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Another newcomer...

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    Another newcomer...

    Welcome Lolab,
    You described so perfectly the private hell so many of us lived while drinking. No more. Seven days AF is a great accomplishment. Are you taking the supplements, listening to the CDs or did you just quit? Keep posting, we are here for you.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Another newcomer...

      Welcome Lolab, you will find all the support you need on here, Congratulations on making it through week one, I have just made it too and I can sympathise how hard it is, I have a 17 year old and an 18 month old and I desperately want to be a good AF Mum for them both
      Taking it ODAT


        Another newcomer...

        congratulations to all who have made such great accomplishments! I hope to join you all on this path. Stargazer, I have always been a "supplement" person - so already took milk thistle, vitamin B, Evening primrose oil...but I haven't ordered anything else - I'm afraid my husband would see what I ordered as he pays the bills! If I run into difficulty, I may have to take another approach, but for now, I just quit.

        The most ironic thing - I take all these supplements to take care of my body, and we eat out maybe once every two months because I love to cook and only feed my family grass fed meats and mostly organic fresh foods....yet I'm pickling myself from the inside out!!!!!! maybe I love to cook because I can stand in the kitchen and do my thing with my glass of AL.....;-) But I've definitely been struggling with a jekyl/hyde persona...

        Another thing, I get a little worried...maybe that's why I posted those first few days, when the anxiety and irritability was at its worst, I really thought I had probably already done myself in....done more damage than could be repaired...and felt so much remorse that I couldn't imagine ever taking another drink...but as time goes by, I have these little pangs of feeling that maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I brain is playing tricks on me - as my soul knows that I was waaaay off the deep end. These aren't really cravings - just the little devil sitting on my shoulder trying to reason with me...

        My worst time of day is probably 2 PM - 6 PM. If I make it to 6 I'm ok! Even though on a weekend, I may have a drink after getting up. Because I would have taken some to bed with me to sip on during the night "if I couldn't sleep" to have more in the morning wasn't starting over, it was just a continuation.

        my morning rambling.

        Have a great day everyone. Today WILL be day 8! I'm amazed and couldn't do it without all of you. I made it through a weekend AF - you're right Hill. And after today, I will have made it through a long weekend! Jolie, I totally get the going out at night....heck I'd rush to get all my running done early so I could start...and that didn't always stop me. :-( I love reading all your stories - you inspire me to continue, really.

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Another newcomer...

          Day 10 today - I'm tired today...very fragmented, light sleep for the past few nights. BUT, I worked yesterday and I felt so productive and on top of things - despite the lack of quality sleep and lagging brain fog. That is another great thing about this place and all of you. Without you, I'd be wondering why I was still feeling a bit "foggy" - I quit drinking 10 days ago - shouldn't I feel fantastic? LOL.

          By reading all your stories and advice I realize that this is a process and I won't "recover" overnight. While I do feel LOTS better - I will continue to improve bit by bit - and that is DEFINITELY something to look forward to. :-)

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Another newcomer...

            Lola, you are doing just great! I can totally relate to what you said about taking healthy supplements, having a healthy diet yet at the same time destroying yourself with AL, I was doing exactly the same thing.

            Day 10 is fantastic, and no matter how irritable, weepy or foggy we feel, it can never be as bad as the hangovers and the feelings of utter despair and remorse that AL causes. :goodjob:


              Another newcomer...

              L, great work on your 10 days, that is truly awesome. Keep fighting the battle, you can do it.
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Another newcomer...

                Thanks again for all the support. I did get some L-glutamine yesterday - as I thought I read somewhere that it might help with sleep in addition to cravings. The cravings haven't been unbearable but the sleep is wearing me down - or should I say the lack of it. Everything else is coming along nicely and I just want to feel rested....sigh.

                Day 11 - here we come! And it's my 21st anniversary...I don't think I've ever celebrated it without a drink (or 5) :-)

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Another newcomer...

                  lolab;1065339 wrote: Thanks again for all the support. I did get some L-glutamine yesterday - as I thought I read somewhere that it might help with sleep in addition to cravings. The cravings haven't been unbearable but the sleep is wearing me down - or should I say the lack of it. Everything else is coming along nicely and I just want to feel rested....sigh.

                  Day 11 - here we come! And it's my 21st anniversary...I don't think I've ever celebrated it without a drink (or 5) :-)
                  ^5!! :goodjob:


                    Another newcomer...

                    I just celebrated by 30th anniversary two weeks ago, two days after ending my LAST binge. We did it AF because my husband is so done with my binges. I was still suffering from effects of the AL but I didn't want to ruin it for him, so I just smiled and pressed through. It was strange, but it was fine. The next morning we had a spa at the hotel planned and when we walked in, the masseuses handed each of us a glass of champagne. I was so surprised but I just said, give them both to him. Which he promptly consumed, which sort of pissed me off since he had gone AF the evening before to support me. Oh, how fast that "I won't drink either -- I can take it or leave it" evaporates..... At any rate, I got through it, and so can you! I believe in you!


                      Another newcomer...

                      hey, it's 7:30 - I made it! Thanks I felt the support. I had some "moments" today, though...but made it....phew.

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Another newcomer...

                        Hi lolab,

                        Never got a chance to say hello & welcome
                        Looks like you are doing a great job, good for you!

                        Hang in there, you will love the results!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Another newcomer...

                          lolab;1063665 wrote: I really thought I had probably already done myself in....done more damage than could be repaired...and felt so much remorse that I couldn't imagine ever taking another drink...but as time goes by, I have these little pangs of feeling that maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I brain is playing tricks on me - as my soul knows that I was waaaay off the deep end.
                          Wow. This is me to a "T."

                          Congrats on 11 days! I am back on this site after a hiatus, and looking for stories of hope and inspiration. Thank you for sharing yours.

                          Keep up the great work!


                            Another newcomer...

                            Thanks Lav and newstart - I don't really know why yesterday was difficult - I thought it was supposed to get easier? Maybe because the sleep issues are taking their toll...gotta get that one figured out...I'm tired again today. I hope today is not as difficult to stay away. It's snowing like crazy, so getting out of the house to get my mind off it might not be an option.

                            I should come up with a plan - a project. I could finish painting my bedroom that I started ummm a year ago? I could SHOVEL snow later? Watch a movie? I'm beginning to figure out that hanging out cooking in the kitchen is definitely a trigger. But we don't "do" takeout - and my hubby doesn't cook. Hmmmmm. I guess I need to figure out some quick easy to prepare healthy meals that don't leave me lingering in the kitchen...

                            And if all else fails, I will sit here and read the "what I don't miss" thread again - as I could have written the entire thing myself. :-(

                            Day 12 here I come - you WILL NOT break me!

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

