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Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

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    Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

    The title says it all. Have 30 days AF under my belt, never felt so good in years. However, the reason i stopped drinking has now ceased to exist (job) and i am feeling 'what's the point' and am heading back to my old ways of thinking 'who cares' and using it to fill in time and a space in my life. Woke up today with that same old hangover, and am trying to decide whether i don't want this anymore.

    Now may be the time where i've got to use all my strength in order to beat this thing. And, do it for myself, not because of my 'job'... I have just realised i need to set myself some new goals :exclaimation:
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

    Good for oyou change for posting. You do need to do it for you and noone or nothing else. Keep us posted.
    AL Free since Jan. 28 2011


      Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

      Change, I think you made a really important observation when you mentioned quitting for YOU v. quitting for anything else. LOL - when my boss at my last corporate job was "on" to my drinking during business hours and challenged me on it, I didn't quit the booze. I quit the job. That's how powerful AL was in my life. A ways on down the road - I HAD TO QUIT FOR ME. After I quit my job and kept on drinking - things really spiraled out of control. I can relate to the thoughts you are having - those "f-it" thoughts.

      I hope you consider all the things you loved about your AF stint, and chose all that again - this time for yourself!! Job or no job, the AF life is absolutely the best - at least in my world. Maybe yours too.

      Strength and hope to you,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

        Hi Change -- I agree good for you to post this!

        Maybe change "Job" to "Happiness" and keep up the fantastic AF day count using that as your new reason!

        Hang in there -- it will only make your life better not to drink.


          Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

          Good luck Change, your 30 days will help you get back on track. Focus on the great things about being sober.

          Really hope you come back on board and get these AF days going again.

          Best of luck
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            Fallen off the wagon, need your help!


            Glad you came back & posted this.
            I guess I'm the oddball but I could never quit - just for me. It was because I was depressed & just didn't give a damn. But the arrival of my first grandchild at the same time I was finally getting the depression under control - well that did it for me! I finally had good reasonm to give a damn & I did

            Maybe you could re-work your plan to include some incentives for yourself. I like a gratitude list
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

              Hi Change

              Have a look at my post 'Stinking Thinking' - it's under Starting Out and in the Tool Box. It might have some points that resonate with you or help you to see things differently.

              I think it's important to nip the slips in the bud really quickly if you can. Good on you for posting about what's going on with you right now. I'm sure there are many people here who will identify with your feelings and hopefully be able to help you through this bump.



                Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                Start Over! You can do it!

                I am only day 2 AF this time, and new to MWO, so no advice here. In fact I could see this happening to me. Today was the first time I came home on a Monday, usually HAVING to drink to deal with work, and fighting it. I also have blamed it on work stress but am pretty sure I would drink to celebrate not working, drink to relax, and definitely out of boredom or not knowing what to do with myself. But you are still inspiring me because you were AF, got rid of a major stress in your life, and are now digging deeper perhaps? Anyway, I am sure you can do it, and enjoy your new freedom even more!!! Good luck!


                  Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                  Mimsy;1060375 wrote: but am pretty sure I would drink to celebrate not working, drink to relax, and definitely out of boredom or not knowing what to do with myself.
                  Lol, i reckon i used any excuse to drink: i am happy, i am sad, i need one, i can't be bothered doing the housework, i am angry, i don't care about my life, i need to try a new wine... Etc, etc, etc, the list goes on. :H
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                    Change did you quit or lose your job? Hope you are ok? Whatever the reason I am sure you will want to find something else and think how much harder that will be if you are hungover? You have done so well 30 days AF is not to be sniffed at and you CAN do it again
                    Taking it ODAT


                      Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                      Hi Change, the good news is that you are thinking about yourself, and that is where the focus needs to be. You can do this for you. After being sober for a month you felt great, and I can tell you, it gets better. Hang in there Change, it is so worth it to stop drinking.
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                        Hi guys,

                        No, i didn't lose my job, the arsehole company i work for decided not to 'renew' my contract due to several formal complaints being made against me by dysfunctional staff members. The only option i was given in terms of managing these staff members was to "watch what i said", and i suspect it was an organised campaign by one particular staff member in order to oust me. I am not impressed by this organisation and have a good mind to take them for bullying. I was also assaulted multiple times by one of the people we take care of (i'm a health professional), and am tempted to look into a law suit suiing the organisation for exposing me to physical and psychological harm. The person has a mental impairment though. I documented some of it, but i should have taken photos. I'm actually thinking the basis for this action would be 'negligence' by the organisation to take reasonable steps to curtail the behaviour of this individual. I'm sick of dealing with this person's self-centered legal guardian and would love to scare the hell out of her by issuing her a veiled warning about my rights to persue justice (i will be looking into this today). I can't wait to slap a law suit on them if i can do it.

                        So, the relapse bit was really about me thinking i don't have to put an effort into my job anymore, given that i won't be there for much longer and was busting my gut to 'do the right thing' and be professional.

                        Guess i love a cause and love a fight, so will be ringing the lawyers as soon as business hours start!
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                          Well there you go change, you have a mission to keep you AF Best of luck sorting out the problems, you deserve to be treated properly the company sounds in the wrong to me!

                          Have a great AF day.
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Fallen off the wagon, need your help!

                            Yep... pretty much worked out i am sick of the bullies. Don't care anymore... They can go rot in hell. Rang another company today and am feeling confident i will get an interview, if not a job. I will just have to go the extra mile to attend induction even though i am studying. And, as for the sociopathic guardian, she is going to get what's coming to her (that's if she is in the wrong, i will have to verify the facts, and while she's at it, she can learn to say the word "thanks" every now and then), in terms of my honesty. I don't care what the company says if she makes a complaint. I am sick of these psychophants, they are all going to get what's coming to them. Integrity is the thing they're most scared of, so it'll be interesting to see how they react when they're presented with it once again
                            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

