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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hi Happy and Mauri
    Wow, Happy your positive vibes are resonating here - I sometimes wonder, why am I so lucky to have found you - you do make me feel soooo good. I love the Yoga teacher's question - and I will use it regularly - as always you ground me and that little lesson will also ground me - make me less negative and far more positive - bring it on - I can do it and I will. I went to my Beauty Therapist today - some me time!! Had toenails, fingernails, eyelashes and eyebrows done and lots of just therapeutic chat type stuff that we do - I always come away feeling great - she says she makes me her last client on a Saturday as I make her happy and grounded and she can finish her week on a high - because we have such a great session, she says she winds down for the weekend and loves it. Hey - ain't that special - it works for both of us. She is a great person and I have known her for many years (she's only young, just recently married, but boy do we click - it's all good). Then Mr K picked me up and we spent a glorious afternoon together, I just treasure the time we spend together - it is always so great. Tomorrow, Mr K will cook a roast (he does every Sunday) I am not allowed in the kitchen - he does it all (but I - lucky girl get to clean up - not a chore really - well not really eh, but he does make a fine old mess, hee hee) he his a fantastic cook and it's all worth it. Then work again on Monday, Doc increased my hours so now I will be working 4 days a week for 6 hours a day, bonus!! So my dear friends, will now finish up it's just after 8.00pm. As always and forever, love and Sunshine Kaz xx
    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Kaz you sell yourself short. I bet you click with all you meet, you just have that happy knack of being open to peoples different ideas and beliefs. Glad that your weekend has been so relaxing, its great to kick back and just enjoy yourself - no strings attached. I am roasting a duck this morning, ready for a curry tonight so wish me luck its the first time I've done it, but courtesy of Donna Hay and various internet recipes for the chinese style marinade I am crossing everything and hoping it will all be good. Its smells gorgeous even if it looks a bit sad. Hope works fits in well for you and your week goes well, love xx happy


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Morning Happy
        Hey the duck sounds great. Have no fear it will be perfect, I just know it. I never ever liked duck and then a few months ago, Mr K bought a duck and roasted it in the weber - it was to die for, and I've loved it ever since. So I'm getting hungry thinking about your duck roasting away in your oven. Mr K is making roast lemon chicken today and roast pork, he also buys pork rind which he roasts in the weber -and yep, you guessed it, we make such pigs of ourselves on the pork crackle there isn't much room for the rest, but we manage to fit it in. This is one of my favourites. Well I hope your weekend has been lovely and relaxing too. I guess yesterday involved your boys and lots of sport eh? So Sunday has just got to be a relaxing day for you. When my kids were younger, it was always take one to one sporting event, then race to get the other one to their sporting event - but always great fun as well. Gosh it's 10.30 here and I'm sitting in my jammies chatting away, better get moving and make myself look presentable for what's left of the day! H'mm think I will invite a good friend around for lunch - she is separated from her partner, so there is just her and her young daughter, and daughter (beautiful girl), goes to her Dad's today, so Mum usually spends Sunday lunch with us - which is always great fun. So I'm off now to glam up (hee hee) and ring my friend to come to lunch. Enjoy the duck, the family will all love it. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz
        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hey Kaz, quickie call in before bed. After eldest son plundered the duck for a pre lunch snack I topped it up with heaps of asian veges and fresh pineapple and it was delicious. Hope your lunch was fantastic, it sounds lovely and social and I soooo love roast pork, its just tastes the best hey? Love lazy Sundays and this has been a really good one. Didnt have the sport run yesterday coz of the rain so all in all a very quiet weekend enjoyed by all. talk soon, much love xxx


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hi Happy, another quickie here before I go to bed. H'mm duck plundered for pre lunch snack (luv it) - just the sort of things growing boys do - it's their job after all. I knew it would be delicious - mmmmm asian veges wow, sounds fantastic. Our lunch was yep, to die for too, so good in fact Mr K and I retired for a "nanna - hee hee and grandpa - nap" to digest it all. Purrfect. It's been a lovely lazy Sunday and might I say, Saturday as well. My sons phoned - one is in Canberra, one is in WA, then Mr K's family phoned - all worried about Mr K of course, so chatted with them and then I phoned my Step Mum (my Dad passed away just over 12 months ago), she is in her 90's and lives alone. So chatted away to her for quite a while (always love catching up with her), then ironed hubby's shorts for work tomorrow - first day back for him tomorrow since his first op. Then he had his shower and I changed his dressings -Nurse Kaz I am not - but as I said to hubby I'm sure getting better at it, less pleats and crinkles in the plaster (hee hee). He just loves being pampered, so couldn't care less really, pleats or not - so he's now in bed and me heading there too. Are you working tomorrow. If so have a great day. Better go Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Mauri
              Couldn't sign off MWO without saying hello and wishing you lots of love and sunshine. Hope you are going really well, I don't want to intrude but want you to know that I am here any time you need to have a chat. I found our chats invaluable in the past and look forward to many more with you. Friday - Well Mr K goes back into hospital on 14 March for more surgery on the cancer, and my Dr increased my hours to 6 hrs x 4 days per week, so it won't be long before I'm back to work full time. I sincerely hope you had a great weekend and have a great week to look forward to. Take care. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hey Kaz work is crazy this week and I have made a promise to myself to only pop into MWO for half an hour tops each day otherwise I am not on top of everything I have to do. I am 28 days now!! and whilst I dont count everyday, I gave myself a month to rest, relax and absorb all of the new thoughts and things that were around and learn some better habits. I am still learning everyday but will have to prioritise a bit better as I've let some things on the workfront slip and cant do that for long without problems arising. Having said that I am about to go to yoga in the next hour!!! but again that is part of my new routine. Hope this little ramble makes sense, and that your week is progressing well with the new work hours, you sound so fantastically positive. I will be here most days in the morning just checking out what is happening, stay strong my friend, much love xxx


