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    I am new. My marriage fell apart over a year ago, I started drinking everyday. Now Im scared because as soon as the alcohol wears off I start experiencing withdrawl symptoms. Work in the morning is killer. I vibrate all day long until im finished and can get to a liquor store. I am embarrassed because people always ask why I shake. I say 'i dont know, its started over a year ago......' even tho it hasnt. Its only been a few months. My last sober 'stretch' was the beginning of march, last year...... Six whole days...... Im done with this. I want it to be over.


    Good Morning RG,

    Sorry to hear things are not going too well at the moment.
    You will plenty of advice here if you stick around and explore the site.
    Hopefully, you can get started straight away and get a few ALCOHOL FREE days under your belt.
    If you log on here often and just share your thoughts and listen, you will be amazed how it can help.

    I would recommend looking on the "tool thread" on the Monthly Abstinence section.
    There are many people here with similar problems.
    And if you get through the first few difficult days, things WILL start looking up.

    All the best and welcome.

    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014



      Hi RG, and welcome. The great news is that you are ready to fight this battle. It seems from what you have written, that you have lost control of your alcohol intake, and your power over it. There are many people here who can help you - read and write lots.

      Start adding your sober days together - you can do it. Don't worry too much about the long term - it is easier to do that, once you have more sober time established. For now, day by day, you need to not drink. Stay hydrated, eat healthy, get some exercise if you can. The urges and triggers to drink will come along - expect them. It is OK to have them. Surf them like a wave, they will pass. Regardless of how long, high, short (like waves) they are, they will pass. Others will come along, and that is fine, you can surf them.

      Hang in there,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



        Hi rg, you have certainly come to the right place, there are so many lovely people on here who are ready and willing to provide support I am only new too and not much good advice to give really but I do know that each day AF you can get through the easier it becomes
        Taking it ODAT

