, not bad in the scheme of things!)
    I got home from work, was on the phone, did the usual. It was a couple of hours later that I realized I hadn't thought about having a cold beer. There were plenty in the fridge. And it was a REALLY lousy week. Still, it never crossed my mind.
    Got a call from a MWO friend at 900pm just as I was about to run the vacuum cleaner. Spent an hour on the phone, then another hour on the phone with a local friend. Didn't want a drink.
    It's been years since I've been able to talk on the phone after 8pm.

    On Thursday night, after reading Reggie's post-switch post, and watching the video Otter reposted, I decided to go AF. I thought it would be a struggle the way it was the last time. Ha! Not even close. I simply forgot about booze.
    Saturday was a little different. I definitely craved AL around the witching hour, but as it turns out, I was probably 80mg short of the goal of 320mg/day. (I'll never be sure.) But I'd put the beer in the house in the trunk of my car which is about 30feet away, and I couldn't be bothered to go get it.
    Sunday I was bac on track, with a healthy 280mg in my system and feeling much better by the end of the day. Very little urge to drink, though husband was throwing back some very good beer and wine in order to celebrate the superbowl. My friend came over and we chatted for a while. He went home. I went to bed.
    Monday (yesterday) 300mg ingested, it was simple again.
    Four nights sober, and over a weekend! Four mornings without the slightest hint of a hangover or remorse for ingesting even one drop of AL. It's pretty unreal, people. But it's true, and achievable.

    The week previous to the switch I drank maybe a dozen beers. Maybe. Over the course of a week! And still felt badly about it, worried that I would never hit the switch, find indifference, not care anymore. But here it is!

    I'm looking forward to calling the Good Doctor (the only one I know, ftr, who has earned that title). I hope that he'll prescribe some xanax, even though I'm still nervous about taking ANYTHING other than baclofen. Much less something addictive. Still, I need more sleep and I trust him more than anyone other than a couple of people around here.

    For all the angst I share on here, my 'real' life does not reflect that. I've been incredibly productive. Cleaning up literally and figuratively. Financial stuff that has weighed heavily on me for months and months. Taken care of in an afternoon. I'm looking for laundry to do at this point. I figure that the next time my home is messy and someone pops by I won't be ashamed of it. It'll be messy because I just didn't have the time/inclination to do anything about it. Not because I'm a hopeless drunk. And people can stop by now! Not that I'm the best conversationalist. Still pretty bac'd out and I'm having trouble following my own train of thought to fruition, as it were.
    Even bac'd out I'm a better friend/person/etc... than I was even a month ago.
    I'm worried about weighing in on other threads, atm. So I'll stick to this one.

    Newbies - This is what it is all about


      Newbies - This is what it is all about

      I am so happy to read this post and to hear of someones success at stopping those horrible , horrible cravings that seem to bring most of us undone. I am not on Baclofen but luckily have had some really good results from Campral and supplements. I could not have remained abstinent without this help . Just doing the same old thing, going round in circles and promising myself today I wont drink etc etc etc

      For the last 20 years I have been drinking nearly every day and just getting worse and worse with the amount. Before Campral I was drinking a bottle of wine and usually half a bottle of brandy nearly every night. I know its only early days for me but from going from the amount I was drinking I have had only 3 slip ups in 5 weeks. That for me is truly amazing. I do not have cravings but slipped up because of long term ingrained habits.

      In my journey with this demon alcohol I have lost a promising professional career, 2 houses, few of my family talk to me, and few of my friends also. I have lost my self respect and basically have lost the power to have the life I truly wish.

      I am quite willing to try Baclofen if the Campral stops working. In fact, I am willing to try anything to get this demon off my back!

      Thanks for starting this thread and thanks to everyone on this site!

      Stay safe everyone and don't let the road get as long as mine did!



        Newbies - This is what it is all about

        Congratulations Neva Eva! It was great to read your story about reaching the switch. Congratulations also to Missyabby and all others who have found their way out.

        Ditto what Sheri said!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Newbies - This is what it is all about

          It's been over a year for me, since I stopped caring at all about alcohol. It used to be the only thing that mattered to me.

          We keep fine wine in the house, liquor, beer or whatever it doesn't matter. I have a personal rule that I drink whenever I want to however much I want. I just don't anymore. You can see my first six months in the graph at the bottom of my sig. Nowadays if I pour some wine it has to be a 1/4 glass because if it's any more I'll just forget about it and it'll go to waste.

          I don't count units anymore, you can see I used to be kind of a geek about it. If I were counting and being completely honest, for the last couple of months (holidays included) it'd have to be about 5 drinks total. I say total because a lot of those were drinks that I thought I might like because it was "a glass of fine barbera from the Russian River Valley, to go with my Thanksgiving Dinner with my family" type drinks, of which I consumed about a third of a glass. It was very good! Don't get me wrong. I guess the turkey captivated me more (I ate all of that, and had more :H). So if I do
          count those drinks, 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/3, then all told it'd bring my damage to 5 or so, in Nov, Dec and Jan.

          Before baclofen, in those three months I would have tallied somewhere between 960 and 1300 drinks. I had it bad. Not anymore.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Newbies - This is what it is all about

            I'm sure there are lots of different ways to stop drinking, but I'm really glad I found Baclofen because it was just such a quick 'switch' for me. Two weeks ago, after 25 years of heavy daily drinking, I was crazy for drink and now, after using Baclofen, I'm completely indifferent to it. Strange but true.


            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Newbies - This is what it is all about

              It's so wonderful reading about everyone's success and how they got there. So thankful for this website!

