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    I make no apologies for making this a new thread. I posted this in the Newbies nest earlier. I actually found it on here first anyway. This is such an important piece of writing to me at the moment. A real inspiration and comforter.....

    2.*Acceptance: Sometimes our biggest struggles are internally generated. Often, it is not so much the situation itself that is so painful, but our fruitless attempts to change the un-changeable, or mental arguments about how things SHOULD be different, our endless efforts to figure out WHY things are the way they are? all of these are unnecessary add-ons to the difficulties that life presents us with. One of the major differences between people who live happy, meaningful lives and those who are bitter and unhappy is the capacity to accept setbacks and to make the best of difficult circumstances, instead of struggling against the things that cannot be changed.*

    The ?Serenity Prayer? is a great tool for enhancing acceptance. When we find ourselves in some kind of mental turmoil, we can begin sorting it out by quietly repeating: ?Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.? Often, upon reflection, we will then realize that the turmoil arises out of trying to change something we cannot change.*
    Last drink 6th September 2013


    Great post softy - thanks for sharing it.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.



      I have finally accepted the severity of my alcohol problem and feel like a weight has been lifted. I just had over 100 days af and started back late December. During that time I made excuses to ppl why I wasn't drinking like "I am driving, dieting, cleansing...whatever I could say without saying I have an alcohol problem. Well, now I am not ashamed and am ready to say I QUIT drinking before it kills me.

      Great post softy - acceptance is huge on this wild road to recovery.



        I don't think I have reached the point of acceptance yet but the serenity thing is very poignant nonetheless, I am striving to change my attitude on a minute by minute basis!
        Taking it ODAT



          Keep on keeping on

          That's all you can do and as long as you are honest to yourself it will come. Nobody in the world was ever perfect. I am not. I am only just learning to forgive myself for it and that is a first step before forgiving others. Be strong - we are all in this together, and the prize is a better life for us all ( apologies if I sound like Tiny Tim)
          Last drink 6th September 2013

