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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Hi Happy, Mauri, Saff and Noodle
    Have just logged on. Thanks Happy - you are so great. I really appreciate the information you've sent. Just got home. Mr K went back to the Specialist today, had more biops taken (yeekk), they do sound awful but he takes it all in his stride (beautiful man - I'm so lucky). He (as am, I is staying very positive). I have a day off tomorrow (my normal Wednesday off - due to Worker's Comp), and we will be going out for lunch again - Mr K is off for another 10 days, so I get this Wednesday and next where we can go out to lunch - told Mr K he has to choose where we go tomorrow - wherever - it will be enormous fun and such a special time for us, one on one. So my lovely friends, I will sign off, be kind to yourselves, take care and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Good morning all,

      Beautiful day out hope it lasts. Yesterday started great and went for a run and got soaked by the only raincloud in the city! Felt great though. Kaz hope you enjoyed your lunch? and that the food was great. Well I have decided that I dont want to moderate. I had my February free as you know Kaz and then indulged in March, never as much as I had but enough to know now that I felt so much better NOT drinking than half and half. It is a physical feeling as well as mentally knowing that moderating opens the gates for me, and I dont want to go backwards.

      Hope all is well for you all, will need to get a wriggle on, having my hair done shortly so need to get moving! xx hp


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Hi Kaza,
        Today is my 7th day AF. I am not taking any medications but am exercising, doing yoga, meditating, and drinking lots of water. I get my inspiration from the people who have gone 30, 60, 90 days and others who have two years AF under their belts. We are here for each other.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Hello Happy, Mauri, Saff, Free at Last, Noodle
          Hope everyone is going reaaaallllly well! It is Friday night and we are going through a huge storm, my German Shepherd thinks that the whole world is about to cave in! She's so beautiful, but hates, storms, rain. thunder and lightning (she's not particular about the order of any of these either by the way). They all freak her out!! Happy I think you are doing absolutely great, and I really mean that, you are my champion and give me so much inspiration. Free At Last, good on you - go for it, you are doing just great too. I think this site gives us all that something we need, friendship, support, care, motivation, I could go on and on, but it really has been a lifesaver for me, and I'm sure for all my wonderful friends here. Mauri where are you, are you okay? Noodle, wondering how you too are going? Hey Saff how are you going? I've seen you on other posts, just wondering if everything is ok with you too. Anyway guys, I'm sure you are all extremely busy, I look forward to hearing from you all when you have time, take care and Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Seeking Friends for Support

            To Rusty Re Baclofen

            [QUOTE=Rusty;1057306]Welcome, Kaza!

            You might want to click on Naltrexone in the Meds Forum....lots of stories from people who've experienced it. I took it for a few weeks and it did help, but the problem HAVE to drink on it, and I didn't want to drink at all, so I take Baclofen.

            Congratulations on your AF days, too! Keep it up.[/QUOT

            I have tried Naltrexone but would just drink more so i would feel drunk. Campral did nothing for me. Am now on the Kudzu and L_Glutamine but still drinking 3 glasses of wine and need to acheive abstinence. Does Baclofen have side effects?


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Mmmm ok I'll are all? Good one hopes? Boys are back to school today so I will have peace! Love them to bits but its hard to work around at times, last night they set up a 3 hole golf course around their bedrooms??? Anyways, hope all had a great weekend and are raring to go this wonderful week. Yoga this morning shortly so will be keeping an eye out for any to follow...have a great day.


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi All
                Just checked in to see what everyone is up to. Good to hear from you Happy, maybe now school hols are finished you will have some "me" time, I do hope so. Amethyst there are loads of posts on bac, the good, and the bad, I guess, I have stuck with Naltrexone and it has worked for me, but we are all very different, what works for one, doesn't work for someone else. I'm going to have to try this Yoga Happy, sounds so good. Anyway, hubby has just arrived home from fishing, so will close now and go welcome him home. I have my usual Wednesday off tomorrow, but apart from that am back to work full time WHOO HOO - I'm happy about that gotta admit, but a bit of a shock to get up so early (shudder), but will get used to it again no doubt. Have a truly wonderful week everyone, take care and be kind to yourselves. Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Hi all, sounding positive in here, glad everyone is ok, I have been struggling with things but think am pulling myself together yet again, groundhog day!!

