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ODAT Wednesday February 9

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    ODAT Wednesday February 9

    Good morning!

    Made it af last night although it was not as easy as I had hoped. Hubs came home and had to have a few and I was almost ready to join him, you know, just for a few. Got busy doing some other things, and when I was done, my resolve to stay af was back! Woke up in the middle of the night, thankful that I would wake up this morning and still be on track. Best wishes to you all in reaching your af goals for today!

    ODAT Wednesday February 9

    Fancy - GOOD FOR YOU! As my husband is not a drinker, I don't have that huge temptation in my life so you must give yourself a big pat on the back for not giving in and keeping busy. Believe me - you will be so happy that you did in the long run.

    Keep on going!!!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      ODAT Wednesday February 9

      Well done fancy! (especially with the OH drinking) hope you are keeping on track today
      Taking it ODAT


        ODAT Wednesday February 9

        Well done :-)

