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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hey Happy
    Sorry it is so late, but just wanted to check in and see how your/day night went. I have absolute faith that both were fantastic for you, and look forward to an update tomorrow. I just know you sailed through the night and came out on top, cos, you really are a WINNER!! But listen if that was not the case tonight for you, damn it my friend tomorrow is another day, and yes, maybe another mountain to climb, but it will happen and so I think we should not set ourselves impossible goals, but just deal with things as they come and happen - so I will wait and find out what happened tonight with you and your beautiful friends. Just accept what ever happens, and it will all be very good. Mr K - h'mm very, very hard for him at the moment, but I have thrown out lots of positive thoughts and vibes and (please God) they hit home! He is going through not only his own cancer issues, but those of his daughter, the last few days have been tough on everyone, but hell, life was never meant to be easy - so tomorrow is another day and another (maybe) hill to climb - but we all will get there - I read somewhere, that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - so I guess I will be able to relate to that in the next week or so. I think about my life and what has happened in the past, yes, I have had ups and downs and I lost one husband - but (as I've told Mr K I ain't losing another one), cos he is my whole life and everything centre's around him - so he'd better shape up and survive and live a very long life with me! Hee Hee it's all good, and we will come out of this trial much stronger than before. So my very beautiful friend, Goodnight and God Bless, Love and Sunshine Always Kaz xx
    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Hi Mauri
      I know I'm a pest, but just wanted to know how you are going? Hope everything is good. I'm here if you would like to chat, vent or whatever. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz XX
      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hi Kaz, I am going to be totally honest and say I drank last night. Not a huge amount but enough. Going to have to re think about a lot of things. Will post later when I have more time to think. Saturday and running around as per usual. Hope your weekend is going well. xx not so happy


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Oh Sweetie
          Don't beat yourself up, remember what I said, we are definitely not perfect by any means., and boy are there going to be mountains to climb, but we will do it, if at first we don't succeed then we try, try and try again, but Love we will get there - I promise - so PLEASE don't worry you will get there, what did I say in my last post, we are not perfect and we will fail, but the good thing is we pick yourselves up and try, yes and try again. So Sweetie please don't go back - just concentrate on the future, you have DONE SO JOLLY WELL, so far and YES YOU WILL DO IT AGAIN! So WHAT! If you drank last night - tomorrow and the next day will be just so good. Don't sweat the small stuff, Darl, look towards tomorrow, and a new day, because it will happen - sometimes, it takes us all a bit of time to get where we want to go/be. You my friend are a WINNER and will always be just that a WINNER! So take it easy, kick back, enjoy the moment and it will all work out, I promise. I know you are hurting and beating yourself up, but PLEASE DON'T! We are our own worst critics - believe me - we beat ourselves up and think that everything we do is not right. WELL THAT'S WRONG!!!!! Think about tomorrow and how lucky we really are - we have great family, kids, and all and another week to look forward to - aren't we just so lucky!! So dear friend, take a deep breath, calm your mind and yourself, tomorrow is going to be a great day to look forward to - and you and I will meet it head on!!!!!!!!!!!!! On that note, I will say as always Love and Sunshine Kaz xx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hi Kaz
            I want to talk about Friday later beacause I am pushed for time this morning and wanted to catch you before the day gets underway just in case you had to get out the door to work too.
            Thank you for all your support, it is so good to have you around and means a great deal. Just so you know too I am in a good place with my thoughts now
            I just want you to know that I am sending every positive thought to you and Mr K this week. It will all be good, you have to know that.
            I'm sorry this is so rushed - I will jump back on later today if possible but have to go now, all my love xx happy


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Happy
              So good to hear from you today, I was concerned for you. I'm so glad you are in a good place with your thoughts now. And a big THANKYOU for your love and support for Mr K and I this week, today is the day. I am going to work because he wants me to. He goes to the hospital at 2.00pm this afternoon and will be operated on after that. He doesn't want me to go up there tonight, because he will be so groggy from the anaesthetic, so at the moment I'm humouring him on that score. He definitely has to stay in on this visit longer than last time. Anyway Sweetie, gotta rush I'm also racing out the door. But will come back later tonight. Have a great day. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz z
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Kaza really hope your OH is ok, sorry for my absence I am going to stick around now I promise, sending you lots of hugs
                Taking it ODAT


