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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Afternoon all! Have had a crazy day paying taxes etc for clients and checking all ok, so my head is a bit done in. Glad you had a great birthday Kaz, sounds like you were spoilt, good stuff. Go the butterfly tat, I've got a little hummingbird on my hipbone. Killer but cute. Nothing much to report I am trying to knock over a lot of work today so I can spend time with my boys this week. xx stay well all


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Gday lovelies,

      Havent been around much and find it hard to keep up with posts, but I thought I would just drop by and say hi. I hope you are all doing well. Love and grace Saffxx
      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hi Happy. Mauri and Saff
        H'mmmmmm see I had 2 posts - don't quite know how I did that, BUT was AF - promise!! I thought I would add something to first post and ended up with 2, h'mmm Alzheimers maybe - hee hee - I am getting old!!! Poor you, Happy I hate that stuff - taxes etc, well I have just paid all our bills, so we are definitely poorer now. My German Shepherd is driving me nuts, wants her tea, so I had better feed her - Mr K is still going well, but is feeling very tired, I also noticed over the weekend his wound is weeping and growing again, I just keep dressing it every day. He's back to the Specialist tomorrow, so I will wait and see what he has to say. I am feeling a bit tired too - so will feed GS and Mr K - not sleeping much lately so hopefully tonight I will - You all have a fabulous day tomorrow and I will talk then - as always Love and Sunshine Kaz xxxx
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hi Happy, Mauri and Saff
          I have my usual day off tomorrow (Wednesday), so Mr K (who is off work for another week) and I will head out for lunch. Specialist did more biopsies on Mr K today and sent them away for testing - we will know the results next week (fingers crossed - no malignancy left, but all we can do is wait and see). Mr K is very good, positive all that stuff, which has to be good doesn't it - well that's my theory - if we both stay good and positive it has to be good - that's my theory!! I hope you have all had a lovely positive Tuesday and look forward to hearing from you all as to what you are up to. I love hearing what's going on - it is such a bonus for me. Anyway my Lovelies, Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Seeking Friends for Support

            kaza;1086531 wrote: Hi Happy, Mauri and Saff
            I have my usual day off tomorrow (Wednesday), so Mr K (who is off work for another week) and I will head out for lunch. Specialist did more biopsies on Mr K today and sent them away for testing - we will know the results next week (fingers crossed - no malignancy left, but all we can do is wait and see). Mr K is very good, positive all that stuff, which has to be good doesn't it - well that's my theory - if we both stay good and positive it has to be good - that's my theory!! I hope you have all had a lovely positive Tuesday and look forward to hearing from you all as to what you are up to. I love hearing what's going on - it is such a bonus for me. Anyway my Lovelies, Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
            Positive is so much better than negative. What good would negative do?

            Fingers crossed for Mr. Kava. Toes, too.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Seeking Friends for Support


              Hi Kaza!
              I'm new here too, on day 3 today, and feeling strong and positive, the booze has just gotta go, its starting to wreck every aspect of my life.
              Last weekend after a full day of drinking wine I horrendously embarrassed my eldest son, which I feel gutted about. I don't want my kids to remember me as an old lush that always put the bottle first, which last weekend gave me the wake-up call that that's exactly whats happening.
              I know it won't be easy, but have never been more determined or ashamed of myself, so I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I'm sure we're gonna find this site awesome, some great advice on here and a great place to let off steam. Good luck with everything, keep in touch!


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Morning all, and welcome Noodle.

                Mmmm kids can be an extremely motivating source to give AL the flick. Worked for me and helps give me a nudge along the way too.

                Kaz just stay being you, it will be fine. Mr K is in great hands and the vibe you give him must be making him feel like nothings impossible. Just remember to look after yourself and enjoy that lunch, full details please, you know how I am about food.

