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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    MMM lovely sounding food in here!

    Happy meditation sounds like agony to me :l

    Kaza you sound like such a laugh no wonder all the kids wanna stay at your house! Hope you have a fab weekend!
    Taking it ODAT


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Hi all

      Saturday morning and the weather is just beautiful. Got up early and went out to the markets, Rocklea - you might have seen it in the flood footage looking pretty bad and very sad. We normally buy our fresh fruit and vege there if we have time with kids sport etc. It was so good to see it full of fresh food again and it was such a great atmosphere. They didnt have live music this morning but maybe that'll take a little bit longer to get back together.

      The house now smells like strawberries and basil and other lovely things. Gonna make some juice and fruit salad and the boys want pancakes, but that will wait till tomorrow we will have to run out for just one game of cricket today.

      How good is this, weighed myself this morning and i've lost 2 kgs. It has to be the wine or lack of - I am eating in my usual fashion, oink oink, but I am not tall and every kg over shows. Another plus!!

      Hope you are primed for a really positive weekend girls, if your feeling the slightest bit weakened get back on and read a few threads it's doing the trick for me so far. I love Beans stuff - really positive threads plus the running!! I am soooo going to run. By the end of February, my promise to you, anyway talk soon, xx hp


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hi Mauri and Happy
        I've just come in from cleaning up carnage outside - we waited until the weekend because of all the rain, but couldn't stand it any longer, so hubby went and bought stiff straw brooms and you know that very stiff short type bristled broom (doesn't sound like a very good description - but works well). A friend of ours arrived last night during yet another storm so plane couldn't land for a while, anyway hubby just sat and waited and they got back from thr airport about 2.20am this morning. He's in the swimming pool fishing out all the garbage - it's taken all morning and he's still at it. Hubby is on the brooms and the leaf blower thingy - and now lo and behold you can see our verandah - not possible since the cyclone. So it's all starting to shape up. Day 11 today girls whoo hoo, I know that you are both also going great guns - hey my friends, I reckon we could "kill ze bull" now don't you. Happy sounds like your Saturday is fantastic, markets, the kids, cooking etc, wonderful and I know you are enjoying it as would all the family. Good work. Well I'm heading now to make lunch for my workers and get back into the backyard blitz!! Have an awesome weekend take care of yourselves and I will talk later. Love and Sunshine Kaza x PS: It's just started pouring with rain yet again - oh my - well not to worry - my husband seems to derive a lot of pleasure out of me looking like a drowned rat (literally) hee hee. Onward and upward I say so tally ho here I go - watch out Jamie Durie.
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Jamie! Yum!


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hi all!

            Hope you are well, the weekend just flew and back to it all again today. Working on another project over the next week or two which is going to be massive so dont think I'm not posting for any other reason than that. Day 14 and all good. No cravings still just a little tired but the heat/humidity has been pretty crap. Busy weekend and heaps of fun, just getting my head around work today!! Walked this morning and have stuffed my left achilles so not happy jan! Have yoga tomorrow so had better get better fast or I will fall off my perch. talk soon xx happy


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Ladies
              Happy watch out for the achilles, that jolly well hurts, as you would know. Take it easy my friend, don't overdo it. Good luck with the new project, I'd love to hear all about it. Hubby went to hospital this morning, had some growths on his arm and a very big one on his back. Our friend and myself went up to see Mr K tonight, he put on a very brave face - hadn't been long out of surgery so was still drugged to the hilt, supposed to come home tonight, but no, they are keeping him in overnight. The Dr said the growths on his arm (3 or 4) weren't anything to worry about, but the very big one on his spine, they are concerned about - he had drips and tubes going everywhere - scary - he kissed me and told me he loved me and that I was very precious - but after about 20 minutes asked if we could please go home - he wanted to go back to sleep - I spoke to the nursing staff but they couldn't tell me if he could come home tomorrow or not. So I kissed him, told him I loved him and we left. I've cooked up a storm tonight, so that if he can come home tomorrow, he will have loads to eat. (My man loves his food - hee hee - almost as much as he loves me)! Hence the late post. Please take care of yourselves. I will check in tomorrow night, (and hopefully have my wonderful man home). Take care and love and Sunshine. Kaza x
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Oh Kaza :l hope your hubby is ok, sending you lots of love and I hope he can come home soon
                Taking it ODAT


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi Mauri
                  Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and love, I too hope he can come home and that things will be all good - Boy is he going to have lots to eat when I get him back! I'm sure things will be just fine - what with my step-daughter and hubby it feels a bit too much, but I am and will stay positive - things are sent to try us - and I think everything happens for a reason - I've lost one husband, I refuse, absolutely refuse, to even contemplate anything but a good outcome in this situation. So I am going to bed now with my beautiful dog (who sleeps on a doona with her pillow on the floor next to my bed) and I'm going to think only good thoughts and of all the wonderful friends I have made on this site, as well as my other wonderful friends. Goodnight, Love and Sunshine always. Kaza x
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Hugs to you and mr k sweet girl, you have courage and positive vibes in bucket loads so I can only see the best outcome. Of course he will be home today and eating all of that delightful food, can I come too? Have a great day today and keep busy, you always seem to, xx happy