                  Kaza any news on your hubby's results?
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Hi Kaz and all to come, just checking all is going well for everyone. Nice to see you again Mauri, stay in touch mate. Kaz I can ask my yoga teacher if she knows of anyone in the NT, shes away on meditation in Adelaide this week, but sometimes you just stumble across the right person at the right time. Like anything I guess. Mr H off to rugby with boys and I am just about to pick up the eldest from work - he did a setup for an event this morning so will be fnishing soon. I have been substituting drinking for a lot of reading lately and have found some great stuff in the archives here. So in order to keep my "creative recovery" happening I am also getting back into studying and hope to knock over at least one assignment by Sunday night. Wish me luck! signing out, xx ps Kaz let us know how Mr K is going?


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Helloooooooooooooooooo All My Lovelies - Lovely to hear from you Mauri , sorry to hear you are struggling, please stay in touch, we are all here for you and we miss and care for you BIG TIME. Sorry, I haven't been in touch, I really must apologise for my tardiness, so much has been going on!! Thank you Happy would love to hear if your teacher knows of anyone in the NT. And I certainly wish you luck with the studying. H'mm, I've only lost two kgs so far was hoping to have lost more, how's your weight loss going Happy? But I do have gooooooodd news Mr K has just received the all clear (well, sort of - still more biopsies every week) - BUT it is looking good sort of (for 6 months anyway - Whooo Hooo), I'm really happy about this as you can all imagine, 6 months - wow - I am so pleased, even if it is only six months at least in my mind that is a bonus yeah? I think so, I'm not greedy I will accept and appreciate anything we can get - after all there are so many other people out there that don't even have that - so I am sooooooooooooo thankful - I am so very grateful for what we have - and am going to take it one day at a time, I am soooooo very lucky. Unfortunately, Mr K has only one kidney (due to an earlier bout of cancer) which is not in a good state and also his liver is not good (which is due to his medication apparently they say, so he has been taken off the nasty meds - so hopefully there will be an improvement there) I am hoping you are all doing well and are happy, It's getting late nearly 1.00am so had better crawl into bed, and yes, as always Love and Sunshine . Kaz xx
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Morning all! Kaz that is such good news, and must be a great relief to you both. Honestly, thats made my morning to hear. Onward and upward from now I think.

                        Will check with my yoga teacher when shes back for you too. Weight loss? I am sitting on 60kg so all in about 4-5 lost, but the biggest improve has been not feeling so puffy and lethargic, so I think the daily exercise and eating properly and not skipping meals is doing it. Also no AL! My goal weight is 58 but I am not stressing, it will happen. It took a while to put it on so I am happy to lose it that way too. Have you been exercising much? I know you like your food as much as I do!
                        Better round up my troops shortly and I do need to finish some housework...boring stuff but necessary. xx talk soon


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Hi Happy
                          Yes, I am soooooooooooooo happy - it is great news and I agree onward and upward, I really must remain positive, cos I think that helps in every situation we all face, don't ya think?? Congratulations on the weight loss, I'm so very happy and proud for you. I am exercising more, (I gotta admit, I'm an exercise alcoholic so the one thing I have to learn is moderation - h'mmm I'm a bugger for that, I go full on and full tilt - that's Aries for you eh?) I do love my food too, but I also tend to neglect to eat when I should - bad trait I know - and not a very good trait when it comes to losing weight - I know you're supposed to eat small meals at regular intervals for metabolism purposes. I sooo love our chats, they are so inspiring for me. Mr K is fast asleep and German Shepherd is sitting right next to me in my office, watching me type (hee hee), funny girl, thinks she will miss something I'm sure. Well I work tomorrow and then have Wednesday off, back to work Thursday and then 6 days off - everyone says lucky me - but being on WC for so long I disagree, love to be at work. Well dear friend, as always take care, be kind to yourself and Love and Sunshine Always Kaz xx PS: Here's wishing you and your family have a truly fabulous safe and happy Easter. I was in bed but couldn't sleep - so got up just to log on and see what was going on - will now take GS back to bed with me. Good night and have a wonderful day tomorrow. K xx
                          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Hi all, Kaz, hope your enjoying your day off. Just taking a lunch break - well its a little longer than a lunch break, coz in truth I am not interested in completing the tasks at hand, but will be back into it shortly. Gotta love a good dog, mine is a large black "labradoodle" - read designer mongrel who is actually the best dog we've ever owned as far as the smarts and being a legend with the kids. Very sweet. Unlike our cats - who I adore and everyone else tolerates. Have just realised "the little one" is bigger than our older one and now know why, sprung him stealing dogs food out of the packet. Cute.
                            Planning to take Mr H out for dinner tomorrow night, on a DATE!! no kids!! Not going away over Easter, what about the two of you? we've decided to stay home and do the day tripping thing. Also want to get into GOMA and see the Art in the 21st Centruy exhibition before it closes next week. The floods affected the Gallery and it has been a sad end of the city until just the last week or so, looking forward to getting down there. Right, over and out, take care and talk soon, xx