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hey Happy
                  Sooo good to hear from you (as always)! I can identify with the crazy work hours, started at 10.00 and s'posed to finish at 4.30pm - knocked off at 6pm, but a really great day - very positive. Please take it easy on yourself and don't overdo it, you have hubby and young family as well as work. H'mm who am I to preach, working the long hours is what got me into trouble healthwise to start with (and that was 12 months ago), but going good now and recovering nicely, not yet back full time, but a bonus with my new hours - very happy! In a couple of months I should be back full time (I hope) I do have a very pedantic Doc (He's also very caring and hee hee - extremely patient) - who says he knows what is good for me - Hah says I - however, I think over the last 12 months being under medical supervision, I have learnt to be - shall we say - a tad more patient - still love to push the boundaries, but Doc says "NO"! I know what you mean by learning every day - me too - I've lost count of my days - too much going on at the moment. I hope yoga was sensational - MWO - you, Mauri and Flossie - what more could a girl ask for, I get such great positive vibes from you and I really appreciate it - in fact, I'm not quite sure where I would be without MWO and you. I've said it before and I'll say it again a big "THANKYOU"! I have tomorrow off - Doc only allows me 2 days, then a day off, and then back for 2 days - I'm learning I think. Well my friend, I am strong, because of you and I hope I am not being selfish, but I really look forward to, and count on your messages. I hope in some small way I also help you, however, I do believe I am the one benefiting totally from our friendship. I do so appreciate it. Wow - look how far we have come in such a short time, I hope Mr H and the boys are all well and happy, mind you, I don't think they could be any other way with your in their lives. So dear friend, Goodnight, sleep tight, and Love and Sunshine always. Kaz x
                  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Morning Kaza, Am on my allotted timeframe on MWO which I find irritating to ration and then in a sense realise its like another addiction, a nice positive one yes, but one I need to manage. I probably dont say it but the sense of strength shared goes both ways, I appreciate that you have been and will be there for me to spill to and thank you for your selflessnes when you are going through so much.
                    I have a night out looming on Friday, a good one with great friends who will accept if I dont drink and no problems there but I cant get a little niggle out of my head that it would be ok to have a couple of drinks. Which is bizarre, coz I cant stand the smell of wine or beer and I am not totally sure what it is that I am trying to gain from the experience if I do drink. So my thoughts are very muddled and I want to clear them before Friday night. I dont plan to drink, but I do want to have a plan, and I dont think that makes sense, what do you think? Anyway, yoga yesterday was great and I am looking forward to meditation on Friday, hope to get some work done now, so will head off and speak soon, love happy x


