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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hi Happy
    You don't have to know how you make someone feel better, it is a part of you, you just impart a great feeling in others, just by being you, it's just natural for some people and you are one of those lovely people that come into other people's lives and just be yourself. That's all it takes my friend and you do it awfully well. Not just for me but for everyone that you come in contact with - betcha - you may not realise it, but it is true. It's 8pm here and I've just logged on, I'm so glad you were heading to the coast today with the two families for a seafood lunch, sounds divine. Isn't it funny how all the older ones think they are tooooooooooo cool to join in with the littlies, and once there, boy are they in amongst it!! Hubs and I have had a great Sunday - he cooks the best roast ever (which was lunch), then some together time and then tea, Lacksa (not sure about the spelling) for him, sushi for me - now I am so full I can hardly move. No dear friend, birthday is not until 26 March - I think hubby and I will celebrate it quietly -mind you I am a big kid on birthdays and Christmas - I think I've probably told you this before - especially on Christmas Day, I start to wriggle around in the bed and get restless, hubby gives a big sigh and says "Okay, let's do it!" and I am up out of bed flying around like a mad thing (and if our kids are home -Yheeehaa - I jump all of them in their beds to wake them up) Hubs knows there is no peace until everyone is up and sitting in front of the Christmas tree and we all get our presents - he reckons I am the biggest kid of all. A bit the same on birthdays really, can't sleep after 4am and have to get up and give whoever's birthday it is the works, pressies, kisses, hugs and all the excitement that goes with it all. I am very determined at the moment to be absolutely sooooooooo positive, my stepdaughter gets her results tomorrow and Hubs gets his on Tuesday - I won't give in to any feelings that are not positive, for them and of course for me - it will all be good - good news all round. I'll keep you posted.
    Meanwhile, have a great Sunday evening - enjoy - tomorrow is the start of another week yet again and you and I will meet it head on with courage and enthusiasm and yes, AF - Whoo hoo way to go. As always Love and Sunshine Kaz x
    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Mornign Kaz
      Little tired from yesterday but had such a good time. We skipped the posh lunch and had the best fish and chips - family box, full of above plus prawn cutlets calamari potato scallops salad and bizarre corn cobs!? Beach cricket and swims and home by 6ish, so not organised this morning and just feel like sitting here reading and must must get motivated.
      Every post from you is a present I cant wait to unwrap. I turn on the laptop and say i will just have a look and next minute I am signing in coz I want to share with you. I walk away from the laptop with a grin on my face and feel great each day knowing your around. So hang in buddy the week is full of promise and it will be fine. Just keep holding hands, love happy. ps sorry so short got to find ties for boys


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hey Happy
        Hmmmmmm fish and chips - and scallops - just love em. Well today was Monday - a great day at work - hubby is fast asleep - nigh nigh's. Haven't really got a lot to report today - went to work and lo and behold all hell was breaking loose - so I rocked up and said "What the frock guys" let's just take every liddle thing one at a time - Oh shock gasp horror - you can't do that - we have to panic cos that's what we do. Noooooooooo me says let's take one thing at a time and work it out from there - hee hee - it worked - left em all shaking their heads saying "But this is a crisis" - Haaaaa - says I - no it's not unless you make it a CRISIS - how silly really is that mindset. I love life - I love every day and of course I love people - so we are all lucky I think!! Stepdaughter's results are not good - hubby a mess - so I rang all the family and told them what is going on tonight - but said "Hey no doom and gloom - we will just wait and see what happens"- the surgeons did not get all the cancer - she has to go back on Thursday - but the medicos are meeting then to discuss what they will do next - H'mm - so don't know what they will decide, maybe chemo or radiotherapy or more surgery Hubby gets his results tomorrow. I have to keep all the family on an even keel - hubby especially - will talk tomorrow - so dear Friend - Love and Sunshine as always Kaz x
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hi Kaz, Its the Rudyard Kipling poem "If you can keep your head when all around are losing theirs". Good one. So, okay, not such great news but step by step and you have your mind exactly where it needs to be, in the now and not forecasting a future no one can predict. Keep being you, if you need to PM me go ahead, bolting out the door to yoga, will check in on you soon, all my love happy.


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hi Happy
            I couldn't wait to get on the computer and chat tonight! I'm a bit freaked about things today but will take a deep breath and listen to you. Mr K's results today - not good - the surgery on his arm is fine - just skin damage - but the nasty one on the back is cancer - he goes back to the Specialist again on Friday - and the Specialist will decide what to do - more than likely more surgery - but Specialist says "low grade cancer" - H'mm cancer is cancer in my opinion. More than likely more surgery - so we will just wait and see. Hubby is fine - of course - they always are aren't they?? It's up to us to worry about the what if's and maybe's - but couldn't wait to talk and offload my concerns (very selfish I know but don't want to burden Mr K and thank you for listening), I don't sort of verbalise to Mr K a lot - he has enough problems with our daughter - so he has put his problems on the back-burner - bless him - I have a day off tomorrow and hubby has decided to take the day off too - so we are just going to take it easy and spend quality time together. Happy I am so scared - I'm trying to be positive for everyone - but s**&^ I'm scared!! Sorry, my friend, I can only offload to you and thank you for listening. Will talk tomorrow. Love and Sunshine always Kaz x
            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Kaza, just jumped on now and got your message. You have every right to be scared, you wouldnt be a normal functioning caring human being if you didnt feel like that. The specialist is not going to bullshit you, if they were talking a higher level of cancer you would know. Your logical brain is going to tell you that and that is the side you are going to have to use to cope over the next few days - to the outside anyway - and i know thats what you are doing. Its early detection, proper treatment and postive thinking. You and Mr K have all three going for you.

