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my story...

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    my story...

    I started drinking when I was 17. I was bullied at school and when I started drinking I felt relaxed and not afraid of the bully's - looking back that was my downfall. Over the years my drinking gradually got worse. I rarely drank during the week but come Thursday night this all changed. I spent every weekend for a 14 year period in a drunken haze. Beer was my drink of choice and my God I could put it away, about 30+ pints over the weekend. If I went on vacation I would be as drunk as hell every night. The next day I would wait until noon and go to the bar for my cure. ?Drinking before noon was only for alcoholics?, is what I though.
    At the time I kept telling myself that I didn?t have a problem because I only drank beer and I only drank at the weekends and on vacation. To me, a person with a problem drank whiskey/vodka in the morning time. How wrong was I!

    After about 10 years I realized that I had a serious problem and that I had to stop. Stopping was very very hard, with many failed attempts. After about 11 years of drinking I started to get a pain in my right side after drinking. It was not too bad to begin with but eventually it got real bad. I was convinced that I damaged my liver with years of binge drinking. I even started to get itchy all over. I went to the doctor who sent me for tests but they could not find anything wrong. So, I thought, If it?s not my liver I might as well keep drinking. After another period of time and after another marathon beer session I woke up in real pain in my right side. I felt as if something was swollen inside my upper abdomen. This continued for a few days until I finally went back to the hospital. Once again I was tested for everything and nothing was found. I remember the doctor walking in and telling me that its was good news and that I didn?t have hepatitis, but I knew I was slowly poisoning myself. My body was screaming for mercy.

    I got such a fright that day I said to myself never again. That was 2 years ago and I haven?t had a drink since. I didn?t go to AA , I just stopped. AA would not be for me. I did read Allan Carr?s book ?the easyway to give up drinking? . I knew that alcohol was destroying my health and I didn?t want to be in my early 30's with alcohol related liver damage. That was the key to my success - the thought of dying young. Every day I wake up feeling great, ready for another day on earth, glad I'm free of the poison.

    When I gave it up I started running. I run about 6-7miles every day and I have lost so much weight. I now weigh 155lbs. I can run 10KM in under 40 minutes, I love to run ? it?s my new medicine. I also love to get up real early in the morning and watch the sunrise with a cup of fresh coffee. The sunrise was something I never saw for 14 years.
    Life is so much better without alcohol. I sometimes go to a bar with friends and I drink water or Coke. I can see how alcohol is effecting other people in the Bar and I would feel for them. I feel like saying to them ?its ok, I know what you are going through and it can be beaten?
    Sometime I dream at night that I still drink, I wake up and panic for a second and realize that it is only a dream. I?m free!

    It can be done. Everybody?s circumstance is different but alcohol can be beaten. Allen Carr?s book helped me. Don?t be scared of life without alcohol, it is so much better without it. We only have one-shot of life on this planet.
    I managed to overcome my alcohol addiction, hopefully my story can help others.

    Eureka, I'm FREE

    my story...

    GBSS - thanks for your story! Truly inspiring.



      my story...

      Wonderful story GBSS! Thanks so much for this!
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        my story...

        Thanks for sharing, great story!
        Taking it ODAT


          my story...

          Great and inspiring story!!!
          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


            my story...

            Thank you for sharing, a truly inspiring story which will give hope to many, myself included! Well done to you. I am AL free for 13 days (I think!) after reading Allen's book, it was a real eye opener and made me question a lot of things!


              my story...

              DEADLY story! Thank you x
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                my story...

                Thanks so much for sharing
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  my story...

                  Love to hear success stories GBSS.
                  As I approach 6 weeks AF, its little stories like yours which keep me going.
                  I also love Allen Carrs method, he helped me quit smoking 8 years ago and I recently finished his book, and, along with this site gives me hope that I can finally free myself from this poison.

                  Running for me as also the best form of exercise. I like nothing more than a few miles run after a days work, great for clearing the head. I really hope I can continue my sober life, for the first time ever, I AM HOPEFUL.

                  Still trying !!!
                  AF 25th June2014


                    my story...

                    almost 2 years for you Sheri, BRILLIANT !!!!
                    Still trying !!!
                    AF 25th June2014


                      my story...

                      Thank you for your story. I was just delighted that it ended with success and how much fun you are havin g. Sometimes I think I will never have fun again if I am not drinking. I know that is not true but it is so inspiring to hear of someone who has beat this thing!


                        my story...

                        :goodjob: Well done and thank you for sharing. I have just ordered that Alan's Carrs book from my local library.