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              So lovely to hear your good news Kaza you must be over the moon!

                              I am so rubbish I just can't kick this stupid habit and find myself hung over to the max today, I don't know what my problem is I really need to find the strength from somewhere to get myself sorted
                              Taking it ODAT


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Hi Mauri and Happy
                                Now Mauri I am not hearing you being happy which makes me sooooooooooo very unhappy. My Darling Girl please don't keep beating yourself up. You have to start believing in yourself, we have all been and sometimes still are in that bad place, but it will be okay I promise you. You will find the strength - that is guaranteed I just know you will with all my heart. So please, please, please, start being kind to yourself, we are all here for you and will do anything we can to make things easier for you. PM me if you would like, I will do everything in my power to help and support you. You know, we are all beings on this planet and are here for a reason, and sometimes, life throws the worst possible situations at us, but we do find the strength to fight and go on. Mauri, please stay in touch - it's never going to be easy but it will happen and you will look back at this and realise you have overcome yet another hurdle that life has thrown at you in this life of ours. But you must never ever downgrade yourself, you are so not rubbish, you are loved and cherished by your family and of course by all your friends. So Dear Friend, just know that there are so many people in this world who are all there for you and you cannot and must not give up. You are very loved. Now I really appreciate your post about Mr K, yes, I am over the moon, another 6 months and then we will see what this life throws our way. Please don't be lonely call on us whenever you want, we are there. Now it is 7.20pm here and the start of the Easter weekend, I would love it, if you wake up in the morning and say "This is the first day of the rest of my life", positive thoughts and affirmations are a wonderful thing, we all have the ability, we just need to know how to use it, cos it ain't easy. I would like to say a huge thank you for your friendship and support over the past couple of months, you have always been there for me with words of encouragement, friendship and support and I want you to know it is reciprocated.
                                Hi Happy, I agree dogs are great, I have always had a cat but Mr K doesn't tolerate them, neither does the German Shephard, shame because I love em. Your Easter sounds great, OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH let me know how the date goes with Mr H tonight, I'm sure it will be brilliant for you both, don't forget to log on (when you get a minute) and tell me all about it AND YES OF COURSE WHAT YOU ATE - You and I can't stop the Foodie thing eh? I'm taking Mr K out to lunch tomorrow at the SkyCity Casino - so should be great fun. My hairdresser came to the house tonight and cut and coloured my hair (sent Mr K to the Pub), so will be hopefully looking pretty specky for "our lunch date tomorrow". Will let you know the goss. The Gallery sounds great. We are doing the same, kicking back, catching up with friends and enjoying each other's company. Mr K's 85 year old Mum suffered a heart attack on Sunday (she's in an Aged Care Facility in Melbourne), she was taken straight to Hospital, but I have spoken to her every night and she's doing fine, going home to my sister in law's on Good Friday for a couple of days before heading back to the Aged Care Facility (which by the way she loves-and runs - like a tight ship - they call her Queen Doris)! Mum and I have always been very close, but it's unfortunate she can't fly any more, she has the mind of a steel trap, but as she says the body ain't working like it used to. Fantastic Lady! Well I have prattled on long enough - have a simply fabulous Easter, take care and be kind to yourselves, Mauri and Happy and don't ever forget Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz XX
                                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

