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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hi Kaza

    Really get what you mean about the awakening. Its like anything is possible now, the world is full of limitless possibilities and they are all ours we just have to jump up and say yes please!

    Went for a walk with mr h today just out from the city and walked in pottered around went into a bookshop bought some great books, so this arvo will be about reading catching up ready for the week and cooking - but this Sunday is my first without the wine glass attached to my hand. I love to cook and that seems to have become part of it, so again I will kick that little monkey in its head and start a new habit to compliment my gourmet chefdom. Not much point cooking up a storm if you cant remember what you eat eh?

    good luck for the week, go strong :thanks: for your posts too!


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Good going on the monkey kicking myhappyplace :H

      Kaza, you sound so happy - makes me happy for you!
      Keep up the great work
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Good Morning My Happy Place and Lavande
        Well here it is Monday morning and I'm still feeling great. Again got up early pottered around before I logged on. Last night couldn't sleep again, too much energy still so had another glass of warm milk, which did the trick after I had read a little while. Hubby snoring away beside me. This warm milk routine is becoming a habit, but a jolly sight better one than the Al hey? Happy Valentine's Day to you, we are going out tonight to a restaurant which I'm really looking forward to - this time I will remember what I ate (a big bonus). Normally it would be come home from work, have a couple of drinks while getting ready and then a few more at the restaurant - not this time. With all my friends here I have the courage to move forward and ignore the monkey that was always there. I really can identify My Happy Place with the cooking and the glass of wine glued to your hand - that was me too. Congratulations on kicking the pesky monkey. Well I must start to move and get ready for work so I'll say bye for now - have a truly great day and I'll be back later.
        Kaza x
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hi Kaz

          Just quickly as I am out the door to see a client, :goodjob: doing so well mate, check out the chemistry of milk I think there is something there, apart from the comfort factor! Enjoy your dinner out, flick those eyelashes a lot and just think when the hair extensions are there you can toss the locks around like Dani Minogue in the good o'days, probably before your time! Have fun and stay strong! x hp


            Seeking Friends for Support

            OOH eyelash extensions how very glam!! Loving the positive vibes in here Kaza, hope you have a lovely AF valentines dinner!
            Taking it ODAT


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Mauri and My Happy Place

              Just got home from our AF Valentine's Dinner, what a gorgeous night hubby and I had, we talked and talked about my Al obsession, he, as always smiled and said he was there to support me all the way, which he has done, he is fantastic, now I'm working on him to at to least cut down his AL consumption. He is very open to my suggestions, after seeing the change in me, I am totally over the top, so happy and confident, where I was not before, in fact I honestly think I was a cow, but hubby (beautiful man that he is, says no, I wasn't, but I deep down know that I was, he did admit to me that I was getting cranky before I finally realised what I was doing to him and myself) so tonight, I am feeling that I could "kill ze bull" or "climb the highest mountain". I really am so happy - tomorrow is another day and there will be more mountains to climb but all I can do is keep trying, if at first I don't succeed, then I jolly well will try and try again. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams to you all.

              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi guys

                More power to you Kaza you lucky girl! Just enjoy these moments and hold them to remember IF you hit a bad patch.

                I had resolved from the start not to convert my hubby. I know him and we are alike in that we need to come to our own decision on what path we choose - stubborn mules both of us! Having said that habits can change and I can see a few starting so we will just let that one be and I wlll update you on any changes...

                Mauri, I am glad you are back. I didnt post to you over the weekend basically because your plans made me feel awkward in that you were making a choice to do something I didnt approve of and as a newbie I didnt want to arc up, which is not me. Given this site is for support I didnt know what to do. I think prancy and ukblonde knew and said so.
                Anyway I hope you are feeling better and know you can do so well. Onward to 30 days i say!:l

                talk soon, xx happy


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi Happy

                  Just thought I'd check in before heading off to work in a minute. Happy Happy Tuesday. Going to work will be interesting today, here I am all done up like a dog's dinner and we are having monsoonal rains with heavy winds, Heavens knows what I will look like when I get to work after braving the weather outside - just to get to the car and get in means a jolly good drenching. Oh well, if that's the worst that happens to me today, I reckon it will be just fine, and it will give my workmates (truly they are agreat lot - good fun) something to laugh at when I get there looking like a drowned rat literally!! Thought I'd lost my message to you last night when we got home, huge storm and bang just as I finished the lightening struck and my computer went dead, so didn't think the message had gone through, but I see this morning that it did. I understand what you are saying about conversion of hubby - I am lucky, and so are you by the sound of it, with you noticing a few changes happening, same with my dear fellow, he seems to be cutting back - he needs to as he has a lot of ailments including diabetes - so it can only benefit him, so even a slight cutback is a start. But he had got to the stage where he was imbibing a bit too much, so I'm glad he's seeing things differently now, especially with me being the way I am - totally different and full of energy. Loving every day as it comes and hoping that it stays this good. But am also on the lookout for a slip up which could and most likely will come at some stage. But having said that I'm hoping it won't happen. Well better brave the weather now, I'll come back on later tonight when I get back home. Have a truly great day.
                  Kaza x
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Hey Kaza

                    If Mr Kaza health improves and you are feeling so much better thats gotta be a win win hey? Anway we will keep trying and I must admit I have noticed as Mr happy starts work early and finishes early he isnt drinking as soon as he comes in the door and is definitely exercising more which is also a plus.