                Quiet day in Brizzy just raining and overcast, boys arent up yet so will boot them out shortly, littlest locust to soccer camp this morning and the others catching up on assignments etc. School holidays are just so laid back I love it. Have pinched a nerve in my bloody neck which is a pest as I've got some work to get thru this morning and have decided also to get back into my studies and have set DEADLINES for self. Blaah! enjoy the day all, get out and grab it!!


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi Happy, Mauri and Welcome aboard Noodle
                  I hope everyone is fit and well, sorry to hear about your pinched nerve Happy, that really sucks - it's jolly painful. Well it sounds like you are rearin to go Noodle, good on you. I agree with Happy kids are a driving motivation and incentive. I just know you will be doing great Noodle, once you're over the first few days it does get easier I found. I had loads of energy - felt great - and very happy too. So there are a lot more pluses than minuses in our quest I believe. Thanks as always Happy, you're encouragement really pushes me along and makes me feel soooooooo good. I promise to stay positive and as you know Mr K thinks he's married to a kid that barrels along through life meeting it head on (hee hee - sometimes literally). I will fill you in on the lunch today, not sure where we are going yet, but it will be good. Brizzy sounds a bit like our neck of the woods today, it's very overcast and the sky looks threatening. Weather people are predicting a possible cyclone forming by Friday - oh lovely just at the weekend - hopefully nothing will come of it though. Had enough last month - I really sympathise with and feel for all the poor people who have suffered the cyclones, floods and earthquakes this year. Well my Lovelies, I must dash and try to make myself look booootiful for Mr K - hee hee - he says I always look beautiful, well now wouldn't swap this man for the world. I'm babysitting my girlfriend's daughter this weekend, so I'm planning loads of fun things the two of us can get up to. Poor girlfriend never knows what to expect - I just laugh and say expect the unexpected to which she wryly replies "I never fail to be amazed". Love kids - they are so much fun. By Loves, will check in later - have an awesome day all. Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Morning all

                    Kaz your weekend sounds like it will be full on but heaps of fun. Little tacker wont know what hit her, bet she loves it. Well we are near half way school holidays and relaxing and busy at the same time.

                    My sore neck turns out to be vertigo so saw the doc yesterday and have exercises to fix quickly. Also got my blood tests results from the other week and all good which I am pretty happy about. She did say blood sugar is the high side of normal but that could have been any other factor but she will monitor it. I am going to send off for some L-Glut on line, also some protein powder, found a company in oz that has some great products. I am just craving sugar a lot, particularly in the evenings when I used to have a wine. I dont want to trade off one addiction for another so think its worth a shot, and with the protein powder I always find that an easy breakfast particularly when the boys start early morning training and I am off and running early early. Anyway will see how this part of the exercise works, I am finding the yoga and meditation classes each week are great, I also try to meditate each day - when I get a quiet space!!, so all in all that seems to have calmed the anxiety.

                    Hell I have blathered on about me this morning!! Weather here perfect, hope that cyclone scoots around you Kaz, and you have a fantastic weekend, xx to all


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Hi Happy, Mauri, Noodle and Saff
                      I have just fed my "baby" - 11 years old going on 40 years - we have just had Spaghetti Bolognaise - her favourite!! Put Mum in a taxi to go out and party (Boy was that an effort - but she's gone and she'll have a great time)!! So far I've only had 2 texts from her - it's 8.20pm and we put her in a taxi at 7.15pm! All good, she's a great friend (and Mum) and my "baby" is great fun and at the moment she is watching cable, I'm about to join her - then I think she has DVD's lined up for the rest of the night - Oh Lord I might get to bed around midnight!! But I love it!! Told Mum not to call us in the morning - we will call her - mind you, it's never worked in the past - Mum is on the phone reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllly early and we are still asleep - BUT we will train her ONE DAY! Glad your blood tests were good Happy. My hubby is a diabetic, but I control it with diet (ha ha - he sneaks things he shouldn't have - naughty but adorable - so diabetic police (me) is always on guard). I'd like to know more about the protein powder etc, I'm really interested. Yoga and meditation sound great - I haven't gone there yet, but listening to you (dear girl - I learn so much), so will look into it. I think the cyclone has fizzled for us anyway at this stage - but feel sorry for all the other people that will cop it. Hopefully no-one will! Gotta go, "baby" is calling me - H'mm talk tomorrow and I will let you know what we both got up to. Love and Sunshine Always. Goodnight, all and sleep tight! Kaz xx
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hey all apologies for going AWOL again I just don't seem to have any time to post these days will try and catch up with the news later once DS is napping, hope you are all ok? xx
                        Taking it ODAT


