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Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

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    Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

    Hi everyone, I was going to start a similar site but there was already one here Glad I found it.

    I suppose I'd be classed as part of the 'binge drinking epidemic', but I don't think my drinking patterns can be so easily pinholed 'alcoholic' 'binge drinker' etc.

    One thing I can say - yes I have a problem with alcohol, that is very obvious.

    Secondly, I drink for fun only - I'm not trying to cover up any unpleasant or stressful aspects of my life, well, fun and the fact that it is a very addictive drug.

    I never go out with the intention of getting drunk, it's always 'just for a couple', but of course that never happens. Once I start I can't stop, I go to later and later bars as the pubs shut, I bribe landlords to stay open later, the thought of 'the end of the night' is horrible.

    Then the trouble really starts, if I wake up drunk I want to continue and go straight to the pub, this can go on for several days until my body can't take it anymore and I have a hideous of withdrawal, truly hellish, and it makes me wonder how I could possibly put myself through that time and time again - I just can't summon the memories of those withdrawal days when I'm drinking. Of course during these 'benders' I end up getting in trouble and being barred but I can't deny that I am having fun at the time.

    I never drink at home - I have some lagers here and some wine, they are never touched, I don't even notice them. Once I have recovered I am very much a normal person going about a normal life with no craving or little voice saying 'just have one'. Then maybe a week later when the drinking memories seem far away I'm invited out and because I appear to be 'cured' I don't see any problem - what's the worst that could happen? And the cycle starts again.

    The annoying thing is though I can drink in moderation, I can go out and have three pints and come home - it's difficult, but I can do it - the only thing is, why stop? And the alcohol overrides the awful memories and what will happen.

    It's the height of denial but in many ways I blame this country (the UK). I spent the summer in France, had wine with meals and maybe the odd brandy at the weekend - a very normal relationship to alcohol in other words. As soon as I come back here the craziness returns.

    Being on prozac and valium do not help either, and the alcohol is probably stopping them working anyway.

    So what am I? What can I do? You have to want to stop, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't - in the meantime I'm damaging my health, but I don't want to stop having fun.. oh what to do.. I hope this sounds familiar to some people and would welcome any comments or advice

    Confused by definitions of problem drinkers


    I noticed some posters have mentioned Kudzu - I have been taking this for a couple of years, it really helps with hangovers but has started to lose its effectiveness as I take bottles of it to the pub with me which sounds crazy, I sit there swilling them down with lager!

    I have only been taking them in this way although it says to take 6 a day I thought that was unneccessary - but is that really what I should do with these? Every day? Even when I'm not drinking?


      Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

      I don't think you need to have family, mental or any other type of problems that brings you to the point when the dance with drinking is becomes an obsession and dangerous. Kudzo is to help with cravings when you are trying to moderate or stop drinking. The brand sold here on MYO is by far superior to any off the shelf product. I don't know about Kudzo and hangovers, I tried Chaser, tomato juice, aspirin, and got to where I needed loratab for the hangovers. I wouldn't dare tell you what type of a drinker you are, but suggest you try to quit for 30 days and see if you can go without for that short amount of time. That my friend will speak volumes.

      Catch you later,


        Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

        I went 3 months without drinking during the summer, apart from wine with dinner - a tiny glass. It seems to be all sociologically based. I didn't realise kudzu was for sale here - what makes it better than the planetary herbals variety that I currently use?

        I do have a craving but I can't tell if it is a craving to go out and have fun or a craving for drink, I guess if it was a craving for drink I could just go to the fridge and open a can of carling which I have no desire to do. And yet I drink a ridiculous amount..


          Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

          That was by me btw - haven't figured out how to register!


            Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

            Unregistered wrote: I went 3 months without drinking during the summer, apart from wine with dinner - a tiny glass. It seems to be all sociologically based. I didn't realise kudzu was for sale here - what makes it better than the planetary herbals variety that I currently use?

            I do have a craving but I can't tell if it is a craving to go out and have fun or a craving for drink, I guess if it was a craving for drink I could just go to the fridge and open a can of carling which I have no desire to do. And yet I drink a ridiculous amount..
            Why don't you go out and try to have "fun" without the drink? That may answer a question for you.


              Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

              Hi Owly,
              Glad you've come to the site, I found it a great help and I drank a bottle of vodka a night.
              Somehow I dont think the Kudzu goes so great as a beer chaser, mate.:no:
              You did mention that you dont have any great underlying problem that makes you drink, yet your on Prozac and Valium??I think that once you realize you need to start to help yourself that you also need to look deeper into yourself.Drinking for fun seems to mean you need to, to have fun.Time to take stock completely perhaps.A sober session of navel gazing cant to any harm.
              Good luck, there's lots of people here to help you along the way.


                Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                Hi Owly and :welcome:

                You didn't mention your age but I get the idea that you are on the young side - early 20's maybe? We are all here because we have some issue with alcohol. At the same time we are all individuals and have different reasons for doing what we do. There is a lot of information on this site and you may fnd some insight into your own situation there.

                I used to think that because I didn't get trashed and no one said anything about me being drunk that I must be ok. Meantime, I was drinking a bottle+ of wine each and every night of the week - that's 7 days a week. But I was never really trashed or super drunk. In fact, I could talk on the phone most times and friends never even knew I was drinking.

                It took quite awhile for me to really accept that I did have a problem. Actually, instead of putting it that way, I realized that I was not enjoying life all that much - I was not enjoying what drinking was doing to my life.
                When I was younger I used to go out with the intent of drinking and having a good time. I often got very drunk - and I would love to go back in time and make some different decisions. After one drink I felt pretty good, after two even better...guess I figured it only got better with more drinks. No matter what the outcome of the evening...I was always ready to go out the next time.

                We all have issues with drinking so please don't be offended by my question - you said you had fun when you were out drinking...In what way do you have fun? Do you always have good experiences when you are drinking?
                I ask this because, like I said, I used to go out drinking with the intent of having 'a blast'. But it actually rarely turned out that way.
                Anyway...hope I didn't overstep here. This place is a great place to be to help figure out what you want to do. I am certainly no expert -I've only been sober for a mere 26 days but I have to say I feel so much better.
                I'm glad you are here. I wish you the very best.



                  Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                  Thanks for your responses.

                  - I'm 29, but do have an immature attitude to drink. I do have fun, that is the trouble, - I go out on pub crawls by myself and have all sorts of adventures and meet interesting people along the way. I didn't understand why people would say if you start drinking on your own that's the start of a problem - didn't get it because there is nothing innately wrong with drinking on your own, but it sets a precedent that means you can now drink any time and place.

                  I'm going out Friday, I so wish it will not last all weekend but I've given up making promises to myself that I can't keep.

                  It was a good point raised earlier, if I have no underlying problems why am I on prozac and valium - I guess that anxiety is the underlying problem, and as we all know there's no better cure for that than alcohol. I can become the person I want to be without the fear.


                    Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                    There is a pool tournament I want to go to tomorrow as well, but what's the point? I will drink far too much and be too ill to go out friday or worse, wake up drunk and it will turn into a multi-dayer again.


                      Confused by definitions of problem drinkers


                      Do you want to stop this cycle or is it ok with you?


                        Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                        I want to drink sensibly.


                          Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                          Hey Owly-

                          You might want to download the book - you can download for free, I understand, here on the website. There is lots of information on just that- drinking moderately. There are people here who want to drink in moderation and those that are trying to abstain all together. There are many things available to assit - suppliments, cd's etc. It takes some time to work thru all the info and figure out what makes sense for you.



                            Confused by definitions of problem drinkers


                            :welcome: Owly

                            I have been drinking for about 10 years now. Started in college and progressed to everyday at least a twelve pack. In the last year it started taking over my life. I started racing home from work so I could drink.

                            I decided that it was a problem. I started drinking on the weekends only. Problem was it turned into heavy Binge Drinking which was worse because it got dangerous being so drunk. I was trying to make up for the lost week of drinking.

                            I am AF for 30 days now and have accomplished more in 30 days than all year.

                            Here in my point. I have been on both sides, Everyday and binge. I always had Anxiety which alcohol helped in short term. In the long run, I have learned that the alcohol stopped helping the anxiety and made it worse. Alcohol contributes to anxiety especially during withdrawal. I fell into the trap to cure my anxiety. Panic attack, Shaking, Sweating etc. I was fine with a few beers in me but socially without alcohol could not function. I was able to do things that I would not normally do which was fine for a while until those crazy/fun things started to get dangerous.

                            I took Anti-D Drugs which also learned did not work for me especially with alcohol.

                            Not being able to stop at a few drinks is a problem for most including me. Binging by yourself can also be scary because there is no one there to watch over you.

                            This is just my personal experience.

                            Please respond

                            Starting over again 09/06/11

                            "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                              Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                              Thanks again, I will download the book. I know there are certain people who will say drinking in moderation for some people is impossible but I know from experience this isn't true, you can't just ignore a true fact.

                              It isn't just being on my own that makes the drinking uncontrollable, it's the not having any reason to stop. No responsibilities - I run websites which take care of themselves for the most part and have no children or family to look after. I think many people would have a similar problem if you took away those aspects which make drinking impractical for their lives.

                              I had to have the police called on me the other day because I wouldn't leave the bar at a hotel, it must have been about four in the morning.

                              Fortunately I seem to have a cold coming on so that will probably keep me in for a few days.

                              Cheers (sic)

