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OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

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    OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

    Ok I am on day six, really really proud of myself but my head is just all over the place, yesterday I had a good day free from cravings but I wanted to cry at the slightest thing, I mean some stupid meaningless song came on the radio and I wanted to cry, the words weren't even that poignant!!! I want to cry this morning because I have to go and drop DD off and I just don't want to go out!

    Then this morning I feel so irritable and angry for no reason, my DH tried to reach out to me but I just felt cold and distant I think he doesn't really comprehend how difficult this is for me even though I have tried to explain he isn't in my head so he can't possibly truly understand This irritability seems to be happening more and more, yesterday I met up with a friend and she really got on my nerves and I couldn't wait to get away from her

    Also been having vivid dreams, last nights was me shouting at DH because he saw me open a cupboard where a bottle of sherry was and looked at me and said NO, I was so mad in the dream and screamed yes I know and I have no intention of drinking it!

    I know these are probably all normal side effects of quitting and that this thread is utterly pointless but I just needed to write all that down and get it off my chest :blush:

    Sorry folks I am being such a big baby and a pain in the neck atm!!
    Taking it ODAT

    OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

    Thanks Sheri, I have accepted that I have done this to myself (or rather the AL has done it to me with my assistance) is is really hard to go through this but I AM determined! I am taking Kudzu at the moment and thinking about ordering some L Glut although not sure where to get it?
    Taking it ODAT


      OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

      Hi Mauri

      I'd like to share some information with you from a Chinese Medicine perspective (this is what I am studying right now...).

      The feelings you are describing are what we would call 'Liver Qi Stagnation'. In Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Liver is the organ related to the Wood element and the emotion of anger! When we feel frustrated and irritable, the Liver Qi or energy becomes stagnant and blocked (and vice versa - we can cause these feelings by making our liver toxic with too much alcohol, smoking, greasy, sweet or spicy food etc).

      Now that you have stopped drinking, your Liver will be getting working again but the blood and energy of it have probably become blocked because of what you were doing to it before! If you can face acupuncture, I would strongly recommend getting a treatment. It will help to release this blocked energy and relieve your emotions and can also reduce cravings. Pretty cool huh?!

      Something you can try at home is to rub and/or press the top of the foot in between the big and second toe, about an inch back from the web between the toes. You might find it feels sore or sensitive. This is the 3rd point on the Liver meridian and is excellent for moving Qi and releasing irritable and angry emotions. (good excuse to get your hubby to give you a foot rub!) Also, the Liver is connected to the eyes - hence the crying!

      Hope this helps. Hang in there, you are doing so well. The feelings will pass too - drinking again will only perpetuate the emotional rollercoaster.


        OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

        Thanks Sheri and Bean, some very interesting reading!

        Loving the toe massage idea I LOVE Dh massaging my feet I will try and persuade him!
        Taking it ODAT


          OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

          reading you post brought it all back to me, en mass.
          oh how i hated all the dreams, and the tears. (as you dont know me, i am 100kg heavly tattooed hary man) the tears confronted people alot, at work at the shops at home. but me being me i didnt care it was all part of the ordeal to kick al.
          over one year sober, and i can tell you i wouldnot have it any other way, the first 3 months are the hardest. dont quit quitting.
          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


            OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

            Wow Bean that toe stuff is really interesting...Both feet have sore points when I press there; should I be concerned about liver health and/or do anything about it, or will time help? 4 days A/F...

            Mauritiusdodo, I wish you strength and perseverence. I have had CRAZY dreams too! Didn't realize that could happen...


              OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

              So was that all the crying first few days - I thought I was going mental. thanks Bean, love your work will definitely let you know how the acupuncture goes looks like end of the month now...the acupuncturist also does chinese medicine and I noticed the girl who takes my meditation and yoga has a form of massage and Indian medicine - will investigate further...


                OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

                Aspman, good on you for being sober for a year! Bet everyone was a bit taken aback by your crying eh? I think it is the sign of a true man being able to openly express emotion :goodjob:

                Mimsy well done on your four days, glad its just not me with the mad dreams!

                Sheri I am a bit concerned that they tested L Glut on rats and said they drank less after taking it, I didn't know rats drank alcohol :H
                Taking it ODAT


                  OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

                  Hunni, i found i was like this as well. I looked at it as having to start life from scratch again. We numb any emtional feeling we had we AL and now we don't, we need to learn how to deal with them again. I was honestly on parr with my 3 year old. She's learning to deal with her emtions for the first time and like most children, they all get caught up in one and she ends up crying, even when really happy... I was the same. Slowly it all started to calm down. All i can say, please try not to take it out on loved ones. As hard as it is.. just try and not scream at your family... Scream at us.. ME... instead. I understand how it feels. Feel free anytime to pm me and get it off your chest!!!!
                  Well done xx


                    OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

                    Thanks Lil, my son is very emotional at only 18 months too LOL
                    Taking it ODAT


                      OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

                      What the heck was that post above??

                      Anyway you may want to look at Lithium Orotate too. It really really helped me with the irritabilty. Its mostly what is keeping me AF.
                      I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                      There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                        OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

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                          OMG my head is done in! - pointless thread sorry!

                          Bean, that is really interesting. Have you tried acupuncture yourself and has it helped? I always thought about trying it.

