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Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

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    Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

    Hi all friends here!

    I'm starting a new thread. Yestarday i completed my goal about 6 AF days, so today i'm going forward and want to reach Day 14 or 2 weeks without AL. It will be February 17, so just 1 week!!!!

    Hope to stay strong despite any circumstances...
    About "tricky" day 6.. Actually this time more tricky was Day 4... Perhaps with medication it could be easier to do it (day 4 was really tortoure but i have assets and tools what i have;
    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/

    Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

    sorry, accidentaly pushed my mouse....
    So, my tools at the moment: 2 - 3 l of water per day, eat when i feel hungry (when i feel stressful i eat imediatelly something sweet and drink water), yoga, walking in the city depite cold (today - 6'...brrr...), reading, keeping myself busy etc. And everyday MANTRA - i don't drink anymore.. and with inside wiew i see bright and big figure 14...
    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


      Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

      Day 7 complete..Still feel a little bit nervous and anxious but much better than Day 4 and 5.

      I have again my face and my eyes alerady lost some weight but i think it's was just excessive liquid caused by AL, my waist is slim again:wd: I think stress did some job too..

      I'm really happy about my first week of sobriety!!!
      The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
      /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


        Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

        Day 8... Today i have another job interwiew so feel a little bit anxious.. but al free days slowly give me back my confidence and i hope it will help..
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

          Well done Audrey, keep going.
          The days will just get better and better.
          Stay positive :goodjob:

          Damo in Dublin
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

            Good Job, Audrey


              Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

              Audrey, you are doing so well, ODAT. Sending you strength and hope.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                Hi Audrey, keep up the great work. It is a hard battle, but you can do it. You are so correct about gaining back confidence with sobriety, it only gets better ! Surf those urges if they come this weekend, they will pass. Hang in there,
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                  Thank you Damo, Flowerine and Star!!!! Feel stronger with your words and toughts!!!

                  Hi Hill!!! Yes, i was loosing confidence, i didn't like myself anymore and people around just feel this energy - bad or god, your energy or lack of it etc. i read about it in books and i knew it..This aren't material things but they exist.. When you poison yourself regulary your aura becoms less and less powerful and can't protect you...

                  Ok, i have to prepare things for my interwiew!!

                  I wish you all strenght too and peaceful mind!!!

                  The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                  /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                    Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                    well done Audrey on your first week af. Good luck with the job interview.


                      Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...


                      You have done so well ,congratulations on your first week.
                      I hope this is the hardest thing I ever have to do as I`m worn out just trying lol.
                      Good luck for the interview too
                      Love Flo x
                      Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                        Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                        Hello Firefox and Flossie!!! Thank you for wishes!!!

                        Yes, Flossie the first week is very tough.. My second - physicaly feel good, cravings are not so often but..Trick is that you start to think: why not to have a glass of wine?? I was so good for one week, Friday evening etc. No!!!!!!! Because it will be not a 1 glass!!!!

                        I had 1 hour interwiew and some questions which i didn't like.. Normally i don't care but now when i'm sober for 1 week i feel very vulnerable and get easily stressed...I survived because i have huuuuge expierience with negotiations, different people's attitude and level of intelligentsia..
                        Went out, snow again almost till the knees ( i can't wait for a spring....) and i felt that i urgently NEED a glass of wine.. was walking in the snow and talking, arguing, trying to comfort myself..Thanks God accidentally i saw small "chocolateria'..went inside..all empty and two old ladies - shop assitents..i ordered hot chocolate - very thick and fat, i think 1000 calories "Medicine' was in the right time.. They were looking at me - maybe i seemed them very strange

                        Now at home and very tired. Made dinner, now i want just to read something, relaxing music and sleep!!! Ah, Day 8 wasn't easy...
                        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                          Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                          Audrey, congratulations on your fabulous progress! It sounds like you are just tackling things one day at a time and dealing with any thoughts or urges to drink one thought/urge at a time. That strategy has worked for me too!

                          Now I'm wanting chocolate.

                          You can do it!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                            Hi Audrey
                            I agree with DG - taking it as minutely as 1 hour at a time i think is an excellent stategy....and one I am going to employ myself today as I start my new AF journey
                            Keep going


                              Next step - Day 14 or 2 sober weeks...

                              Doggygirl;1058390 wrote: Audrey, congratulations on your fabulous progress! It sounds like you are just tackling things one day at a time and dealing with any thoughts or urges to drink one thought/urge at a time. That strategy has worked for me too!

                              Now I'm wanting chocolate.

                              You can do it!

                              Hi Doggygirl!!!

                              I hope you got your chocolate!!

                              Yes, once per day i get really tempted to's not at home, here i feel calm, doing things etc. And MWO site.. When i'm out i feel more stressed (Riga, where i'm living now, is not very quiet and peaceful city..for me could be better to live in my small hometown near sea, but reallity is different so i have to live with reallity...) and yestarday i realized that on the street i wanted just to enter MWO site..i don't have such option in my, "some kind of good addiction"...:H and chocolate 'came" on my way:H

                              Day 9... -8' here and snow.. have an interwiew for a temporary post as a baby-sitter in a good family (while i'm looking for a place in my field and profession..) more reason not to drink.. Baby-sitter can't be drunk:nutso:

                              Have you all great holidays!!!!!

                              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/