                    Just about out the door myself, bit of rain in sunny (!!) brisbane today which has made it cooler! Enjoy that monsoon! talks soon, x hp


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      HI Kaza, hope the storms aren't causing you too much trouble today, I hate rain it makes my hair go all frizzy!! Great that your DH is being affected positively by the changes you have made have a great AF day
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hi Happy and Mauri
                        Well here I am back again - WHAT A DAY!!!! Yep brolly turned inside out and Mr Kaza laughed and lunged for me - I was either Mary Poppins or the Flying Nun - not sure which but had a good giggle. Which reminds me of a funny story, we took our very large dog for a walk the other night and I was holding the lead, someone said something to me and she lunged at them (protective little (large) thing that she is). Hubby lunged for me as I went flat on my face and he landed on top of me, which entertained the neighbours no end, I can tell you. Lost power at work today countless times due to storm ferocity - however we made it home tonight. Storm is raging outside, my verandah is totally flooded to the back door (and it's a very big verandah), swimming pool overflowing and flowing down the big long driveway. The water is now coming under the door so have put thick towels down to hopefully stop the water coming inside. If I lose you guys, it's because of the weather!! We are now on cyclone watch. I have the day off tomorrow, so will try and get out with a sharp spade and dig away some stuff that is stopping the water from draining away - hee hee - wish me luck guys, if I was a drowned rat today, just wait for tomorrow - it will be a hoot - winds are now up to 120 kph so we will see where we go - I could land up anywhere hey? Still as bad as it is, it is not as bad as all the other floods and devastation that has taken place lately, so all we can do here is thank our lucky stars and feel for the victims of the floods, those that not only lost houses and possessions but family and friends, so I really have to count my blessings. How are you guys doing? I really hope you had a great day - I can't wait to come home and get on to MWO and have a chat with you. You should hear the frogs - h'mm having a lovely time doing whatever frogs do in the monsoons (and I've heard it's naughty). Had some bad news tonight Mr Kaza's daughter, my stepdaughter, (beautiful girl (only young) with 3 kids and a lovely husband), has been diagnosed with 2 malignant cancers - she is as you can imagine very distraught - and is a long, long way from us, so her Dad is very stressed as am I. Her Mum passed away just over 12 months ago with cancer so of course, everyone is thinking the worst. All we can do is be there and be as supportive and loving as possible. I am being the positive little beaver running around the place to daughter, hubby and family. H'mm getting a bit pensive now, how soon things change, one minute all is right with the world, next minute all is not right. I am a great believer in positive thinking, and I am trying to instill that in everyone around me - well we will see if that works, I'll keep you posted. Well my lovely friends, I have banged on for far longer than I should have so will sign off and say goodnight, sleep tight and love and sunshine always. Oh and thanks for listening to my prattle.
                        Kaza x
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Kaza :l so sorry to hear about your step daughter, that is such devastating news, really hope they can treat her

                          Where do you live that the weather is so awful? It is rainy and miserable here today but not a patch on what you have!

                          Well done for keeping strong, sleep well x
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Welcome Kaza - sorry I am a bit late on this! Good luck wth your meds and you sound very positive! Keeping positive is half the battle. The support here is awesome!
                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Hey Kaza

                              Omgawd cyclone watch! Had a friend in Townsville the other week in the middle of it all texting me filthy jokes, so if you need a laugh I can resend. Seriously though take care and make sure you have supplies. Not talking about going nutso like every man and his dog did in Brizzy but just your basics. Certainly has been a bit wild and woolly lately, we have friends who just got back into their place last weekend and it has been hard.

                              Just hang tight with your stepdaughter, you are doing everything you can if she is at at distance and I bet that your moral support means a lot to her and to your hubby too. Just thinking all the best for you all.

                              Have to be quick just about to get B3 to cricket training and then back to wake B1 and B2 and get them to school too, swimming carnival today so yeah! no shirts to iron!
                              talk when i get back online, xx hp


                                Seeking Friends for Support


                                I am guessing NT? Heard they were on watch so look out babe!

