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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Good Morning all you Lovely People
    Hope everyone is well and happy, and I hope you all have a fantastic day. Thank you so much Mauri and Happy for your kind thoughts, it is so good of you to listen and be so supportive. Well we survived the night, which is more than I can say for my poor garden and swimming pool - what a mess - I went out early this morning to start to clear up but was forced back inside by some very hungry mozzies, so thought I would have a chat with you guys instead, before going out there again. We have been told not to go to work unless it is absolutely essential - I have phoned work this morning and I guess everyone has heeded the advice - it's my day off today. My pool has turned a sickly shade of green due to the huge volume of water that's been dumped in it, plus all the branches and leaves that have taken up residence in it - yuk. But it could be a lot worse - at the moment it's quite quiet and quite still, just drizzly rain - but they are forecasting winds up to 110 to 130 kms for today, so I guess it's the calm before the storm so to speak. Lots of trees and branches down on the roads. Hubby has gone to work but don't know how long for, they will probably get sent home too. Well with all that's going on I had lost track of what day I was on - today is DAY 8, goodness where has the time gone. Good luck with the school carnival Happy, hope it turns out to be a great day. Well as I am chatting to you the sky is noticeably getting blacker so I could lose my computer so if you receive a half written message that will be why, my UPS shuts down my computer automatically when the weather is bad - can be disconcerting when you're in the middle of a sentence, but it is protecting my computer from power surges etc. Well better go, will be back a bit later. Love and Sunshine Kaza x
    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


      Seeking Friends for Support


      word from the experienced dont drain the pool, they pop out of the ground...first pool we had in brisbane did just that! Batten down the hatches Kaz or as the cyclone said to the coconut palm hang onto your nuts! Seriously take care...xx hp


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Kaz you ok? If you are where I think you are it dont look gr8 mate?


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Morning Kaza, hope you don't have more devastation? How are you getting on, day 9?
          Taking it ODAT


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hi Happy and Mauri

            If I lose this message you'll know I've lost the computer conncection. Hope you both had a fantastic day. Not good here, it's wild and woolly - we had about an hour or so of relative quiet but now it's on again for young and old and they say it will get worse tonight. Frogs have even worn em selves out!! Hubby came home early and stocked up on some extra stuff we may need - took him hours at the shops due to the amount of people stocking up on last minute items. Oh well, we'll just wait and see, not much we can do, hatches are battened down - dog is inside with us (of course), we'll just sit tight. I had to go out in the wild weather today and into the garden to coax the dog to wee. So squatted down just to show her what was expected - well I have to keep the neighbours entertained which I seem to manage quite well. Good news is that the dog decided to copy me which was really good. Cyclone is going out to sea, but could intensify and come back in by tomorrow according to the forecast - BOM not sure - but no-one ever is where cyclones are concerned hey? Apparently we have had far more water dumped on us than Cyclone Yasi dumped (according to the news anyway. But I have been here 20 years and never seen this much rain in one go). Cyclone was 3kms away at one stage today. We have been asked to stay off the roads, lots of damage ie fallen trees and broken houses, lots of flooding around us, but our place is okay so far, it withstood cyclone Tracy, however, it was a double storey then, now it's a single storey - top storey blew off in Tracy. I've got thick towels at the back door where the rain is flooding the verandah, and from the looks of it, it desperately wants to slip under the door and visit. I'm all for visitors and the good old hospitality thing, but not so friendly when it comes to flood waters wanting to come in (hee hee). Not sure if there is work tomorrow or not, Parliament closed today - I guess I'll just wait and see what tomorrow brings and go with the flow (quite literally I think). Nightie Night my lovely friends. Take care. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


              Seeking Friends for Support

              OOh all exciting stuff (if not very scary) in your neck of the woods eh? I used to live in Mauritius and lived through an awful cyclone - Claudette, back in the 80's which did a lot of horrendous damage so can sympathise, hope you are ok and managing to stay AF through it all!
              Taking it ODAT


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi guys

                Well we are certainly copping it east coast and top end. You keep that sense of humour Kaza and you will be just fine- plus having a house that weathered Tracy is a good sign. I'm not sure how you are finding it but it seemed easier for me to go less hard on AL when we were on high alert and looking at being evacuated than it is normally, guess coz you've gotta think about how you get out if your plastered. Anyway, hope you sound like you are doing just fine even if giving the dog a few lessons is part of it all, so be it love.