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Hi Happy
                      Friday night, h'mm, that's a tough one, but I know you will conquer this feeling that you are experiencing - that little niggle - do you think it may be your mind trying to trick you into wanting that drink - just to see what will happen type thing? Our minds play very weird and wonderful tricks on us, usually when we least expect it. My Dr told me years ago, when I gave up smoking, that after a period of time, the nicotine is out of your body and your body is repairing itself and you're beginning to feel better and in complete control of what you will or will not put in your body. But then our mind decides hang on - let's just test this and see where we will go - and all of a sudden we get the uncontrollable urge or a just a niggle to sample the one thing, you have managed to control and get out of your life. My Dr said be prepared for that, because it's human nature and it will happen. Well, he was right - I experienced a niggle then the uncontrollable urge to have a smoke, so I did things to trick myself into not taking that first puff, it was hard, but it worked. However, in the situation of being surrounded by lovely friends and a great party like atmosphere, the situation would be harder to control because you are in an environment with your friends and you can't do some of the things that you would normally do to get rid of that urge, ie take a bath, a walk, wash the dog, go to the shops, have a massage, or some such thing that gives you a feel good feeling. I'm no expert on these things, but I'm just thinking, why not try and trick your mind into thinking that you are in the same situation as your friends and enjoying that drink by ordering say, a Mocktail, with no alcohol, you get all the bells and whistles and little umbrellas - it looks scrummy - you don't feel cheated and hey you have beaten that niggle, which by the way (if it's the same situation as when it happened to me with smoking, goes away after a very short time and your mind is satisfied again). Or perhaps try a sparking apple juice in a long flutey type glass, or whatever takes your fancy as long as it isn't alcohol. I don't profess to be knowledgable about these things, but if it was me, I would try and go armed with something in my head to combat the feeling - something that I have suggested above, or maybe try and think of other non alcoholic drinks you could come up with that will do the trick. I totally sympathise and can identify with your problem and think to have a plan is the way to go, perhaps look on the net for ideas for non alcoholic drinks that appeal to you and ask the Bar Attendant to make it for you - they are only to happy to oblige cos that's their job and they just love to concoct drinks that are somewhat different and fun for them to make. Also your meditation session on Friday would be a valuable tool in calming and clearing your mind and perhaps even give you more ideas. Hope my ideas are of some help my friend, and also look forward to that wonderful feeling of being in control that you will experience - it will be worth it. I know you can do this - I have absolute faith in you - look how far you've come and what you have achieved and it will also give you the strength to fight. Remember your lunch recently with the Moet and good friends, you came out of that on top and you'll come out on top on Friday. Well, I've prattled on long enough, just hope it helps a bit. Have a great day. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Just heading out the door and very naughtily checking in....

                        Kaz you have hit it dead on target. This is EXACTLY what I feel, its like pushing a boundary, touching wet paint all those sorts of things. Sooo, I have the inklings of the beginnings of a plan forming in my little brain and will be googling luscious non AL cocktails on my return. Over and above all else I dont want to lose the self respect I have gained, I dont want to lose a Saturday, I dont want to lose full stop. Will run full plan past you when I have it down pat.
                        Thanks my friend, the day is cloudy but full of your sunshine, xx happy


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Hi Happy
                          Yep, me doing the same just checking in before hubby picks me up - I just had to see if what I ran past you was okay. I've googled it today, just go to google and put in non alcoholic drinks - trillions of em. Glad I could be of help, hubby now here, got to go, Love and Sunshine always and what a team we do make whoo hoo. kaz x
                          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Part 2 - Friday night plan. Hey Kaz, your post has been so much food for thought. Visually I see my mind as a princess who always gets what she wants and kicks and screams when she doesnt. Sooo no room for princesses, will not suffer a spoilt brat in my home, so why would I put up with one in my body? My goal in meditation tomorrow is to clear my mind of the feelings that I am deprived because I am not drinking, to feel richer and happier that I am in great company with accepting friends who value me for me. Simple plan.
                            I have also set aside an hour tomorrow to re read my old posts from a month back. I started to the other day but found I was distancing myself from the old me like it never was. I think I need to remember how this started sometimes, not all the time, but just so I realise that it is possible to go back and the choices are mine. Good to have you here on this journey, talk soon, xx happy


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Hi Happy - sorry I am late checking in - big day at work - and had to spend time with Mr K - reassure and just chat about things that are coming up for us both on Monday and possibly thereafter, but it will all be good, I just know. Mr K seems ok for now, but I think this weekend coming up will be trying for him. Listen Happy - tomorrow night will be jolly fantastic for you, I just know, because you are so strong and focused - and nothing will stand in your way - we are all Masters of our own Destiny and boy, my friend, you have and are doing so well, nothing can change that. And may I just say you are definitely not a princess in that sense who would, kick and scream in any shape or form HOWEVER, let me just say, I think you are a real Princess (in the best possible sense), who is doing fantastically well and who will continue to do so - you are a WINNER my friend and that is what counts to yourself, your family and yes, to all your friends. So, in my book you are already there, a WINNER and will continue to be so. On that note, I have to say, I have complete and utter faith in you and your decisions, and so from me - Goodnight, Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
                              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Thanks Kaz your words are always a lift to my spirits. I will be taking the car tonight, have never had a problem with that as you know, it is always arriving home and feeling hyper and wanting to keep going thats my problem. I am picking up some of the girls and dropping them home too. Have mapped out my day and realised that yes, you were right as usual, I am looking forward to the party atmosphere and the catching up and that DOESNT include the taste of AL. So my focus is the enjoyment of my friends company and the delicious food. I have made sure there is nothing on hand at home to get into - just in case. Anyway thats the plan.
                                Enjoy your weekend with Mr K, make it as fun as the last weekend, your working so hard now you need to kick back and relax on your days off. I know your mind will be thinking to the week ahead, but just enjoy the now. Ok my fellow princess - and yes you are too - will kick off and get this day underway, little bit of work, then meditation then a truckload of running around organising people, will catch you over the weekend and let you know how I scubbed up, love always happy