              The next question though is are you being good to yourself, eating and taking everything you need to stay strong? Right that said, if you need to off load I am here, have morning in the office at home and will have this laptop on so let me know if you need me. talk soon, wish i was with you to give you a hug, love happy.:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi Happy
                You always make me feel so much better. You're right of course - and everything will be great - I'll make sure of that. And thank you for caring, yes, I am eating and taking my vitamins etc. I am off work today so Mr K and I are going out to lunch - and we will have a great time. By the way, I just felt like you did give me a big hug. So a big thank you dear friend for listening and caring and grounding me again. Have a great day. Love and Sunshine Kaz x
                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Good stuff, eat something really gorgeous for me and make it a double helping! I am stinky zone, cant have shower as man fitting screen has gone AWOL after nearly killing my cat. Have meeting at 2 so he better bloody hurry. Cat now locked away. Booked for pedicure so that will be nice. enjoy your lunch and your day, hugs to you both, xx me


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Hi Happy
                    We had a gorgeous lunch - and I ate tooooooo much - enough for you, me and everyone else - and then I went shopping - I only do it once a year by the way - Mr K sat on every seat he could find in the shopping centre with a (shall we say) bored, tolerant look on his face, he never complained, but there again he never does - I bought some really nice clothes which I desperately needed for work (and play), then he went off to the pub - I stayed home - didn't want to go - so I'm talking to you while he is still off at the pub - 8.25pm here, so he is sure to be home soon. Is the shower fixed yet?? And how is the cat - I have to say I love cats - Unfortunately - German Shepherd doesn't, so for the first time in my life I don't have one?? Pedicure sounds lovely - great to have a bit of "me" time - I think!! You deserve it! Are you working tomorrow?? I am - and I'm going to wear my new clothes - whoo hoo - something to look forward to eh? Well dear friend better go, I'm sure Mr K will be home soon - so will get him something to eat. Love and Sunshine always - have a simply great day tomorrow. Hubby back at Specialist again Friday so I guess we will find out what day he will go back to hospital - but it will be all good. Kaz x
                    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Kaza apologies for not being around lately, thank you so much for your lovely posts on my thread it means so much to me, hope all goes well on Fridayxxx
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hello Mauri and Happy
                        No need to apologise Mauri dear friend, I definitely have missed you and hope everything is going well for you, and that things are working out for you. Please keep in touch - remember we are all in this together and we can all deal with whatever is thrown our way - damn it, if we don't get it the first time, then we will keep trying. But boy do we need our friends to help us get along and I definitely do as I'm sure everyone else does too. Friday - the big day - oh my goodness, I know it isn't going to go well, but I am staying sooooooooooo positive, it's quite gross really - I am walking around with this smile (oh my Lord, I know it's painted on but there again no one else knows that eh?) - I reckon they look at me and go what the heck is going on with her, hee hee, but I don't care it's stayin pasted on for everyone to see, except of course, my friends like you and Happy that really know what is really going down. Do you know Mauri, I reckon I would have fallen by the wayside many days ago if it wasn't for you and Happy, so may I just say a big THANK YOU to both of you for helping me and if I can return the favour I certainly will a thousand times over!! So my very dear friends, it's 8.25pm here and I am going to go to bed (with my latest addiction - a glass of hot milk), and I will think of you both and feel truly blessed that I have friends like you. I will talk tomorrow, Love and Sunshine Kaz x
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          All my love and support today Kaz, wishing all the best for you and Mr K. Stay strong and take it step by step. Remember to breathe, xxx happy


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Hi Happy & Mauri
                            Today was all good - Mr K went to his Specialist/Surgeon - he goes back to Hospital Monday week, so 14 March for more surgery on his back. He is positive as am I, thanks to you and Mauri. Well Friday night and a lovely weekend coming up to spend with Mr K - bliss - hope you both are looking forward to a great weekend too. Again, thanks for the terrific support and I promise to stay strong and take it all step by step, I'll probably fumble it somewhere along the line but the plan is to stay strong because I know you both believe in me. And yes, Happy I'm breathing - love that Yoga. Love and caring to you both. And as always Love and Sunshine Kazx PS: Waiting to hear about your great weekends too by the way. xx
                            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Thats great Kaz. Have wonderful boring weekend with family planned, enhanced by heaps of rain, so will be cooking french toast and bacon shortly then trying to work out how to wash and dry 2 x days of clothes x 5 people without incurring national debt in electricity. Relaxation of a sort all around. You and Mr K have yourself the same, will be around if you need, xx


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                I'm back - that had to be a quick one as the fangs were out on the kiddy winks so now their fed....Kaz I am so glad you are keeping your positive energy going. By not giving into the negatives you will stay strong for yourself and your family. Yoga teacher asked us a question in class the other day in a part of meditation "Ask yourself what you want from yoga" and my pop up thought was "peace" - no not world peace or anything miss congeniality like, but just peace and quiet from the thoughts that make me anxious and push me in a direction I dont and will not take. So I've been using that question a lot, "ask yourself what you want from - insert here - the next hour, this day, this conversation and the answers are surprising. anyway just another silly thought out there. hope your weekends going well, tribe has spoken gotta move. xxxoo