                Down to the Gold Coast today, oh joy. Will drop the boys at school and keep going, have to catch some clients down there, who have told me it MOET for bloody lunch. Day 10 and I have the anti-inflamatory plus driving as an excuse. Did you know its easier to say you are detoxing, dieting, on meds etc etc at this stage of the game than to say guess what I have a problem? Thats how I am finding it but I work in the bloody food and wine industry so go figure. It will get easier I am sure. Yoga last night. Fell asleep in the mediation section, and SNORED. Delightful. Am going back though, and have decided to go to a full meditation session tomorrow morning. Maybe wont fall asleep? Maybe not...

                Have a fantastic AL day we are all doing so well :l all round for us!


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Good Morning Mauri and Happy

                  Well the night was wet, noisy and v messy weatherwise, but this morning apart from the flooding and the mess left behind everything is AOK. News says we are off cyclone warning, but also stressed that the ex-cyclone has gone out to sea (and doom and gloom - could intensify and return). My boss has texted me and said not to go to work today - oh well, I have plenty to occupy me around here. Roads are still closed and trees are being removed off roads, so it does make it easier for the Emergency Services to clean up if all us people are off the roads. The Weather Bureau still predicting wind and rain for the rest of the week. Happy you will be fine at lunch I just know, just concentrate on the food and secretly wish they all get fuzzy heads tomorrow morning for drinking the Moet (not a bad drop I must say - last time I had that it was on our wedding night). If the craving gets too much just occupy yourself with picturing all your clients with no clothes on and just wearing a pair of black socks, trust me, it works, and you will have a smile on your face as well, cos no one looks good naked with just a pair of black socks on. All the young graduates I've trained I've told em that one for when they get nervous or feel like they are losing control of a situation - mind you it is far more fun and effective if the people you are picturing happen to be male - don't know if it would work so effectively if you were picturing women though, I must admit it works for me where men are concerned - you know paunchy tums and skinny white legs, or skinny tums and knobbly knees. Try it and let me know. Yeah I never tell anyone that I am not drinking because ....... I think that would have been hilarious you falling asleep and snoring Happy at meditation - well that's what it's all about isn't it, relaxing and letting go, sounds to me like you are doing a fine job. Mauri that would have been scary going through the cyclone in Mauritius, ours wasn't anywhere near as bad as Yasi - the Weather Bureau said that we had more rain dumped on us than what Yasi did on any one town - but it was scary enough. However, it's my choice to live in the Tropics, so these things are to be expected. Well my friends, both have a truly awesome day and I will talk later on. A friend of mine wants me to go to lunch today so that will be fun (if any restaurants are open that is). Love and Sunshine Kaz
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Ok girls

                    Kaza I have just choked on my herbal tea - back in the door and just started catching up on emails and wondered what my MWO friends are up to. Black socks luv! Will not be able to look anyone straight in the face if i even catch a glimpse of an ankle swathed in a black sock....Hope lunch was nice?

                    Well I did it. Went through lunch no dramas and then after when we were finalising another event for early March and just had a word with my two partners and they were discussing celebrating and i just said look, just letting you know I dont drink...and then it was all good. In fact M said she was so happy to know so she wouldnt put me into a situation where I was pushed and that it was a great thing for me all round. Hello? I had been so worried but they have been friends for a loooong time. Its kind of a break through and you see I wouldnt generally overdo it while out, just couldnt put the brakes on when I'd come home. Thats another reason I didnt have one drink at dinner last Saturday - it would have been oh I'll just open a bottle when i get home and that would be that.

                    So a great nearly 10 days and all good guys. Hope you have a great night and no dramas. Feeling just a bit tired with the driving but thats all good, will get to sleep early. Meditation tomorrow.....could be ugly.....


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      UGH naked men in black socks :l I have THE worst image imprinted on my brain now!!

                      Hope the weather is a bit better today Kaza and you got out for an nice AF lunch?

                      Happy that is great that you opened up to your colleagues and that they were receptive, it will make future situations so much easier for you!

