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WOW did I slip big time

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    WOW did I slip big time

    Went to the Rodeo Gala this weekend and don't seem to remember much after the first 30 minutes. Had been doing so well and cleansing my body. I was so sick yesterday and apparently at some point I fell, had a huge splinter in my hand and a bruise on my chest. Afraid to ask my boyfriend at what point that happened. It is amazing once that first glass of wine goes down the rest go down like water. I still feel bad today and had to face the docs I work with as we were at the head table with them. How embarressing.
    Back on the correct path as of yesterday. So easy to be hard on yourself and feel crapy but that doesn't do any good either.
    guess I need to keep asking
    :when will I change"???
    AL Free since Jan. 28 2011

    WOW did I slip big time

    Sorry to hear this.
    What was your plan for the weekend? Had you intended on moderate drinking or no drinking at all?
    Be sure to go back to the Tool Box, revise you plan to avoid this in the future.

    You will change when you make the firm commitment to do so.
    I did & so can you
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      WOW did I slip big time

      whenwillichange;1060116 wrote: Went to the Rodeo Gala this weekend and don't seem to remember much after the first 30 minutes. Had been doing so well and cleansing my body. I was so sick yesterday and apparently at some point I fell, had a huge splinter in my hand and a bruise on my chest. Afraid to ask my boyfriend at what point that happened. It is amazing once that first glass of wine goes down the rest go down like water. I still feel bad today and had to face the docs I work with as we were at the head table with them. How embarressing.
      Back on the correct path as of yesterday. So easy to be hard on yourself and feel crapy but that doesn't do any good either.
      guess I need to keep asking
      :when will I change"???
      I hate myself for the rodeo analogy, but you just have to get back on the horse! :blush:

      Your description of the 'fun day' you had sounds so familiar, I could have written it myself. Being hard on yourself and feeling crappy is unproductive, focus on the sober time you did have and how you can avoid similar slips in future would be more useful.

      I have been there so many times, I know exactly where you are coming from. One day at a time and try to formulate a plan that will work for you, good luck! :l


        WOW did I slip big time

        oh dear i know how you feel. when will it it end, when will it change... hopefully now. THE FACT THAT YOU ARE HERE AND WANTING IT IS FANTASTIC.. ok so lets got on with the hard work now. we are all here to help you
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          WOW did I slip big time

          thank you everyone, how do I get to the toolbox?
          AL Free since Jan. 28 2011


            WOW did I slip big time

            Here you go!


            Strength and hope to you - you don't have to live that way any more if you don't want to. There are lots of ways out there to get sober - keep trying until you find what works best for YOU.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              WOW did I slip big time

              Thanks DG!!
              AL Free since Jan. 28 2011


                WOW did I slip big time

                Sorry you 'slipped up' it happens to the best of us you can do this, just get focused again, we are all here to help you
                Taking it ODAT


                  WOW did I slip big time

                  Thanks for posting Whenwillchange.....I too, had a major slip...was 28 days AF and then had a bad situation happened and drank and drank and drank for 14 DAYS YIKES!!! Today is Day 2 and I am feeling better, great advice everyone and yes it's true in saying that it's so important to NOT make yourself feel crappy, it's makes it worse. I agree Vintage Girl, think of the times you were sober...for me I had a calendar and had put smiley faces on each day, it was so nice seeing that calendar almost full of smiley what a great feeling. I look forward to experiencing that awesome feeling again....

                  Thanks everyone and best of are all in my prayers of happiness : )

                  Lots of hugs,
                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    WOW did I slip big time

                    I forgot to add...when I drank for those 14 days, it felt as though I was kidnapped and now that I have stopped... my mind is clear, it's like I have returned to freedom...make sense..sounds corny but had to share it : )
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012


                      WOW did I slip big time

                      Oh dear.. been there a thousands of times.. brush it off start again, its the only way forward.


                        WOW did I slip big time

                        We are all human

                        and nobody here will claim to be perfect. Brush yourself down, learn from the experience and give it another crack. You will succeed. 28 days was a mega achievement - you can do it again and for longer.
                        Last drink 6th September 2013


                          WOW did I slip big time

                          I get where your coming from...I fell on my face friday nite. An angel who I don't know picked me up and took me home. I pray no one I work with saw. Sounds like youre in the medical profession. Me too. I don't want to be thought of as a drunk but its the truth. Its what we do from here,right?


                            WOW did I slip big time

                            Might be time to make a plan or revamp the one you have!

                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

