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Some words of encouragement

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    Some words of encouragement


    I wanted to share w/newcomers a little about my story.

    I came to MWO in Apr. 2007. I'm an older woman & had been drinking heavily (mostly wine) for about 10 - 15 years, progressively getting worse w/each passing year. MWO is the first place I ever admitted I had a drinking problem. I found some sobriety here, but it was always punctuated w/relapses. In early 2009, I had a very humiliating, dangerous overdose on alcohol. That was the experience that made me realize that I wasn't & would never be a normal drinker. After that experience, I came out into the open about my drinking. I had always been a closet drinker, & even my husband of 39 years didn't know the full extent. I joined AA even though I really didn't want to. I had a lot of preconceived notions about it. The fellowship was exactly what I needed in order to stay, going on 2 years. Even though a true health crisis occurred w/one of my grown children during the second year of my sobriety, I have stayed sober throughout. These past 2 years have been the best of my life in terms of learning about myself & growing as an individual. Yes, AA has been instrumental, but MWO was the awakening I needed to deal seriously w/my problem. If anyone out there has any interest in asking more about my involvement in AA or MWO, please feel free to PM me. I stay mostly on the Weekly AA thread on the 30 day abs forum. But, I'll check back here from time to time. If you're just starting out & want to get sober, help is out there in all kinds of forms. I had to really want it before I could stop relapsing. I had to be willing to go to any lengths. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Some words of encouragement

    Mary that's a really nice post. I hope it helps a lot of us.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      Some words of encouragement

      Mary, thank you for this post. I think it's really important for those of you with this kind of knowledge and experience to visit other threads! You might really make a difference for someone!



        Some words of encouragement

        Thank you Mary. What wonderful words you have shared. Very inspirational. Yep, this place ROCKS.
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Some words of encouragement

          Thank you so much Mary it means a lot that someone who has overcome their addiction wants to help those of us who are still struggling Can I ask your age? I am 41 and been a hardened wine drinker for at least 20 years!
          Taking it ODAT


            Some words of encouragement

            Thank you so much for sharing. You gave me a much needed boost today!
            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              Some words of encouragement

              Thank you for the very kind feedback.

              I'm 66 years old & came into alcoholism later in life...after my kids had left home. My progression was fairly slow, but by the end of my drinking, I was drinking a large bottle of wine several times per week. Of course, I would never turn down any kind of liquor if it was offered. In my case, I hadn't lost my job, my home, my family etc., but my self-esteem & spirituality were totally shot. Every relapse took so much out of me that I began to hate myself. Lying & hiding had become a way of life, & I was riddled w/fears.

              I actually did come here to the newcomers' forum, because I was looking at some of my posts from 2007 when I first joined MWO. This forum was so important to me in terms of breaking down the thick wall of denial I had constructed for myself.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Some words of encouragement

                IKWYM about the self esteem Mary, mine is at an all time low, I have put weight on due to AL and an unhealthy style of living but I am determined to get back to my cheerful and happy self
                Taking it ODAT


                  Some words of encouragement

                  Mauri: You can do it! I'm finding I'm much happier sober than I ever was drinking/drunk. I guess drinking was fun for a while, but at the end, I was pretty miserable. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Some words of encouragement

                    Great Post Mary, you have come so far and with quiet grace, a real inspiration xx
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Some words of encouragement

                      Hi Mary
                      I joined MWO for the first time back in 2007 and I remember seeing your posts back then. I carried right on drinking and didn't come back here again until recently (Nov 2010). It was and is very inspiring to see that you finally nailed it and have been sober for 2 years.

                      Thanks for this post. I totally get where you're coming from - it's true, we have to be ready before we can finally stop and do away with some/many of our preconceived notions about how and where we will accept help.

                      Bravo to you for setting such a great example!


                        Some words of encouragement

                        Thanks for your post mary, it means so much to me to read stories like yours. We all have so many doubts and fears, it is so reassuring to read that with the right help and the right attitude it can really be done. Thanks again for sharing


                          Some words of encouragement

                          Mary, thank you for a very "giving" post. That type of encouragement give so much hope for people who haven't yet found their way and wonder if there is one for them. And those who are fearful of the great unknown: life without alcohol.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Some words of encouragement

                            My life has truly been so much better wo/AL:
                            -I don't have to wonder what I said or did.
                            -I don't have to monitor myself for slurring.
                            -I don't throw up, have headaches, or wonder about my general health.
                            -I'm not paranoid.
                            -I can be trusted.
                            -the list goes on & on.

                            A temporary buzz is no trade off for all the negatives.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Some words of encouragement

                              "a temporary buzz is no trade off for all the negative"

                              That is my thought exactly when I start having a pity party in my mind. It's temporary and fleeting and you wind up worse than before you started with that 1 drink.

                              thanks for sharing Mary!
                              AF/SF - November 23, 2014