                      Guess you are both in bed now, sleep well and speak later x
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hi Happy and Mauri
                        Just thought I would check in before bed, and read your emails. Sorry I made you choke on your herbal tea Happy, but I think you are getting to know me now and know that I can be a bit outrageous hey?H'mm well I see the black socks got ya both going!! Hey, but that's the whole point - I know you will both put it to good use when needed (hee hee). Happy it sounds like you had a really great day, how good was that where you told your friends that you don't drink and they were so receptive - definitely a win win situation. I'm really happy for you and it will take the pressure off a bit, I definitely agree with Mauri on that point. Well done. I am the same in that respect, always was careful when out, not to make a fool of myself and overdo it, but then when I came home, I would say, okay I'm home now, so I can open that bottle. Not Any More Though. Well lunch with my friend didn't happen - her little girl has come down with bronchitis - bless her - she has had an ear infection, flu and now bronchitis - she is a lovely girl 11 years going on 25 years. Her and I get up to a bit of mischief - Mum is a single parent and her daughter comes and stays with me and hubby over a weekend here and there - gives Mum a bit of freedom and I absolutely love having her. Last time she came we went shopping and I bought green hair extensions (well her Dad is Irish) and put in her hair before Mum came and picked her up. Poor Mum (my best friend), nearly fainted, I had to quickly let her know that no, I had not dyed her daughter's hair green and that it was only extensions which were easily unclipped. Her daughter has the most fabulous thick auburn hair and it was really easy to slip in the extensions. We have loads of fun, my hubby shakes his head and reckons I'm just as big a kid as any of the kids I look after from time to time. But hey, isn't that what it's all about - I mean who wants to get old and stuffy, I say let's live for the moment and enjoy the kids, so I really do just that - whether it be playing with hair extensions, makeup, watching DVD's of their choice or making cupcakes, it's all enormous fun)! Anyway, the cyclone has moved off our back door (but could reform and intensify - Oohh the doom and gloom of it all - I'm just not into that. Take every wonderful day as it comes I say and to hell with the rest). It's raining again now, and apparently that will continue for a wee while, but at the moment we don't have the loud wild winds (thank goodness). Well my Dear Friends, again I have waffled on unrelentless as usual, I will wind up now as it is getting really late, hubby is snoring fit to burst in the bedroom, and I will catch up with you tomorrow. Sleep tight, love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                        PS: I have had the eyelash extensions, and my hair extensions (real riggy didge ones - not green) are going in next Wednesday at 12.00pm - whoo hoo, will keep you posted). I'm now off to have my hot milk, which is my latest thing before bed, boy does it work, I sleep like a baby and it tastes good. xx
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Kaza you are so deceptive - first few post I coulda sworn you were a veery young chickie babe. Dare you to go coloured extensions. Off to meditate my loves will keep you posted:h


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Morning Happy & Mauri
                            I have no idea why you would think I was a veery young chickie babe (probably because I act like one?) Well most of the time I do. Hee hee.
                            Yep my hair extensions will be coloured - my hair is chocolate brown with red foils, my extensions will be the same colour, sorry Love, I only use the green type colours on my friend's kids hair, to scare the life out of the Mums, great fun. Alas they know me too well, so will now have to come up with something else - kids love coming here cos they never know what we will get up to next. I like to keep the magic of life alive not just for the kids but for me too. I remember my 12 year old son telling my 5 year old son not to tell Mum there really wasn't a Santa, because Mum believed there was and my son didn't want to spoil it for me! Enjoy the meditation Happy and if you snore, what the hell, it just shows its working right eh? Weather is dark and rainy again, but we are working today so I'd better take myself off and get ready. Have a great day and I will talk to you later. Love and Sunshine Kaza x
                            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Hi guys

                              Just checking in/out for the evening. Had another great day. Meditation rocked. It was nothing like the yoga meditation which I now know is more about relaxation...hence sleepy me.

                              Meditation was all about NOT having thought, pulling back from conscience thoughts concentrating on your breathe and body and being in the moment. You have to sit in the one position ALL of the class and if there is pain - hello havent got down and dirty since last weeks first yoga class back since forever - you have to find in your mind to overcome the pain of your body with your mind, because this is the pain of your past. Or something like that, was in sooo much agony....although it was an hour the class felt like it was about 15 minutes long it was bizarre. There were 2 other firstimers there and they said the same. Cant wait for next week - if this is all familiar CW i cut and paste from my PM to u!! Cant think of a better way to describe my Aha I get it moment, and I am so going looking forward to practising at home.

                              Pizza night tonight. B1 makes the best pizza dough, he works part time in an Italian restaurant and is into his food so I have a yummy smoked salmon, bocconcini and marinated asparagus mini pizza heading my way. Bellisimo! so ciao bellas or something like that! Have a beautiful night


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Hey Happy
                                Just thought I would check in before bed. H'mm this meditation sounds very interesting - mind blowing in fact. Hope the Pizza tasted out of this world (how good to have a son that works part time in an Italian Restaurant and is into food - sounds fantastic). Smoked salmon, boccocini and marintated asparagus - sounds like Heaven to me. I'm sure it was gorgeous. Both of my boys are great cooks as is hubby. Stepdaughter underwent surgery today, so hopefully everything will be AOK, won't know yet a while I guess. Anyway, I wish you too, a beautiful night, hubby is calling me to eat tea, but nothing as exotic as yours me thinks. Love and Sunshine. Kaz x
                                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

