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Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

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    Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

    Hi tumadre, I thought as I was watching it, this is exactly what I'm like, except I can't be that bad because John Belushi downs a whole bottle of JD... typical alcoholic reaction in other words!

    What are you referring to when you say "Can you tell us what happened when you tried to do it?"


      Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

      Hi Owly-
      tumadre I believe is referring to you not showing as a registered member..asking 'what happened' when you tried to register.

      Sorry to hear about your relationship issues and the bad couple of nights. I understand not looking too far into the future -it can be nerve wracking.
      But it is good to think about your problems - like you are doing. It takes lots of time to just review your own situation. Like you said, acknowledging the problem is big and actually can take some time.
      Some people make lists - reasons to quit- reasons to continue in the same way etc. It can help get out some feelings you have about drinking.

      Just don't give up. Take baby steps. You can do it.


        Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

        Thanks Lisa -

        I just don't see anywhere to sign up :/


          Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

          Ah, that'll be the 'register' button then..

          Regarding liver damage - does that normally feel like a very localised but gentle pain in the left lower abdomen?


            Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

            No, your liver is on the right side under your ribs.....
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

              Thanks lush - I've had this pain for over a year, must be stomach related or something, as it is worse after drinking.


                Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                Good to see you here, registered and still thinking and talking...
                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                  Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                  Hi Owly

                  Have read your thread with interest. We seem to be kindred bingeing spirits - I'v probably been nearby in London also trying to find that last beer! And have ended up in a coffee bar till the morning (couldn't find a serving bar!). Best of luck to you - am where you are now as well, though you're obviously moving in higher circles than me - Claridges no less!!

                  By the way, that gentle pain may be a kidney howling in protest - or so I'v been told by people with zero medical knowledge so it might be BS. We have two though - sure I read that somewhere! - so hopefully we'll be OK! You might find it magically goes if you have a booze break.

                  Be interested to know how it's all going now and whether you have formed a plan - I'v got one now but might copy yours if better! All the best.



                    Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                    Hi Nick - I wouldn't say I was moving in higher circles - just very drunk and withdrawing my savings! Amazing you can't find a serving bar in the world's most cosmopolitan city.

                    I don't think I mentioned that I had a plan, I have sent off for the recovery kit and admitted the problem, and said I want to want to stop, which is a er, start I guess.

                    Now it's going ok, I'm just in a very bad mood, usual part of the phase - no drink since saturday - which is no achievement in the same way it would be for different types of alcoholic, rather the moods and boredom setting in. I think I feel too pissed off today to go out, I have to be in a good mood to start a binge - that is the difficult problem with this kind of drinking. Normal alcoholism seems to be triggered by negative feelings and situations, our sorts of multi-day binges, in my case at least, are triggered by very good moods.

                    Maybe we should go for a drink some time - probably not a good idea though! But we may cancel each other out and go home at 10pm, you never know.


                      Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                      With you on where you're at. Been off the sauce since Thursday but - like you - just find life a bit dull now. Probably need to change my attitude as to how to have fun without getting off my face.

                      Like the idea of a meet up but you know what would happen. We'd just be sitting in Stringfellows or somewhere till 4am slurping beer. Plus we'd probably get slung off this site for gross misconduct - using it to source new drinking buddies!

                      Anyway, my aim is to abstain for a month then try and be a holier than thou 2 drinks a time sort of chap! Well, its a plan - of sorts! Keep in touch.


                        Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                        Sure will.

                        What a disaster - my girlfriend came round, maybe to see the 'new improved' me and it was horrendous. She had that look, you know the look? Fearful, concerned, angry, hurt, distant? But I didn't realise how much she had hurt me the other day and could barely look at her. We had dinner, hardly said a word, she kept 'the look' all night and has now left, with some flowers I got her. She is crying somewhere now no doubt, possibly in a pub, she drank all the alcohol in the house before leaving. She hurt me yet I feel very cold, like Goldfinger, except with beer instead of gold. That'll be the prozac I think.

                        I want to go to the pub but am too upset and numb, I'd only get cheered up and I don't want to be cheered up. And it would lead to a bender probably.

                        Actually it works pretty well in the song if you substitute 'gold' for 'beer' (or vodka, wine, whatever's your poison) :

                        Shirley Bassey Lyrics - Goldfinger Lyrics


                          Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                          owly pms a problem?

                          Owly my 20s sound alot like yours I am wondering if you hae problems with PMS -- I found that I become a binge drinker during those times & anxiety is horrible during that time. I was on prozac and never before had the types of drunk episodes than when on that drug -- yes, at times the binge does not end and the withdrawal is horrible... just awful. My suggestion is to first evaluate the prozac, the valium and the booze may decrease ... I am on day 2 as my Thanksgiving was more about wine than turkey ... good luck !
                          I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


                            Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                            Hiya PMS ? I don't think I have the equipment for that, if it's what I think you mean!

                            I did go out last night, completely contradicting my earlier statements that I only go out in a good mood, cos of the bad gf situation.

                            Went out about half nine, had six pints, the last one went down in a couple of seconds, as I left the pub it was like golden nectar pulsing through my body, this is a drug damn it!

                            I inevitably went to a late bar and I looked on in horror as I saw there were people there drinking strong lager from giant two pint glasses. Of course I ended up with them. Bar closed well past two and I was glad they seemed just as concerned as me with finding another place but all we could find was a greek restaurant that was closing and would sell us food but no alcohol. Well the others happily ordered some food but I went back to talk to the manager, apparently there was one can of beer in the whole building which after some pleading he let me have but which I then had to reluctantly (very) share with the others. No choice after that but to go home.

                            Now I don't really have a problem with this sort of behaviour, especially as I was well behaved throughout with none of the usual incidents. What I am here for is the days after - if I wake up drunk and make my way straight to the off licence/pub and the terrible binge will begin, it seems today I am not drunk, and also my cold has returned so I'm staying put, though I have a pool tournament later starting at eight, makes me nervous, makes me drink... then it will be the weekend and my friends will be about... oh dear.

                            Thanks for listening to my inane wittering.


                              Confused by definitions of problem drinkers


                              Dumped by email. I'm still staying put.


                                Confused by definitions of problem drinkers

                                Good luck to anyone with the courage to give up drinking, I can't do it.
                                Hi Owly. You can do it if you really want to......that's sorta the hardest part, at least for me it was. I'm worried about you. I'm afraid that one day something will happen that you really don't want to happen. Read a lot of the other posts here. We want to help you!

                                Opps, sorry......I didn't read all the posts to the end.
                                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

