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Desperate,Please help!!

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    Desperate,Please help!!

    Why is it so difficult for me to drink like a normal person.If I start I can't stop.What makes me scared is that I feel that I will die if I don't stop now.I'm always sick for days after each weekend.Ionly recover around thursday and Friday afternoon I start again till sunday afternoon.Yesterday was one of my worse days,I was so sick that I had to to go back from work and stop at the bar for a few beers to feel better,but it didn't help cause I'm feeling the same today.

    I've been attending AA meetings since 2009,but it will only last for a month or two than I'm gone for six months,and back again.

    Please help I'm very desperate

    Desperate,Please help!!

    Ousie, you are asking good questions for sure. From what little I have read, it does seem that you may very well be a problem drinker. Your drinking is getting in the way of how you want to live your life. There is a chance, that alcohol has a different affect on some people than others, and that people who have power over alcohol may be different than us, instead of "normal". Regardless, it seems that you need to start fighting this battle. You can do it.

    You may need to sit down and write out the reasons you want to stop drinking. Write out what will happen to you and your life if you continue like you are. Are you going to try to stop for life, moderate, stop for a while? Let us know so we can help. Read and write lots in here, there are many people who can assist you.

    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      Desperate,Please help!!

      ousie;1060421 wrote: Why is it so difficult for me to drink like a normal person.If I start I can't stop.What makes me scared is that I feel that I will die if I don't stop now....

      I've been attending AA meetings since 2009,but it will only last for a month or two than I'm gone for six months,and back again.
      Hi Ousie,

      You don't need to answer your first question - it is just a fact that you can not 'drink like a normal person' and so you have to accept the situation and deal with it. whether you have an allergy, illness, disease, mental or physical compulsion or whatever you want to call it. And neither does it matter why it happened to you. As you said, you face dying from your drinking if you don't stop - spiritually and then physically.

      OK then, i was in a similar situation to you - I would manage a month or so and then relapse and face the old binge-withdrawal cycle. I have just joined AA and this is the longest I have managed to stay sober since March last year. But I know I need to do the steps and find a sponsor in order to make it work. At the moment I am just hanging on in there, wobbling but not drinking. I know I need to do more than just go to meetings as that will not be enough in the long-term. i have heard from so many AAers that they only knew they could stay sober when they had reached a certain point in the steps. so when I see the right person, I am jumping on them!

      Well done for getting to meetings in the first place. Try to get involved in the Fellowship as much as possible - take numbers and CALL THEM when you want to drink. But most importantly of all, find a GOOD, solid sponsor and start doing the steps. I am not practising what I preach at the moment, but I am, utterly willing when the person I need comes along. (sooner rather than later I hope, as it is not much more than white-knuckling some days).

      Good luck and keep us posted. I know how difficult it is but you can do it, if you do it the right way :l
      K x
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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        Desperate,Please help!!

        I can only echo what the others have said. It is a hard road, but well worth it. Please stay close, read, refer to the Tool Box and let us know how you are doing. The people here have helped me stay sober for over three months now. I wish you the very best of luck. You can do this and we will be here for you.
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Desperate,Please help!!

          Hello Ousie,

          Welcome to MWO, glad you found us!
          I'm sorry you are struggling so. You mentioned that you've tried AA but didn't stay with it. Do you know why? I truly believe that we won't stop drinking until we make a firm commitment to quit & make a good plan!

          Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download right here from the Health store.. It explains everything about the program. And look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan.

          It's not an easy journey but you can do it if you really want to, lots of us have found success.
          Stay close to the threads & let us know how you are doing

          Wishing you the very best & please feel free to visit the Newbies Nest thread for more support.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Desperate,Please help!!

            Hi everyone,
            Thanks for your advice and for understanding me it helps when one feels so ashamed of yourself.It is very hard to acknowledge that u r an alcoholic.