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi Mauri
                  It is so wonderful to hear from you, especially today, it really means a lot knowing you are out there. I still haven't heard how Mr K is - the hospital staff know to ring me if things aren't good - hey no news is good news right?? I'm getting a bit edgey now though - I will ring the Hospital shortly, they did not have any news earlier - he was still in surgery - so I am trying to be as patient as I can, I don't want to humbug them, I have to remember to be fair, patient and realistic - whereas Mr K is my No 1, the hospital staff have lots more patients as well as my No 1 - h'mm not working all that great though - I am trying to occupy myself - I will give it another hour, that's 6.30pm here and then I will ring again. Surely they will have news by then. Hey Mauri, hubby took me out on Saturday, to our favourite friendly pub, they all spoil us rotten, even though I only drink water, or post mix soda, hubby makes up for it!!!! I saw a horse come up on the screen called Mauritius, I immediately thought of you and decided it was a great omen and got my husband to put $5 each way - guess what - it came in and I got some money back (not a lot but enough to get me very excited - I think I won $4 - but as I don't normally bet, I couldn't resist the name - hee hee - it was loads of fun and I entertained everyone with my exuberance, you would have thought I had won a a million dollars - well it felt like it anyway). So my friend, as I said, I really appreciate hearing from you, glad you are going to stick around, I've really missed you - I hope all is well with you and look forward to hearing your news. Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Kaza please let me know when you hear, I am sure everything will be fine, as you say no news is good news, glad my name won you some cash LOL! Take care hun x
                    Taking it ODAT


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Thanks again Mauri
                      Once I know Mr K is awake I will be singing loud and clear. However, I have to remember it will still take at least a week for the results to come through from Pathology like last time, so I have to temper my enthusiasm I guess, but hey, I am taking one hurdle, bridge, mountain, day at a time, I will cross em as they come - it has to all be good. Thankyou again for being there for me. I'll post after I speak to the Hospital only 45 minutes to go now - I'm getting there hey? I am trying to put things in perspective, because I hate to be selfish (even though I know I am - because my little world is being threatened), I am feeling hugely for all those poor people in Japan, the fear, agony, pain and trauma that they are going through I can only imagine - happenings like that bring it all into perspective - so many have lost loved ones, family and friends, and everything that mattered in their lives, I cannot imagine how they are feeling and coping right now and my heart goes out to them all. Will talk soon Love and Sunshine Kaz xx
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hi Mauri and Happy
                        I have only just been able to speak to Mr K (8.25pm here), he is very groggy, in a lot of pain and still obviously feeling the effects of the anaesthetic, but at least we talked for a minute or so. I'll just let him be tonight now that I have spoken to him, I will ring in the morning to see how he is. It was great to be able to talk even just a few words - he will feel a lot better tomorrow I'm sure, won't know the results or prognosis for a while, but it will happen. Thank you both for your love and support - it is sooooo appreciated, so nice to know you guys are out there for us. So Goodnight to you both, Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          That is great news that he is ok, bet you are relieved, sleep well x
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            As always Mauri
                            You are brilliant beyond words, I am very relieved and yep, guess I am tired, but a bit hyped up too, a glass of hot milk should do the trick (hee hee - my latest addiction, apart from MWO that is). I look forward to talking to you tomorrow. Love and Sunshine Kaz x
                            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              OOh i love hot milk! I am just having some home made celery and cashew soup and a wholemeal roll washed down with OJ, I am starting my healthy new life today, need to lose around 2 stone - not drinking will help too!
                              Taking it ODAT


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Morning all!

                                Sorry didnt get in yesterday one of the boys ended up in emergency all good now but quite stressful and am a bit tired today.

                                Kaz, you sound so positive and strong, I can just feel that it will be all okay. I'm guessing it will be a little while before you get results? Anyway just step by step. Hope you are keeping busy and your usual up beat self. Mauri, good to hear from you. Cashew and celery soup sounds - um - interesting...

                                Have to catch up on the day to day workload today, but will skip out for yoga too! talk soon, xx happy

