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Help needed for a newbie

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    Help needed for a newbie

    Hi all

    First timer so please be gentle! I'v decided to I need to do something about my drinking as my problem is the bingeing which is geeting to the dangerous point - plus I'v made a complete fool of myself on at least three occasions in the last few weeks - last night sinking to a new low. I dont seem to have a problem abstaining for days at a time but when I do go out I don't seem to have a stop valve!

    I dont know whether I should quit altogether or just try to drink sensibly. Plus how do you explain why you've changed your behaviour so dramatically? I know it is probably better to come clean and I imagine it is theraputic to do so, but I'd rather just do it quietly. Cowardly I know!

    Would welcome any advice.

    Help needed for a newbie

    Hi Nick:welcome:

    Click on Roberta's blog at the top right. You will see the book on the left side there and can download it right now!

    Read the book and take it from there.

    Keep posting and reading here.

    Just remember, we've all been in your situation.

    Just keep moving forward and don't look back now!

    :h :h :h :h


      Help needed for a newbie

      I joined recently also having sunk to a new low. You have asked some good questions for the old timers here, being do you just stop or moderate? After that night, I have slipped once, but not to the point of destruction, much more controlled. Please know, you are not alone.
      This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


        Help needed for a newbie

        No quick answer


        Been on the program 2 months trying to moderate. So far I think it will be successful. Drank for 30 years. At the end I was drinking 8-15+ a night, every night. Now 2-3, and decreasing.Feel 20 years younger than when I started, look 10 years younger. So for me it's worth it no matter where I end up.

        For you, you have to fiqure out what will make you happy. If you want to be a moderator and can make it or close to it than improved your life by that much. If you can't then it's ab. Either way you've made it this far which is the big 50%, now finish it. If you follow the program outlined by RJ it really is painless. Good luck with your trek, we've all been on that doorstep!



          Help needed for a newbie

          Hey Nick, I dont know how much I can help. But I'm talking and posting and listening as recommended.

          Anyway, been there bro and more.....

          Just keep talking.....
          It ain't the years honey...its the mileage.


            Help needed for a newbie


            Hi I've been reading the posts for a while, and love everyone here. Have been living in western washington where maybe only Lush knows where - starts with F. We moved here from Dallas so my husband could fish!!! I have been miserable for a while. Have left 3 times and come back. Spend a lot of time in Victoria, B.C.

            Last night during our miserable and lonely T/giving dinner our young 3 year old cat died. We couldn't get hold of a vet close by and had to drive a very long way in total darkness and driving rain to a vet. He called this a.m. to tell us she had died. She taught me grace. She was a perfectly healthy 3 year old marmalade. I adopted her from a feral mother - if you ever adopt check out the family line. We adopted from a feral mother.

            In any event, I go to A.F. often. but slipped tonight. Which thread should I post to.


            Enlightened by MWO


              Help needed for a newbie

              making a fool of myself was my launching pad to here! Wow -- what friends I have found and life so new.. give it a try!

              All the best,
              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                Help needed for a newbie

                I'm so sorry about your cat-ours are so much part of our family, that when we lose one it is treated as a mourning period-doesn't matter if others don't understand...
                Nick-It's OK, especially at first, to do this completely quietly. That's why we're here-you can talk and post and listen as much as you want, because we all understand what you're going through.
                TO ALL OF YOU:
                It doesn't matter where you post on this board, especially in the beginning. You are welcome anywhere, and if you've been posting on A.F. and have slipped, there is absolutely no reason to not continue to post there-you are always welcome, and everyone here has slipped at one time or another.
                So, :welcome:
                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                  Help needed for a newbie

                  Thanks all for your responses. I know eveyone says it, but it is good to know there are such symapthetic ears out there. WIll keep posting and reading. Still feeling utterly ashamed of myself but hopefully that will decrease and keeping up with everone else is really helping!