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Hi Happy and Mauri
                      TWhat would I do without my friends!! Thanks, for the encouragement, feel like I need it right now more than ever before. Yep got my wonderful man home, unfortunately, don't know the results yet - , Specialist was very cautious and said it wasn't what he thought it was, so Mr K booked in for Friday morning, maybe then we will have results - I changed the dressings today - Nurse Kaza I am not, God the wounds look awful, still - deep breath and positive thoughts and of course I don't comment - Specialist is saying probably more surgery - Goodness I hope not - Mr K is very subdued and quiet but rocking along like he usually does, so I am matching that - as our friend who is staying with us until tomorrow said - K don't worry about what you can't change it will happen anyway whether you worry or not! H'mm this little brown duck doesn't quite go along with that, but I guess it's true - he is a great friend, solid and comforting, wish he wasn't leaving tomorrow, cos he does keep me grounded - we have been friends for years - he tells everyone he is my brother - and everyone believes him!! However there is a likeness between us hubby reckons - same high cheekbones, cheeky sense of humour - well a bit wicked really - hubby and friend out at the moment - should be home very shortly - so I've cooked up a storm again - fettucine and smoked salmon with cream sauce, if nothing else they will both end up "porky" eh?? Well dear friends I am working tomorrow, boys are still out, their tea is cooked so I might just crawl into bed -at least until they get home and then I will serve up the highly fattening food I've cooked - by the way I don't eat it - I don't mind them stacking on the weight, but I don't fancy doing it, hee hee. So I will take my leave for now - Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Kaza hun just listen to you friend and stay as positive as possible. Mr K might have more surgery he might not. You are doing exactly what you should and staying in the moment. Food sounds fantastic by the by...I think its good that your at work today, just take this one day at a time. Thoughts with you and Mr k xx hp


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Hi Happy and Mauri
                          Just thought I would check in and see what my friends are up to. Again, I can't say thank you enough for your friendship and support. Our friend left yesterday, he waited until I had finished work and drove Mr K and I to the airport - saw him off and Mr K drove home, carefully. He is still very quiet and not saying too much about how he is feeling (but never does, never wants to worry, bless him). Well today was THE DAY to find out what was going on - so we went to the Specialist that operated on hubby at 10.00am to be told that "Sorry, he didn't have the results back yet and to come back on Tuesday next week". OMG I was so geared to take whatever on the chin, but it didn't happen. Specialist said it was not only Mr K's results he didn't get back yet but everyone else he had worked on that day!! Whew - that made me feel a tad better - so again onward and upward, get through the weekend and back to Specialist on Tuesday. Also today was the day to get my stepdaughter's results, to see if they had got all the cancer, but again, we phoned and found out, she doesn't get her results now until Monday next week. Ho Hum -Monday and Tuesday next week - should tell us all what we want to know. Until then positive, great thoughts to both and we - I am sure will be rewarded with good news for both. Does that sound selfish? Yes, it does. I don't mean it to sound that way as there are so many, many beautiful people in this world that are going through muc, much worse, I know that for a fact as we all do. So I will try and focus on everyone going through tough and hard times - and promise to stop being selfish and thinking only about my little clan. I hope you both have a fantastic and awesome weekend - take care - Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Quick check in between kids committments, Kaz so no news is good news - hate to sound so cliche! No its not selfish you are still tuned into what is happening around us and everyone wants the best for those closest. We've banned the tv for a while as the news stories have sent the kids into a spin again, and convinced them that the world, particularly our end is not in the best shape at the moment. Youngest sleeping in our bed after watching a tv report from nz i cant even describe it was so horrific.

                            I am going to stop those thoughts there, had a really bad day yesterday for no particular reason other than feeling very overwhelmed by "stuff". Didnt slip on AL but did have a small slice of cheesecake after dinner, THEN got a craving to finish the whole lot and guess what? Did the whole urge surfing thing like it was a glass of wine and didnt do that either. I know thats how I used to go through a bottle or two, just one more just one more, then what the hell just finish the bottle. So no more and very pleased to finish the day on that note. Have a wonderful weekend, will catch you soon, xx hp


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Morning Happy
                              As always you make me feel so much better. I don't blame you for banning the TV it's all doom and gloom and heartbreaking stuff, what a shame your youngest saw that tv report from NZ, the news is on early too, so it's not like all the kids are in bed when it goes to air - and kids are so impressionable - it's very, very sad what has happened - I can't begin to contemplate the horror, misery and suffering going on over there at the moment - we here in Australia are the lucky country in so many ways.Good on you for fighting the AL even though you had such an awful day, that shows great courage and strength. I don't think a small slice of cheesecake hurts anyone, I can identify with the urge to keep going because that's what I used to be like too, just one more became a catchcry - so again congratulations on your courage and strength, you are really making me feel sooooooooooo much more positive just by talking to you, and that's a great feeling. I feel like we have known each other for years, funny isn't it, but very comforting. Well you too have a wonderful weekend and keep those positive thoughts going cos they are helping me too as well as your whole circle of family and friends. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Morning Kaz, dont know how I make you feel better but I am out of my whingeing mood and feeling heaps better, determined not to let some of those nasty niggling negative thoughts eat at me. Always feels comforting that I have you to spill to, yes its funny to click so quickly. We are out today for my girfriends birthday, taking both families out for a seafood lunch up the coast so really looking forward to it, no fears about AL it will be a lovely simple day. There is a water park the kids can head to so they will be in their element, even the older ones who say they are too cool but behave like the little ones when they get amongst it. Just thinking, amidst all the chaos didnt you have a birthday coming soon? If I missed it I'm sorry, and if it s still heading our way let me know. Celebrate every moment! Hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday morning, your in my thoughts xx happy

