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Seeking Friends for Support

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    Seeking Friends for Support

    Kaza :l:l:upset::l:lthank you I can never express how much what you say means to me, you are a lovely person!!!
    Taking it ODAT


      Seeking Friends for Support

      Hi Mauri
      I'm so hapy and thankful to hear from you, you have been on my mind over this long weekend. I do hope I can help make things easier for you, I will certainly do my damndest and yes, everything will work out - it always does you know. The trick is not to let things get you down (easier said than done I know), but as your saying goes if at first you don't succeeed try, try then try again - those words are so very true for all of us. How has your weekend been? Mr K cooked his famous Duck marinated in oranges and orange juice yesterday - it was superb - he's a fabulous cook (I'm sure I've told you that before). We had a couple of friends over as well and had a lovely day. Today Mr K and I are going to visit friends (they've just moved into a new place), so that will be fun. What are you up to today? How's your DS and DH going, I hope all is well with them.
      Hey Happy how was that date of yours with Mr H? Mr K and I went to the Skycity Casino on Good Friday for lunch, and I put $20 in the pokies and won $547.00 - I was very surprised and more than pleased, so took the money and ran. M K won $200 on the gaming tables, so all in all it was a very profitable day for us, and the day out cost absolutely nothing. I think we probably go to the Casino about once a year - that's enough I think, wouldn't want to make a habit of it. Well my Dear Friends, I will go now, have to get ready to visit our friends. Be kind to yourselves and take care. Love and Sunshine always Kaz xx
      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


        Seeking Friends for Support

        Good morning

        Up early today and have the troops off to school and socccer via bus and with another mum as my car blew a hose on the weekend and with nothing open will take a day or so to get back to me. So I am now on my own after the 5 day long weekend with everyone and its bliss. Much as I love the craziness and noise and all of them its nice to have quiet. Date night was fun Kaz, food was fantastic and it was lovely to have time just the two of us. How good was your score at the Casino? We only commented on the weekend the in all the time we've lived here we've never been to the one here in Brizzy, not good at it I guess. Wondered if you are working today Kaz? I'll have to start shortly, fitting 5 days into 3 will be a task and a half but if I get a wriggle on it will be accomplished sooner! anyway, talk soon. xx ps will squeeze meditation class into the equation too!


          Seeking Friends for Support

          Good Morning Happy and Mauri
          No, not working today Happy - my last day off, so convinced Mr K to take a day off too, but he has so much leave - over 12 months worth, and that does not include Long Service or sick leave, he has taken off not only today but up until next Monday, going back to work Tuesday of next week, cheeky devil!! Hever mind he deserves it what with all the ups and downs we've had in the past couple of months. I have a friend coming around this afternoon so can't chat for too long - still in my jammies! Glad to here that your date night was great fun and good food. Yes cramming 5 days into 3 not an easy task but I'm absolutely positive you will do it with no problem. Did you get lots of Easter eggs, we had lots given to us and I had a beautiful bouquet of flowers given to me as well, they are a type of lily, not sure of the name, but have the most fantastic perfume, so the house smells divine. Well better go and shake a leg I guess. Take care and be kind to yourselves, and Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Seeking Friends for Support

            Hiya Kaz, just back in the door from dropping eldest to work and the others are at golf, so a chance to read back and see what happening.

            I am starting May 1 as my new first day AF. Tried moderating and its not for me. Looking back - and I'm not sure if thats the rose coloured glasses but the 31 days I did AF seemed easier than thinking of how I was to deal with each day moderating. So I am spending a little quiet time reading back and working on a plan to see where I came unstuck and how best to avoid the pitfalls so I can ensure the best possible life for me.

            As always Kaz you are a huge support and make it easy for me to forgive myself. I just need to learn not to forget myself and my plans too. Hope you are having a fantastic weekend, we have the day off tomorrow in QLD for labour day so its a nice chance to sort a few things out. talk soon, dont forget if I am not here you can catch me on the Undies thread in General, come and say hello to them sometime! xx


              Seeking Friends for Support

              Hi Happy
              It's great to hear from you. As always my friend don't be hard on yourself ever, we are all in this together and we are all going to slip up now and then, yep, because we are all human, and if we didn't then we would be robots instead of kind and caring individuals. So good luck with May 1 onwards my love, you have such a down to earth and sensible approach to everything you do that you will always succeed, no one is ever a failure and with your great outlook you will always be a success. I understand what you say about learning and not forgetting your plans, but I think we have to be realistic in this life and know and understand that all the things life throws at us are not always easy to deal with, you have done a brilliant job in accomplishing 31 days AF, and you will continue to do a brilliant job in everything you set out to accomplish because that is already built in you, it's in your nature and I for one am extremely proud of you as are the rest of your friends and loving family. So may I just say, I feel honoured to have met you (even though not physically), and I feel we have formed a very strong bond of friendship which will continue. You are a huge inspiration to me and I always look forward to hearing from you. We have a day off here today - it's May Day which I guess is the equivalent of your Labour Day. Well my dear friend, I send you heaps of good wishes and am always here for you as I know you are for me. So be kind to yourself and I wish you Love and Sunshine always. Kaz xx
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Seeking Friends for Support

                Hi Kaz! You made my night yesterday when I saw your name in the undies thread. Keep popping in they are a great bunch. Well I am so lazy today, didnt sleep well last night and am fighting a cold so once I dropped the boys I headed back to bed with tea and the laptop and have only come out to check the work computer and make cheese toast! How bad is that! I dont think these short weeks are very good for my work ethic. Anyway just reading back and enjoying the morning sunshine. Out to dinner with a friend tonight whos husband left her recently. No issues re drinking though as shes a one drink type and we are both driviing so no problem at all. I can see your on line so hope you are having a brilliant day and that both you and Mr K are well. xx

                ps forgot to check about yoga - will see teacher later in the week.


