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Reasons to be cheerful...

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    Reasons to be cheerful...

    As many of us know, alcohol comsumption and depression go hand in hand. My psychologist has recommended that when I get up I think of good things that could happen today. When I go to bed, I have to think of the good things that have happened during the day. Here is my list of good things for yesterday. Please feel free to add your own.

    - I got up on time, unhung, and left the house in time.
    - I saw my psychologist and took another step towards getting better.
    - I saw an old friend and got a hug from her.
    - I had lunch with my husband.
    - I donated some clothes to a charity supporting Queensland flood victims.
    - I had coffee with my best friend.
    - I enjoyed cooking and eating a lovely, healthy meal.
    - I especially enjoyed being AF.
    - I especially enjoyed being able to still be studying at 9.00 pm last night as I was only drinking water.

    One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.

    Reasons to be cheerful...

    - I am healthier, happier, free from guilt & free to do anything I want to do today & everyday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Reasons to be cheerful...

      It is so easy to be positive when you are AF....

      I slept so well
      I feel healthy
      I am focused and productive
      I am honest with myself
      I can look my loved ones in the eyes with no regrets
      I will do my best all day
      I can be the real me

      Have a great AF day
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Reasons to be cheerful...

        I can work out unhung and feel good when I'm done instead of worrying that I'm going to vomit because I'm hungover.

        When I'm AF and people ask me how I am, I can cheerfully say, "I'm great," instead of saying it and lying through my teeth.

        When I'm AF, I know that almost everything on my lengthy "to do" list for that day will be accomplished instead of trying to catch up on the previous days' lists because I was either drinking or hungover.

        Great thread, thanks!


          Reasons to be cheerful...

          Great post! All of the above, PLUS I not only feel better, I look better! My skin is fresher, my eyes are clearer, and I don't wake in the morning stinking of booze!


            Reasons to be cheerful...

            I can go anwhere at anytime today because I am free of the influence of alcohol.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Reasons to be cheerful...

              CW, I am glad the you are looking at all of the many positives of living our lives sober. For me, being sober is being engaged in life. Lifting all of the guilt, worries, stress involved with hiding all the drinking, and resolving all of the problems created while drunk ... makes life so much more enjoyable and special.

              Keep up the fight, you can do it,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Reasons to be cheerful...

                Good post Charlotte. Thanks for sharing these suggestions from your doctor.

                I wake up feeling refreshed and without any regrets
                I don't waste a beautiful day feeling unhealthy and sick
                I don't feel depressed because of the residual effect of alcohol
                I'm productive and enjoy whatever I'm doing
                My head is clear therefore I think more clearly
                I have patience with others rather than feeling irritation toward them

                Life feels like a gift rather than something I have to endure!!


                  Reasons to be cheerful...

                  I have pride in myself for remaining AF
                  I can tackle anything life throws at me with a clear mind and can-do attitude
                  My skin looks a bazillion times better
                  I have a ton of energy
                  I can go to hot yoga tonight

                  my confidence is building each day!
                  AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                    Reasons to be cheerful...

                    Had a nice dinner with friends last night and wasn't consumed by the thought of rushing home to that first glass of wine.
                    Went to bed knowing I was going to wake up not only feeling good, but without the all-consuming guilt

                    Thanks Charlotte - wonderful post.
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Reasons to be cheerful...

                      Thanks for a great post Charlotte

                      I am feeling cheerful as I can do my mehndi on my family tonight without my hand shaking or squinting to see it properly :blush:

                      Also that I will be putting my son to bed without the smell of my first glass of wine on my breath

                      Oh and I am so happy that I have bought a new kitchen bin today (bizarre one but I was reluctant to spend in excess of ?60 for a brabantia one and I found an identical one for ?16.99 in a bargain shop today!!!)
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Reasons to be cheerful...

                        Thanks for the great post Charlotte and everyone!

                        I have patience and understanding in my relationships
                        I sleep like a baby
                        I am upbeat and cheerful
                        I don't get so stressed out over everything!
                        I laugh a lot more
                        I cry a lot less
                        I have interests that have nothing to do with drinking


                          Reasons to be cheerful...

                          Getting things done.
                          Feeling excited about the future and planning things I want to achieve this year
                          Having money that stays in the bank instead of down my throat
                          Knowing that tonight (Friday night) when I have to pick up my son after a school trip at 10.30pm it won't be a problem.


                            Reasons to be cheerful...

                            Thanks Charlotte this is a lovely positive thread:

                            I am free to be me to make mistakes AL free
                            I have opened up to the first of many friends and they accept me for me
                            I am able to drive a long distance - return trip - without hyperventilating and without heart palpitations
                            My eyes are clear and my skin is looking pretty damn good
                            My husband had a beer and a wine and soda last night - how did that happen?

                            You made me think too, time to clear out the wardrobes and get some of those clothes to flood relief. Positive job for the day - well after meditation class! :thanks:

