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Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

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    Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!


    Mauritiusdodo Day 5
    Lindseyr Day 3
    Fragileflower Day 2
    Prancy Day 4
    Myhappyplace Day 5

    Hi folks just starting a buddy thread to start on our road to being AL free (hope it is ok to do this?) We are on day one and three respectively

    Lindsey how you doing so far?

    I am ok, had a couple of pangs but nothing much so far, just drinking sparkling water with elderflower in a wine glass!
    Taking it ODAT

    Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

    Where are you Lindsey? I am all alone here looking like billy-no-mates!!
    Taking it ODAT


      Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

      Rock On Buddies...Good Luck to you both
      I have made some wonderful friends here
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

        Hey I'm here!! Was at an options evening for my eldest! I'm doing good! Drinking sparkling water with elderberry and blackberry!! Told my hubby today that I didn't want to drink anymore! He is so supportive
        How are you doing now? Evening is always the worst part! It's the time to relax with that glass of wine BUT we will not!! xx


          Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

          I need a buddy (or buddies too)....

          Mauri and Lindsey, I know we don't know each other but I need a quit buddy or quit buddies to embark on a AF journey...mind if I join you or is three a crowd? Today is day one again for me....



            Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

            Hi Fragile three is not a crowd! Please join us!! Well I'm off to bed now as it has been a long day and I don't want the temptation of a glass of wine to become a strong one. So night night to you all and will post again in the morning! Looking forward to day 2 AF already!!!


              Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

              Blahh, i've fallen off the wagon of late. Had 30 days AF, then drank on Friday night, Tuesday night and last night. All in all, nearly 3 bottles of wine over three drinking sessions, which isn't that bad, but, it's starting to become a sitting at home thing.
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                Hi all, sorry I missed you Lindsey glad you kept on track, I had another early night (as a coping mechanism as well as being shattered with DS getting me up so bloomin early! - this morning was 5am again - yawn!)

                Fragileflower course you can join us, I will change the thread name

                Change it is so difficult to stick with it esp when you have had a relapse but pick yourself up and start again and you can do it

                Well DS seems ok now but DH has tonsilitis so will be off to the docs today, feeling a bit guilty as will be leaving him to look after DS this morning while I go to my Mehndi class but assuaged it somewhat by getting up at 3am to make him a lemsip :H I NEED to go to my class as it is the only thing keeping me sane atm!
                Taking it ODAT


                  Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                  Good morning!! Bed early is a good coping mechanism that I find works for me too! Well day 1 is done and dusted and day 2 is going to be good for me as I have a 12 hour night shift to do later so will be pottering around the house this morning and then off to sleep for a while! Hope all your days go well. Mauri enjoy your class, Fragile keep strong and Change join us and remember it's one day at a time. Who are you changing for? I think the answer to that question will be the key to success. For me I want to change for me- simply that my children and hubby will benefit but I'm doing this for me. Happy day of AF!! xxx


                    Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                    Morning Lindsey, wow 12 hour shift bet thats a killer - what do you do? Well done on yesterday and good luck today x
                    Taking it ODAT


                      Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                      Hey! I'm a nurse..........which means that I should know better however I think my job has probably led me to drink for a coping mechanism! With other personal issues it just escalated and went from bad to worse and drinking every night! But today is day 2 AF!! x


                        Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                        Hi Guys,
                        Day 4 here and feeling good emotionally, better than my last AF time...just picking myself up after a relapse of just over a month. I was over 100 AF and then tried to mod and it just doesn't work for me. I feel stronger for it though, it was always nagging in the back of my addicted mind that I could drink now and then. That is impossible with a binge drinker like me. I wouldn't drink Sun-Thursday and then the binge cycle would didn't take long to escalate as I binged to the point of blacking out 4 times since late December. That is a problem.

                        So, here I am dusted off and looking forward to a long sober life.:h


                          Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                          Lindsey hope your shift wasn't too bad, I couldn't do nursing I hate hospitals! How are you getting on today?

                          Hiya Peace, day 4 for me too, I have to say it is very hard going today had a very stressful day and really not coping well!
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                            Hi All,

                            Mauri, hang in there hun, day 4 is always a bugger. Stick 2 fingers up at it and have a nice cup of tea and cake! My nightly treat is now a snickers ice cream, far less damaging than 2 bottles of wine!! Don't tell any one but I have been known to eat 2 if the mood grabs me:H

                            Bad days suck, but when your head hits that pillow sober, the feeling is immense, knowing you did managed it again. I allow myself a proud moment for achieving it.

                            Keep up the good work all:goodjob:
                            I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                            But I can change the direction of my sail.

                            AF since 01/05/2014

                            100 days 07/08/2014


                              Lindseyr and Mauritiusdodo's road to AFness starts here!

                              thanks peace, oooh snickers ice cream sounds yummy but v sickly!! how on earth do you manage two you little piggy LOL only kidding! I do have some mini icecreams in the fridge so might have one of those later, off to have my tea now BBS...
                              Taking it ODAT