                  Seeking Friends for Support

                  Just dropping to in say hi to you wonderful folk. Keep smiling

                  Love and grace Saff xx
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Seeking Friends for Support

                    Hi Happy and Saff
                    I've just logged on and am really happy to receive your messages - It's made my day today. Work was very fraught with tensions and tantrums all round, big event coming up at work, so spent the day putting out fires and trying to keep people on an even keel. I have just found out that a young guy (probably late 20's) has been kicked out of where he was staying, we offered for him to stay with us, but it's too far for him to get to and from work (he works shifts), so tonight I found out he is sleeping on a couch with no bedding, pillow or doona. Sooooooooooo says I, this is not right, so tonight I have been busy pulling out my trundle bed, which stands up into a 3/4 single bed with a great mattress, I have added bed linen, doona, doona cover and two pillows and Mr K will deliver it to him tomorrow morning - I phoned and told him all these goodies were coming and he is over the moon, so I'm feeling very happy I was able to help him (lovely guy with no family here). He said I had made his day, but no, it made mine knowing that I could help, and as I said to Mr K, I hope that if one of my kids needed help and we weren't there, then they would get the help they needed - so am on a real high now. My son phoned me (a surprise phone call), a couple of nights ago, he and his partner are coming here to spend Mother's Day with me - over the moon with that too. Life is soooooo good and I'm feeling very happy tonight. I really hope all is well with you guys too. Just remember Happy, you are such a strong and committed person, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. And Saff, so are you - you will also accomplish what you set out to do. I am so very blessed to have met you people. Haven't heard from Mauri lately, hey Mauri if you are listening, please check in - I would (as we all would), love to hear from you. Better go now, will talk soon, I hope everyone has a terrific Friday and a great weekend. As always, take care, be kind to yourselves and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
                    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                      Seeking Friends for Support

                      Morning Kaz, I have been off MWO - dns server problem - since Sunday morning!!! Hope you are well and your Mothers Day too? I have to get scooting this morning as I've got a new project to work on but will check in soon, xx hp


                        Seeking Friends for Support

                        Hellooooo All my lovely friends
                        I spent a fabulous weekend with my son and his partner, it was soooooooo good, we had a lovely time, unfortunately, they had to leave yesterday, so I'm sooking (as you do when your kids leave), but it was great and they both had a fabulous time and are talking about moving here (very great I think, but I guess I'm being very selfish - however, I would love to have some family close by, we don't at the moment and it would be so great). Hope everyone is really well and happy and had a fabulous Mother's Day. I'm off tomorrow (back to Doc to see if I can go back to work full time - fingers crossed), well my lovely friends, Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Seeking Friends for Support

                          Hi Kaz, thats so weird - I thought I posted to here this morning and its not here!! Must be my crap computer skills. I am so glad you have had such a great time with your family and that Mothers Day was good. And you know I love seeing you on the Undies thread, so check in, they are all welcoming you with open arms. So - my lovely friend - main question - are you 100 days plus??? answer quickly before i drag out the calculator, talk soon xx


                            Seeking Friends for Support

                            Hi Happy
                            So happy to hear from you, I have lost track but think I am at least 100 days, not sure, just take one day at a time, but I'm sure I must be up there if not now at least soon. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day too and got really looked after. H'mm come to think of it I reckon I'm there. Oh well, it's all good, thanks for chatting I was feeling pretty crappy once my kids left. But now I've heard from you I'm feeling very good. Take care Be Kind to Yourself and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
                            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                              Seeking Friends for Support

                              Hiya Kaz, just a quick checkin to see how you are today? Hope all is well and you had good news from the Doc?

                              Just waiting on Mr H getting here so we can grocery shop. He does love to shop, likes his food too so we've got a bit to pickup as apparently "theres nothing in the fridge!" Thats boys for you.

                              Off now, talk soon, xx


                                Seeking Friends for Support

                                Hiya Happy
                                Just logged on - great to hear from you as always. Doc is keeping me on 4 full days a week until 1 June and then if I'm still okay will also give me a half day on Wednesday of each week, so we will see. Asked Doc to look at Mr K's back - as it hasn't healed since his surgery a couple of months ago, but he reassures me it is all good and the cancer is all gone. Thank God. H'mm I don't do the grocery shop as Mr K loves doing it - says it's his destress time - and as I hate it I just let him go. Boy he really is a good shopper too, although I did point out that we now have 8 tubs of butter in the freezer, so it's time to ease up on some things. He's an habitual shopper I think and I have to reign him in sometimes, especially when we have 4, 6 or 8 or so items in the freezer, never mind he does love it. Hope you had a great day - take care of yourself and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
                                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

