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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hi Kaz,
    Sports with boys today and all coming back to an even keel after the dramas of the week. Lovely day and after we get littlest packed up and ready for a weeks camp on Monday, will pop a roast in the oven and chuff out for a stroll with Mr H and the dog. Just a lovely relaxing afternoon all in all, hope your weekend is the same, xx


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Hi Happy
      My weekend has been lovely, yesterday I just vegged out completely, did absolutely nothing. Mr K has gone fishing today and I am supposed to be going out to lunch with a friend and her daughter, apparently it is going to be a surprise for me (as we took them out for lunch on Mother's Day with my son and his partner - which was fantastic). So I will let you know where we went and of course, what we had to eat, when I come home. Back to work tomorrow and Tuesday, then Wednesday off and work Thursday and Friday. Doctor says that he will look at adding a half a day on Wednesdays in June, so won't be long now and I will be back full time again. my friend has just phoned and they are picking me up at 1.00pm and I'm still in my jammies, so I'd better run. Have a great Sunday, take care and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hey Kaz, Sounds like you had a great weekend all round. Its really nice when I see you in the undies drawer, you should hang out more in there, its great coz of the time zones, which I find can leave me feeling a little alone and I dont feel that with the undies. Anyway, dont worry about jumping in, they are a good lot. Just dont tell em I said that, they will think they are VERY important and itwil lead to trouble. back to work, just having a lunch break before the tribe are back, xx hp


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hi Happy
          Just got home from work. And of course, had to log on, I so love our chats, work today was very fraught with sooooooooooooooo many dramas, when Mr K picked me up I just fell in a heap (literally) in the car, but he is sooooo good and supportive, I am soooo lucky to have him. I'm feeling really good now, Mr K has calmed me down and hey I'm talkin to you which is also a HUGE PLUS, okay will divert to Undies drawer too, thank you so much for leading the way. Off work tomorrow, although should not be - but Workers Comp, not allowed to work extra hours, soooo frustrating, so much to do, and also so little time!! THANK YOU BIG TIME FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT. One day I reckon you and I have to meet physically, I feel we have such a strong bond of friendship. Have a fantastic night and remember Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xxxx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Sleep well mate, see you in the drawer tomorrow. And yes I see a catch up as something that will happen too. xx hp


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Happy
              How's your day going, well I hope! I'm at home as you know and doing domestic stuff, washing etc, yuk. But am happy to have at least a few hours away from the business world, just to get it all back together I guess. I just thought that I would hop on line and say Hi, which is a nice little interlude in my day off. I just might wander off into the Undies Drawer and see what's going on, see you there my friend. Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi Kaz, hows it going? Work today which is going well and I've got a few new things lined up. Just missing talking to you and hope to see you in the Undies drawer soon?? xx hp


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi Happy
                  Lovely, as always, to hear from you. I have been in the Undies drawer quite a bit lately. Good to hear that work is going well. H'mm mine ain't that good, it's okay but could be better - I think I might have to re-think my options! After all, I think you really have to enjoy what you are doing right? But having said that I certainly can't complain, maybe I'm just a bit restless, anyway it will all work out. Hope all the family (and of course yourself) are fit and well. Please take care and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xxxxooo
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