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Morning all glorious day in Brizzy. Kaz you are a wonderful soul, hope you are enjoying your morning. Mauri, like I say to Kaz, there are no rules or posting police, just know that we are here if and when you need.

                          Kaz I have found so much information here on the holistics thread which has lead me to look in other directions and I keep looking and developing the simple habits that are helping me get better each day. I can PM you the site details on those powders if you want to have a look, just let me know.

                          Just going out to potter in the garden and see whats out there we can throw in the salad bowl for lunch, its going crazy with the heat and rain so anything could be going on. talk soon xx


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Hellllllooooooooooo My Loves
                            Mauri, you never have to apologise to your friends, don't forget, you are there for us as much as we are there for you dear girl, and always will be, we've gotta good thing going here between us and it won't ever change!
                            Happy would love more information on what you are doing, re holistics, developing simple habits that help and protein powders, anything you've got that helps - please PM me - I would love it!

                            Happy, lunch was great on Wednesday, I had sesame prawn toast for entree, and satay chicken with rice for my main. Mr K had spring rolls for entree (yuk) and barra in black bean sauce for his main. He said it was great, I sampled it and had to agree.

                            Have had a fantastic time "babysitting" - we had so much fun last night spag bog as I said and lots of "young kids" movies. All fantastic, I ended up falling asleep and leaving "the baby" to it. As always when Mr K came home she said "and where is he going to sleep?" She always sleeps in my king sized bed and loves it (by the way she hogs the doona). Mr K slept in the spare room, as he always does when I babysit (after I fed him of course) - I did get up through the night and went to hub's room for a visit - so's he didn't feel tooo left out! He got up early this morning and tiptoed in to tell me he was going shopping (he loves grocery shopping and I hate it - so it works well for us). I got my weekly red rose from Mr K - such a treat - I love it. Then we ended up ringing Mum "after 11.30am" to see how she was going!! First time ever we have rung her - normally the other way around - mind you she was threatened to leave us alone!! (But gently). Mr K very happily did his own thing (after shopping he marinated duck in orange for lunch tomorrow - YUM). Boy is he a great cook, girlfriend and "baby" coming for roasted marinated duck for lunch tomorrow. My girlfriend and "baby" took me to lunch today for my birthday (last Saturday) - great fun - had a ball had Tapas and smoked salmon wrap with capers, spanish onion and sour cream . Mr K has just arrived home so will close off for the night. Goodnight all my wonderful friends. Talk tomorrow, please take care and be kind to yourselves. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
                            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Morning all, hope the weekend was great for everyone. Got to get some work done so this is a normal Monday quick check in.

                              Kaz, I will just pop these links here for you to look at the first is on meditation, which I am really starting to love as much as yoga:

                              Relax your way to perfect health - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

                              The other is the link for the site I've been looking at supplements on, but I dont think they deliver to NT. Anyway they do have great information on the supplements.

                              Bulk Powders- Australia's #1 Bulk Supplements supplier

                              I think its ok to post these here for you, I am just using them as a starting point to look and learn more. As I said the holistics thread and the health store at MWO have heaps of info so its just a matter of reading and keeping an open mind.

                              Anyway, gotta go, xx have a good one all!!


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                All ok guys? Thinking of you...

